Well it has come to the time..... I had hoped that the last month I would write many blog entries, attempt daily posts, but unfortunately with the crazy construction project (from the flood) in our house, a two week trip to FL with the boys and just taking care of my little men I just never found the time... so it brings me to my final post... which I am sure I will not be able to get through without some tears shed on my end....
This past year has brought me more happiness then I have ever thought possible and quite honestly more then I think I deserve. I wished my whole life to be a mother and I am still in awe every day that I was blessed with not just one baby, but two.
I don't think I will ever forget the long road we had to finally get the news that we were expecting, seeing two pink lines on my home pregnancy test, the excitement when my mother in law and I heard "baby a has a heartbeat" and then "baby b has a heartbeat" at our first ultrasound, telling Pat who was over 1000 miles away we were having twins, holding his hand when we found out (yes I was shocked) that it was two boys, a few scary trips to the ER and who could forget the months of bedrest..... followed by the ups and downs of the NICU.... and now typing this one handed holding one sweet sleeping boy in my arm and one sweet sleeping boy right next to me
It still amazes me when I look at them that they are our babies, and words can not express the love I have for them. Sometimes I can't help myself when I give them a hug or watch them while they sleep it just brings tears to my eyes.... I am so so thankful for our family.
Of course I am also thankful for all of you who have supported us through our journey, reading along, checking in, prayers sent our way and for all of the ears that have listened to me and lifted my spirits, telling me everything would be ok, just when I needed to hear it... you were right. Everything is ok... in fact, better then ok.
Weston and Jamison have come off their heart monitors and are growing so fast. My "little peanut" is no longer the peanut. Weston has now become the "big guy" at 13lbs 1oz, Jamison, my "big Bubba" is coming in at 12lbs 15oz ... although I am sure they will still be my peanut and my bubba... even long after they are married with children of their own.
I am looking forward to the journey ahead, first words, first steps and tons of hugs and kisses. Its time for me to say goodbye to the blog.... although I have really had fun with it, all good things come to and end.... but I am sure I will find a new project to keep me busy :)
Much Love!