Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mrs. Patrick Crockett

Happy Anniversary to my hubby!!! I have been so lucky to be able to call myself Mrs. Patrick Crockett for 3 years.... it has flown by.

Of course everyone thinks their husband is the best, and I am no exception to that rule. Mind you he says some crazy things and he has crazy antics that I often joke about here on the blog but he is MY crazy man....

I already told you about how we met but I haven't yet shared the rest of our story :)

We began dating in July of 06. It didn't take long before we didn't need to ask what our plans would be for the weekend because we knew we would be together... and I remember how sweet he was when he officially asked me to be his "girlfriend".... in true Pat fashion this happened at the pool of Jimmy Guana's with a cold beer in hand sporting a cowboy hat... December came along and we went together to pick out our dog Maggie & we became our little family of 3...

For Christmas that year Pat had got me a cruise to Mexico for March, and I was sooooo excited for our first big trip together. By January we had moved in together (shame on us I know) and soon after it was time for our trip. It was on the cruise that Pat asked me to be his wife.... it was the perfect proposal with just the two of us and I was over the moon to know I would be spending the rest of my life with such a great man.... Pat had told me "I already have a wedding date for us, 06-07-08, its so cool" you can see how he fared, our wedding date became 09-01-07 :)

Well..... we had our big wedding planned for 11/10/07 (which was wonderful) but that is a whole different story............. On September 1st, three years ago Pat and I, along with our immediate family, walked out on our dock at sunset and became husband and wife... it was a great day!!!

I often give Pat a hard time on this blog, well he does make it VERY easy but in all honesty the man could easily have earned a purple heart from dealing with some of my antics and issues over the last few years... I am so grateful for his never ending love and support, and I hope that I am as good of a wife to him as he has been a husband to me.

Together we make a great team. My weaknesses are his strengths and my strengths are his weaknesses and I look forward to so many years being his wife and the momma to his sons!

Just in case you haven't had the privilege of knowing him I will share with you some of my favorite things about my Pat :)

- He is probably the smartest man I know.. never play trivia with him... you will lose

- He has a big heart... always one to offer help or support to anyone in need

- He is extremely loyal and will always stand by his friends & family

- He can fix anything... may need a cheerleader to cheer him on but if its broke he will fix it

- He believes in me and with him I know I can accomplish anything

- He turns into a little kid if you get him candy, you would think you handed him $100 :)

- He is a perfectionist.. he takes so much pride in what he does and won't stop until its perfect

- He has a great sense of humor and can always make you laugh

- He listens to the words of every song and always knows the "message" or "story"

Of course he is adorable with the cutest little butt I have ever seen and I so hope our babies get his dimples... I could really have this list go on and on, but I will spare you all from the gushy stuff and spare him from the embarrassment. I may be biased but I think I hit the husband jackpot when I married my Pat!!!

Happy Anniversary my love!!!


Its Tuesday!

30weeks 1day

Well its my favorite day I love to hate :)

Today's peepee check- no changes, just trace proteins just like last week

Today's weight check- 3lbs!!! Gesh I knew last week was too good to be true but come on.... I have been sick half the week so food has been pretty sparse and still 3lbs??? Ringing in at a grand total of 45lbs...... still have 5 more to go for my goal. Hmmm 7 weeks left.... oh well, fingers crossed if they check the babies weights tomorrow they are MUCH MUCH bigger :)

Today is also the last day my mother in law and "Aunt" Debbie are here. It has been so nice having them and I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate all of the help. It is really hard not being able to "nest", wash and fold the boys little tiny clothes, organize their blankets and booties, put together all of the baby gear like the swing and bouncy seats.... and just really get my hands on all of the baby stuff... its like the final steps you take before bringing your new little bundle (or bundles) home...but I couldn't have had two better people helping out. Our babies beds are clean, clothes are ready, diaper bag packed, and changing stations stocked :) I am sad to see them go but I know it will be just a few short weeks before Pats mom is back to see her newest grandbabies!!!

You know who else happened to notice the "nesting" stuff and that our lives are really about to change forever.... Pat :) He obviously has known for a long time that we are soon going to have two little boys coming into our family but I think with seeing the little baby trinkets all over the house it has really began to set in that he will soon be a daddy. He was holding their coming home outfit the other day and he just couldn't get over how small it was... "I can fit the whole thing in my hand" It just makes me so happy. I get to bond with these little guys all of the time and I know its harder for men to really grasp whats about to happen but it is so sweet to see him really starting to get ready for his new additions. Just the other day I was on my way to the ladies room and I caught him starring at my belly........... of course this is where he would normally insert some crazy Peter Griffin comment but instead he just looked and said "its so weird to think that you have two babies in there". Sometimes even I find it hard to believe I have 2 in my belly..... its truly amazing!!!

Before signing off tonight I ask that each of you say a little prayer for a dear friend. Pat and I have been blessed beyond words to finally have our miracles, IVF worked for us and we were so lucky it happened on our second attempt. IVF is a great procedure and has brought so many infertile couples their long awaited family... but as I know first hand is not a cure and it doesn't always work the first time, and sometimes not the second and for some families its their last attempt, their last hope and it fails. The loss you feel after a failed cycle is almost unbearable and for my friend, its is sadly not the first time she had to feel that hurt. Its so heartbreaking to know all she has been through throughout the 15 years she has tried to conceive, its hard to find the right words... please if you pray, include her and her husband at this very difficult time in their lives... Thank you.............


Monday, August 30, 2010

We made it!!! 30 weeks baby!!!

This is it, we are in the home stretch!!! I am finally out of the 20's and moving into the 30's... funny how exciting those numbers are in terms of pregnancy because I was not nearly this excited when I moved from 29 years old to 30 but in this case its FABULOUS :)

Little guys are now approximately the size of a head of cabbage, 15.7 inches long and about 3 lbs each :) I think they are getting measured on Wednesday, I can't wait to see how big they are actually measuring.

I had my normal meeting with my Dr. this morning and he confirmed unless something comes up delivery date will be on or around October 18th, I will be exactly 37 weeks.... these are going to be some nice healthy babies!!! I was just thinking by then each baby will be 5-6 lbs so I am going to have 10-12 lbs of baby in my belly !!! Holy cow!!! There already seems to be so little room left I can't even imagine what thats going to feel like... but I guess I will know soon enough :)


Whoaaaaaaaaa nelly!!! So while I was typing this I just got accosted by my nurse... I am back to having bad potty issues and unfortunately along with the struggle to get the party started down there, I have some new party guest... these are uninvited, slightly annoying, attention seeking and literal pain-in-the-a_ _ type guest....... do you know where I am going with this?????

Yes... officially I have hemorrhoids... I was pretty certain when I went for a swipe down there and found my regular parts had been replaced by a painful cauliflower, that was what was happening. Of course I had to mention this to the nurse tonight and she sweetly says that she will get me something to help out the situation.... well she returns and decides she would like to hit this with a double dose of two different types of meds but before she does she needs to take a look followed by "don't worry I have seen lots of butts"..... Um really??? It was already not pretty down there and I do have to look at your face for the rest of the evening.... yes I know you may look at lots of butts however I am particularly attached to this one and I like to keep that area off limits.... no such luck, I had to drop my drawers, she had to spread the cheeks (its alot of cheek to move around, I promise, if you think my belly is big..... you have no idea) and took a peak. She found exactly what I thought she would find and is now totally understanding my fear of letting these potty issues get bad again... lord knows I have enough going on down there, I really don't need anymore uninvited guest showing up to this party....


Saturday, August 28, 2010


29weeks 5days-

I would love to tell you I had soooo much going on that I have been to busy to post, but unfortunately that is just not the case. I have been so sick to my stomach the thought of doing.... well anything really, just makes me feel even worse.

They give me Pepcid twice a day and Zofran every 4 hours as needed, and of course I am eating saltines and drinking Ginger Ale but I am still having a bit of a rough time making it through the day.... thank goodness we are closing in on the final stretch for these babies. There is just not enough room left in my belly for them to avoid putting the pressure on my stomach which is... no fun :(

I remember in the beginning of my pregnancy I was actually upset I didn't have morning sickness because I felt so good I just didn't "feel" pregnant.... and of course I was thinking I was going to skip this stuff all together... well I am now very thankful I didn't have to deal with this in the beginning and obviously very wrong in thinking I was going to get to skip it.

I think my hubby was testing me. The other day he brought me a chocolate covered donut, of course I would typically be thrilled, I love anything chocolate and I am especially fond of donuts.... I thanked him but told him I just couldn't eat it so he held it up and said "ok then... I am going to eat it myself...." waiting for me to stop him, I didn't, at that point I think he realized if it was keeping me from my chocolate heaven, I was not feeling well.

He didn't give up there, the big guy tried again today in offering one of my all time favorites, Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha... this is a big deal for him, going to a coffee shop for Pat is equal to most people going to have a tooth pulled- he hates it- but was so sweet to offer to stop for me and unfortunately as good as it sounded I just couldn't even stomach the thought.... I try to eat what I can, when I can, I know I need to for the babies but it isn't easy that is for sure.

Closing in on 30 weeks, at most we have 7 weeks left, I think I can I think I can I think I can....

Oh, and as for Wednesday's ultrasound, Weston's fluid is still up, it was a bit higher then last week but there are no plans other then to keep an eye on it weekly... I however keep an eye on it every day when I look down at my wonky belly :) His side is visibly bigger then Jamison's side.... my little trouble maker!!!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday updates!

29weeks 1day-

Oh what a day :) Yesterday the Ear Nose and Throat Dr. let me know that today would be the day for my tube... of course I was a bit nervous and having flashbacks of the horror show that occurred when my last tube went in, however this only lasted a short while. When my anesthesia Dr. came in to go over everything with me he told me the best news ever!!!! Since I am in my 3rd trimester it was A-Okay to get some sleepy time drugs!!! Sooooo much better. The nurses started me an IV at 11:00pm last night for my "scheduled" procedure at 12:00 today.

They came and got me at 11:30, and well I am sure you know how these "scheduled" things work, never on time, not that I was complaining it was nice to stare at new walls instead of the ones inside my room. We finally got in the O.R. at about 2:30pm. The boys were even assigned to their very own nurse! She came with us and monitored them from pre-op all the way through post-op, this was officially their very first babysitter :) As for me, I was awake and felt what was happening, but with that fantastic IV cocktail they gave me it was smooth sailing, a 100% improvement over the last time. Recovery was fantastic and I wheeled back in my room at about 4:00pm.

Side note- The nurses were great in the O.R. but I had 3 very different views that kind of made it funny (well 2 out of 3 were funny, 3rd eh, didn't like her as much)

Nurse 1- "Wow your belly is very small for twins"- yes I LOVED her :)

Nurse 2- after finding out Weston had extra fluid (sometimes monitors pick up movements I can't feel because of this) she said "oh no wonder your belly is sooooo big" I wanted to say "well your buddy over there said I was small for twins, so there!!" maybe along with sticking out my tongue, but I held myself back.... besides she was super sweet and I thought it was kinda funny since it was said about 60 seconds after the Nurse 1:)

Nurse 3- happens to be a new mom and is part of the anesthesia team... she waited till the Dr. left the room and asked "just curious why you would WANT to do this NOW and not wait till AFTER the babies are born?" In a bit of a tone that suggested that I was putting them at risk.... obviously this chick has not had ear issues... and maybe skipped a few anatomy classes in nursing school. It can cause permanent hearing loss to have fluid in your ear for a long period of time, can get infected, is extremely uncomfortable, the medication I was on isn't very healthy for the boys, and the PREGNANCY is what caused this to happen... and with 2 months left, could get significantly worse without being fixed... I was a bit stunned by her approach so unfortunately I didn't tell her what I really thought of her judgemental question, my only answer was "I have two months left..." Oh well...

Now for our Tuesday updates-

1) Peepee test showed trace proteins again, however the levels were pretty low so we are go to go here this week :)

2) I gained........ 0 lbs, nothing, so I am still rolling in right at 42lbs.... I am going to blame the lack of weight gain on this wonderful bout of nausea I have been battling the last few days... Oh ladies in case you didn't know (I had no idea) per my nurses, morning sickness can wait to appear until your 3rd trimester!!! Isn't that a great tidbit of info? Really?!?! This was the one pregnancy thing I was thinking I was going to avoid, no suck luck. So for now I am loving saltine crackers and ginger ale :)

Tomorrow is ultrasound day! A quick peak at my little men and measuring Weston's fluid. I will keep you posted!


Monday, August 23, 2010

29 weeks 29 weeks 29 weeks!!!

Last week in the 20's I can't believe it!!! Well I can when I look at my ever expanding stretch marks that are now migrating from my low back down, over my butt and to the back of my thigh...but so excited that we have one more week down... at most we have 8 left... not to shabby we are getting there for sure!

So the boys have now moved on... to a squash :) Each baby is now about 15 inches long and 2 1/2 lbs.... However if you notice the size of the belly this week I am thinking they have had a little growth spurt (hey now its not me its them, I promise I have eased up on the doughnuts and cupcakes this week). It funny when you see yourself each day you don't notice the changes to much but when I went to take my belly picture and could barely squeeze in the whole thing... I have to admit its gotten bigger... hmmmm wonder what the scale will tell me tomorrow?

I have an ear update......... unfortunately I am getting a tube put in sometime this week. The medications haven't helped, actually its gotten a bit worse. Normally they would increase medication doses and give it more time but being pregnant they can't increase the doses so in goes the tube. Lord help me.. I really hope it is not as bad of an experience as the last time.... Seriously though tubes are supposed to be for kids, I was shocked when I needed the first one and even more so needing a second... got to love what pregnancy can do to your sinuses. Heads up to all of you soon to pregnant ladies... EVERYTHING about your body changes when you are pregnant!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and just in case I have anyone interested... yes I have finally gone poopoo YIPPEEE!!!! I had a wonderful nurse Saturday night and after finding out how long it had been and all of what I was taking she vowed to make it her person mission to get the party started before she left... exact words "I am not leaving to go home until you go to the bathroom" so to my regular lineup she added a nice cocktail of hot prune juice tea followed by two doses of prescription liquid plumber for your bottom, about 3 hours after the second dose we were in business baby!!!!


Friday, August 20, 2010

I think I am going to have gray hair!!

28weeks 4days-

These boys REALLY are giving me a bit to much to worry about....

Yesterday I had a few contractions throughout the day but nothing to serious. I have to say that with all of the contractions I have had up till then were like a tightening feeling where my whole belly got hard and that was it. Sometimes I would see them on the contraction monitor but didn't even know I was having them.... and of course I started thinking to myself "wow everyone complains about these, I don't think they are to painful at all" Ya I am sooooo tough............

About 12:00 am last night.... I have to admit (which you can ask Pat I don't do often) oh boy was I wrong, I got cramps, then bigger cramps, some stabbing pains all accompanied by the tightening contractions.... I am like I can deal, no biggie and then I just sat staring at the clock knowing my nurse would be by anytime. When she came in she gave my big ole baby bump a squeeze and told me she needed to put me on the monitors, for the boys heart rate and my contractions....for just a few minutes....well an hour later ....big contractions were happening 10 minutes apart little tiny ones in between, ouch Ouch and OUCH!!!! Good news is though the boys were fine throughout. So they gave me some medication (a little shot in the arm) and we were very lucky everything stopped. Its pretty rough on your heart though, it makes you shaky and feel like your heart is pounding out of your chest so hopefully I won't need anymore of that.

Tonight the nurse came in to do our vitals and went to check the boys, Jamison's heartrate was high again so she strapped me up to watch him for "20 minutes" which turned into over an hour because as he was finally settling they noticed Weston hadn't had any accelerations, so essentially his rate was staying too low?!?!?! Of course they were watching me for contractions as well and I had three (they weren't regular so they didn't worry about them to much). The last one I actually was on the phone with my dad and all the sudden I had the crazy pain and actually broke out in a sweat... it was for sure the worst one yet......... sorry Dad didn't mean to hang up on you!

All of these contractions have me thinking... I AM SO HAPPY I AM HAVING A C-SECTION :)
I have had lots of stomach surgery, I know what to expect, I know whats involved... I can totally handle that. I have thought here and there throughout my pregnancy that I was missing out not delivering the way we were intended to and I would be missing out on actual child birth......... Ummmmmm ya, not so much! Contractions stink and I am TOTALLY ok with not ever having them in full swing :) All I think I will be missing out is some sore, swollen and possibly torn girlie bits.

Oh and for the record (TMI alert).... still having issues in the potty department.... just because I find this kind of impressive I have to share......... today's doses to get the party started down there are as follows:

-4 fiber pills
-3 softners
-1 Milk of Magnesia
-1 dose of mineral oil

Most people would be pooing their brains out, and for me................ NOTHING!!!! This is for sure the thing I will miss the least about being pregnant. Dr. said this may possibly be why I am contracting. So now when each nurse walks into the room first question is "did you go yet?" Fun times :)


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ultrasound results :)

28 weeks 2days-

Let me start by saying these boys were NOT cooperative today.... and I mean if there was a time out chair in my belly both boys would have been there. Each morning since I have been here they started off with putting the heart monitors on to check their heart rates for just a few minutes and then strap on a monitor to watch for contractions which stays on for 20+ minutes. At 28 weeks they added in NST testing which stands for Non Stress Test. It watches the heart rates and makes sure they are accelerating properly.... essentially they strap the heart monitors in place and leave them on while the contraction monitor is running as well. Here lies the problem....... if the boys move, it throws off the test and it begins again. Well these boys must have been playing a game of kickball, had a wrestling match, maybe a party, but something was going on, they were moving and moving and moving...... poor nurse had to sit there holding the pads in place for over and hour and a half!!! She even had to call in backup!!! I felt so bad for her! Naughty little babies.... I am sure they get that from their daddy :)

So next up was the ultrasound, just a mere 2 minutes after we finished with the NST...... in this case they actually wanted the boys to move............. you betcha.....they put the little wand on my belly and ..........they gave us notta, nothing, just laid there chilling out. I guess they had tuckered themselves out from all of that playing!! After much poking and proding we finally got them to move... not alot, just enough to finish with the test :) The good news is Weston's fluid level is holding steady, still high but at least there are no changes which is great!

As for me, they did ok some meds for my ear. Fingers crossed in a few days I will be able to lose the underwater feeling in my left ear.... that would be fantastic :)

Even with my naughty babies I had such a great day. I had one of my favorite nurses, a visit from Pats mom and "Aunt" Debbie (they came bearing some amazing little baby goodies for the boys) and finished up with a nice visit from my hubby!

Pat mentioned he heard a new Brad Paisley (we LOVE him) song called "Anything Like Me" on the way to the hospital tonight that he liked. After a quick google search I had it playing on the laptop.... I blame it on the hormones but I got a bit teary eyed (ok... don't tell Pat, but I wasn't the only teary eyed person in the room).... Such a sweet song and I am sure it will ring very true for us.... I know my stubborn man gave his momma a run for her money a few times when he was growing up and I am expecting no less from my boys... actually bracing myself for much worse since it will be little Pat's times two :) Here are the lyrics, although I totally recommend listening to good ole Brad sing it. If you have a son (maybe even a daughter) I am betting you won't make it to the end without a quick dab to your eyes either :)

I remember sayin' I don't care either way
Just as long as he or she is healthy I'm okay
Then the doctor pointed to the corner of the screen
And said, "You see that thing right there, well you know what that means"

I started wondering who he was going to be
And I thought heaven help us if he's anything like me

He'll probably climb a tree too tall and ride his bike too fast
End up every summer wearin' something in a cast
He's gonna throw a ball and break some glass in a window down the street

He's gonna get in trouble, oh he's gonna get in fights
I'm gonna lose my temper and some sleep
It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my payback if he's anything like me

I can see him right now, knees all skinned up
With a magnifying glass tryin' to melt the Tonka truck
Won't he be a sight with his football helmet on?
That'll be his first love 'til his first love comes along

He'll get his heart broke by the time he's in his teens
And heaven help him if he's anything like me

He'll probably stay out too late and drive his car too fast
Get a speeding ticket, he'll pay for mowing grass
He's gonna get caught skippin' class and be grounded for a week

He's gonna get into trouble, we're gonna get in fights
I'm gonna lose my temper and some sleep
It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my payback if he's anything like me

He's gonna love me and hate me along the way
Years are gonna fly by and I already dread the day

He's gonna hug his momma, he's gonna shake my hand
He's gonna act like he can't wait to leave
But as he drives out he'll cry his eyes out if he's anything like me
There's worst folks to be like, oh he'll be alright if he's anything like me

I can honestly say this pregnancy hasn't been a picnic in the park... it has been tough, painful, long, and lord help me.... its not over yet... but I wouldn't change a thing. I am so blessed and excited to be Jamison and Weston's momma and to give my husband two sons. I can only hope they take after their daddy, good, bad and everything in between :) He is the best man I know...... well tied with my Daddy of course!!!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday updates!

28weeks 1day-

Its Tuesday, oh how I love and hate this day all at the same time... love it because we get our protein test back and hate it because I see that horribly high number on the scale... OUCH!!!

However we had good news on both ends today, negative for all proteins and we had a 2 pound weight gain, grand total up to 42 lbs (holy cow we are getting awfully close to my 50 lb goal). Since they want 1-2 lbs a week this isn't too shabby, fingers crossed though next week is only 1 :)

So for my next update let me start by saying.... if it sounds crazy or only effects a few people, its probably going to happen to me.... this is also why my husband likes to say I married him for his insurance!!!

About 2 1/2 years ago I had got an ear infection...if your didn't think adults could get those you are not alone because I didn't think they did either, well until I got one. I was on antibiotics and meds from one end to the other, (shout out to all you ladies who know what I am talking about, gotta love the fantastic side effects of antibiotics for our lady parts) and it continued for months. The only upside was when Pat said something I didn't like I could just pretend I didn't hear him :) But in all seriousness it was a killer, totally felt like I was underwater and the shooting pain in my ear wasn't much fun either, so eventually I got sent to a Ear Nose and Throat Dr (yep I was the only adult in the waiting room but I did enjoy playing with the legos while I waited, much more fun then reading the Time mag you find at the grown up Dr). So after just a few minutes he decided I needed a Tube put in just like the wee little ones do. He gave me two options 1) I could schedule a day and be put to sleep to have the procedure "this is the way we do it for all of the children" or 2) they could do it right there and then and it would take just a few minutes "this is what we usually do for adults". So me being sooooo tough I said sure lets just do this now..... WORST MISTAKE EVER!!! It was a horrible experience. I have had my fair share of medical procedures and can honestly say this was tied for top two (other one being a procedure on my girlie bits with no pain meds... thats another story...), honestly would rather have another open stomach surgery then to have to do that again.

Why am I telling you this story??? Well because its starting again...... I have been having a hard time hearing out of my ear the last few days and have to tilt my head all the way to the side to make it better. Most likely its caused from the fact I have not been able to breath out of my nose since I have been pregnant (remember I was one of the lucky 20% with pregnancy sinusitis) so the fluid in there is just not working the way it should. So today another Ear Nose and Throat Dr came in for a visit and sure enough there is fluid back there (in my left, the right ear still has a tube, ps this should have fell out on its own a year ago, of course its still there, however in this case I am thankful because it is the reason I can at least hear out of that one). The bummer is because I am pregnant I can't take the typical meds. He put in some recommendations for my OB's who will tell me tomorrow what I will be able to take.... and guess what... if it doesn't work.... they will wheel me down to the O.R. and put a Tube in, and since I am pregnant the only option this time is to be AWAKE... so at this point all I can say is... TO HE-L WITH THAT!!!! Pleas keep your fingers crossed that whatever plan they are going to come up with works because I really, no REALLY....... don't want to have that procedure while I am awake again for as long as I live!!!!!

Tomorrow is ultrasound day to check on little Weston's fluid, I will keep you posted!!


PS -Pats mom and "Aunt" Debbie got in today!!! I am sure the nurses were about DONE with me telling them how excited I was for their visit. They both got a little kick from the babies too so it looks like we were all happy to see them :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

28 weeks!! wooo hoooooo!!

We made it we made it!!! What a big milestone for my boys today! This was the initial number our Dr's were shooting for when I was admitted to the hospital and we are here! At this point if the boys were to be born the long term, permanent complications of being born premature are minimal. Of course we want them baking longer, with each passing day they are getting bigger, stronger and at a much safer place in their development. They say for each day in your belly it saves the babies 2 days in the NICU, so for sure the longer the better. Oooooh and the other great part of being 28 weeks is we have now officially moved into the 3rd trimester!! I can hardly believe after waiting more then 2 1/2 years to be pregnant that we have come this far... I can not wait to hold my little babies.... well that and its still hard to believe there are 2 in my belly, I don't think that will feel real until I see them both :)

At 28 weeks (they are still calling this an eggplant??) the average weight is 1.5 to 2.2 lbs with a length of between 13.6 and 14.8 inches from crown to rump.... but of course our guys are a bit big for their age... making momma proud already!

Lets talk hiccups for a second. Babies get hiccups because they help to teach them how to breath on their own and gets them ready for life outside the tummy.... and I have to say that both of the babies are doing great with this. Just last night the nurse was commenting on how well they were doing for their "age". I have heard so many woman say how much they love it when their baby gets hiccups, they think its sweet and adorable.......... I am NOT one of those women. I like knowing they are doing great and are a bit ahead however..... it completely creeps me out.... if you can imagine having two little heads right in your girlie bits, and then add the bubbling sensation of hiccups every 10 seconds for however many minutes at a time, multiply by two because God love them, it must be a brother thing, one never has them with out the other.... its an extremely odd sensation that I could not describe as sweet and/or adorable, different, odd, weird maybe..... not that I am complaining I love knowing they are doing good I just wish they could have their hiccups more upwards towards my belly or towards my side instead of, you know.. down there :)

Tomorrow is a big day.... my mother in law and "Aunt"Debbie are coming for a visit!!! I love these ladies, they are super fun and it will be awesome to see them! They will get to do some nice touristy things in DC and of course I am sure will stop by the hospital a few times as well, can't wait to see them! Tomorrow night its the big weigh in for the week and our pee pee test for protein, fingers crossed both of those are uneventful :)


Friday, August 13, 2010

This is B-a-n-a-n-a-s!!!!

27weeks 5days

Here in the hospital they have now changed the order system for our meals...Instead of just delivering at 3 specific times you call downstairs and order your meals when you are hungry anytime between 7:00-7:30. Good news is food is actually hot (well warm...) when it gets here, bad news it doesn't taste any better.

So I wake up this morning and order my regular breakfast and ask for a banana.... this is how that conversation went....

"Oh I am sorry you can not have a banana"
"why not?"
"because of your allergy"
"I am only allergic to latex"
"yes, latex is in the banana"
"WHAT?!??! its a banana???"
"yes but there is latex in the skin of the banana"
"I don't plan on eating the skin......"
"I am so sorry, how about a nice fruit cup instead"
"how about your shove that fruit cup in your...." Ok I didn't say that but I wanted to!!!!

I was so peeved. Let me add I have eaten a banana a day since I have been here. It was a hand written system that people would check, obviously no normal person would see it as a problem so they were giving them to me.. but now with this new ordering system by computer it is flagged. There are only 3 options for fresh fruit, banana, grapes, and an apple......... I have 2 months left in this place and I love fruit, they can not take this away...... so I plotted and planned for Pat to smuggle in a bunch at a time.... I will show them!!!

Shortly later the Dr. comes in for rounds and I answer his daily questions, he starts to leave. Normally I try to be very complacent with both them and the nurses but this time I decide instead of having the hubby get in trouble for smuggling in the forbidden fruit I would just ask him to fix the banana issue... he says

"oh I am sorry but there is latex in the skin"
"not going to eat the skin... I promise"
"yes but you will hold the banana in your hand, therefore touching it and exposing yourself"
"I have eaten them almost daily for 30 years and I have yet to have a problem"
"so you have eaten bananas before?"
"yes, almost daily.......well until today"
"and you have never had a problem"
"hmmmm...............ok I will get you a banana"

SERIOUSLY???? You would have thought I was asking for a shot of vodka served in a latex glass or something! Supposedly he put orders in my chart that they are not a no-no anymore so hopefully upon my breakfast order tomorrow they won't give me any grief. Who would have thought that one of the most simple fruits contain latex??? Not me!!! Don't these people know not to mess with a pregnant ladies food???


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Baby weights!

27 weeks 2 days-

We had our ultrasound bright and early today. Great tech this time. For one, it was a fun wheel chair ride because the girl walked so fast it was like a slight jog. Almost reminded me of two kids playing around pushing each around super fast, all I needed was for her to pop a wheely and we would have been all set.... for two, she took her time and pointed out all of the little baby parts... and I kept it to myself that with all of the ultrasounds I have had I could have probably given her an anatomy lesson :) Its getting so cramped in there every time they move the little wand there are all kinds of bits of baby that pop into the screen, very cute. Today they were both awake and moving so it was pretty sweet to see little Jamison kicking and moving around and of course Weston was busy busy busy as always :)

There measurements and weights were really great, they both gained exactly a pound each.

Jamison now weighs 2lbs 5oz
Weston now weighs 2lbs 6oz

Looks like we will have some nice healthy boys, typical weights at this gestation are 2 lbs so they are both just a bit ahead, can't wait to meet my munchkins :)

Oh................. in other news............... The regular Dr. did rounds today (instead of the resident or fellow) so I just figured I would ask him when he thought I would be able to bust out of this joint............... he said "well, after you deliver" WHAT???!!!!!! and he followed up with "maybe if everything is going great then you will be able to go home at 34 weeks" So it looks like I should get cozy, its going to be awhile.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Tuesday

What a great day!!! Well it started off a bit shaky when my Dr. came in this morning and told me I had become a bit anemic and she was considering putting me on additional iron... seriously I almost cried. Now I know a little iron pill sounds like no biggie however the side effect of that little tiny pill is a biggie, at least for me.... *TMI alert* it makes it hard to go potty, and if you remember its already REALLY hard... The other day after my regular 6 fiber pills & 3 softners, they added 4 glasses of prune juice..... and some Milk of Magnesia.... and I still couldn't go... its AWFUL... Anyways so as she is saying this I have visions of pooing soda cans and seriously tears fill my eyes and she must have noticed because she then asked me how I was doing in that department and when I told her she was and Angel and said she wouldn't toss in the extra pill but asked me to add a little more red meat to my diet... now that I can do!!!

This afternoon was fantastic... I had a great visit from an old high school friend and her kiddos (for the record super sad they are moving away) and later this evening I had another friend here on business from FL and I had a great visit with her as well. Spoiled!! Two visitors in the same day.... bonus they are both chatty ladies so it was super nice talking, and talking, and talking... well you know me I talk alot anyway so maybe they were merely putting up with me but either way it was a great way to spend the day!!

Well this brings me to tonight.... I had my test for the week..

1) pee-pee test was great!!! no traces of protein in there at all... Yay me!!!

2) weight gain- told you that measly 1/2 pound weight gain wouldn't last.. up 3 lbs!!! In a week!!! My goodness!!! So new total is 40lbs. 10 lbs left in my 50lbs goal, 9 weeks.... hmmmmm we will see. Although I am thinking this week may have been partly due to me falling off the wagon and possibly eating 4 cupcakes & 4 donuts... no not all at once (although that would make for a VERY GOOD day) but regardless I was naughty this week... probably my naughtiest week yet... okay not probably, it was ... but I will be a good girl for now on.... well at least mostly good :)

So thats it for today I will post an update tomorrow after my ultrasound!!!


Monday, August 9, 2010

Good news!!!

I had my glucose test this morning for gestational diabetes... when I say morning.. I mean EARLY. They came in with my orange flavored drink at 6:00 am. Lots of people say that this stuff is gross, but I however found it almost enjoyable... Maybe after living on hospital food for 2 weeks my taste buds are not what they used to be, or maybe its my never ending sweet tooth??? Either way, not bad at all. It was almost like some childhood orange flavored Koolaid or those other little kids drinks that come in weird shaped plastic squirt bottles that are like colored sugar flavored water.

6:30 Dr. came by for rounds, 7:00 the nurse popped in for my blood drawl and by 9:00am we got our results.... a big fat NEGATIVE!!!! Happy dance Happy dance!!! Lord knows I would not want to have to switch to the diabetic diet, especially when I am not in charge of getting my own meals together. We needed a 135 or less to avoid any further testing and I squeaked in at 132 :)

So far this week I am thinking we are off to a good start! I have some more blood work later today, then they will give me the RH shot (I am a negative blood type and Pat is a positive blood type) but I don't think there is anything too exciting until our Wednesday ultrasound. They will be checking Weston's fluid and the Dr. told me this morning they will also be measuring and getting the weights of the babies, I am excited to see how big they are getting :)


Sunday, August 8, 2010

27 weeks!!

Wow can't believe one more week until we are officially in the safe zone! Even crazier that even if we make it to full term for a twin pregnancy I am now in the single digits for weeks left!! Can you believe that in under 9 short weeks one way or another we will finally be meeting these little boys.

For this week we are at approximately 14.5 inches long, 2 pounds each and the size of a cauliflower head :) As you can see I actually figured out a way to get an updated belly shot.... still no head, between the hospital bed head and minimal to no makeup... promise it is a sight no one wants to see or will miss at all.

I have officially lost the war.... and the "fat wrinkle" game... I have stretch marks.... they have migrated down from my boobs to my belly... so far only on the left side (thank you Weston for the extra fluid in your area) but I am sure those bad boys will be sprouting roots all over the place soon. For the record before anyone tells me to use cocoa butter....THAT IS A LOAD OF CRAP!!! Since the day I found out I was pregnant, even before learning we had twins on board, I have had more grease and oil on my belly, thighs and boobs then a side of bacon. I even decided to face this attack from all angles. I used my 100% cocoa butter stick, cocoa butter lotion and a cocoa butter oil minimum of 2-3 times per day.... So I am now on board with the must be genetics camp... but hey I fought a good fight before I surrendered. Honestly I was hoping the genetics Gods would spare me stretch marks since they have ever so graciously gave me cellulite-o-plenty.... and as much as I would love to say THAT was pregnancy related... its not... although with the added 37.5 lbs there is for sure some added dimples in my butt (no not the cute kind either).

You know how they say a girl will marry a man like her father? For the most part that is true with my Pat. He is sweet and kind and will bend over backwards to help other people... however in knowing what to say to make you feel BETTER.. ummm not so much.

Example: To get the above belly picture from my cell onto this website I needed to have it intercepted by my dad and sent back to me (long story, involves a cheap cell phone, and a not so happy Valentine's day gift- but thats whole different topic LOL) So when my dad opened the picture he called and told me that I was alot smaller then he was expecting for being 27 weeks with twins..... of course that made me feel pretty good.... Later Pat calls (unfortunately he is in Texas until Friday, boys ARE NOT allowed to be born until after their daddy comes home) and I pass along this tidbit to him, hey don't judge, yes I know this is a boring conversation however I don't have alot to talk about here in the hospital so I went with it.... anyways, so he responds with "ya well you have soooo much further to go I am sure you will get way bigger" Thanks babe, so sweet!!

This can only be topped by our conversation the other night.... I am laying in bed and he is kind of starring at me from the side.. hmmmm ...

"what are you looking at?"
"your glasses"
"because they are digging into the side of your head"
"I don't remember them being like that"
"because they probably didn't"
"what do you mean?"
"Pat seriously?? I have gained almost 40 lbs, apparently now its moved upwards and I have a fat head"
"Thanks babe!!!!"

Yes I promise this is one area they are different in... if you remember from before my dad made a comment about me carrying the boys in my butt... and while he did make a comment, he knows to back it up by many compliments and usually a special treat :) That is what living with my mom for 37 years will do to ya... Happy wife = happy life right???

Well I guess we have lots of years ahead for my dad to bestow his wisdom.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

A little excitement...

26weeks 3days

Early morning rounds this morning were 6:40 sharp. Talk to the Dr about yesterday's ultrasound (more on that in a second) and then I am wide awake so I figure a nice shower would be a great way to start the day........

The showers here have some pretty AMAZING water pressure, never seen anything like it, but its almost like getting a massage its that hard. So in typical fashion I toss on the water to get it to the right temp and proceed to get my things ready.....

Turn water on-

Boom, bang, crash- super high water pressure sends my shampoo bottle to floor

I ignore the thud - have my pants and undies about half way down my legs

Nurse bursts through the door shouting "are you ok??"

Me stopped dead in my tracks- remaining bent over- total deer in the head lights

Three more nurses fly into room- staring at me- me bare bottom- pants around thighs

I was like whoaaaa for goodness sakes it was just a shampoo bottle??? No need to send in the troops!!! Apparently, the shampoo somehow hit the alarm system in the shower on its way down....

Good news is if I ever need super fast service I now know exactly what to do to get plenty of nurses in a very short period of time... bad news is... four nurses who had never before seen my face have now seen WAY more of me then I feel particularly comfortable with..... :) Oh well... I am sure they have seen worse... Right????????

Ok, so for yesterday's ultrasound the ultrasound tech FREAKED ME OUT (remember when i said my regular tech is awesome, there is good reason-she doesn't do such things to crazy hormonal pregnant ladies)..... and then I continued to freak myself out by spending too much time on Google (if you ever want to see the absolutely worst case scenario of any situation google your heart out... if you'd rather not panic save yourself and skip this step).

They came and got me fairly early for the scan and of course I am always looking forward to seeing my boys so I am happily wheeled down.. on our trip she mentions its to check Weston's fluid levels because it was high last time, ok no problem. So she doing her thing and I ask if it was the same as last week and she said she wasn't sure... then she starts scanning his little heart, and scanning it, and scanning it..... and then she says "have they been monitoring his heart?" and I reply "well they check his heart rate but they don't put me on any monitors for it" and she says "hmmmm... ok lets get you back, we are all set" WHAT???? So I am freaking out like, should they be monitoring it?? Why did she look at it for so long??? Did she see something???? Which drops me back in front of the laptop to google causes for high fluid levels.... I can assure you that while no reasons for high levels were extremely horrible, non were pleasant... worst being heart defects. So I waited patiently for rounds this morning and asked the Dr. who assured me, baby is ok, they are just making sure there are no dramatic increases, so far there were no changes between last week and this week... now I feel sooooo much better. She also told me I was not crazy, all of the woman on this floor have to much time on their hands and they all over-google :)

Side note the other thing the ultrasound lady said which completely cracked me up because I knew if Pat were here he would have been like "Uh oh...." So when she was scanning Jamison's face she said "wow this is going to be a beautiful baby" and she got a good picture of his face... then she scanned Weston and said.............. nothing............ hahahaha I could see it was because he was pretty smushed and she really didn't get a good look at him but I had to tell Pat just because... well its fun to make him sweat a bit.. So I tell him what she said about Jamison and without missing a beat he said "well what about Weston? Is he not going to be cute? Was there something wrong?" :) Hey I have nothing else to do so I have to pick on Pat when I can

Today is Thursday! Social hour for the bedridden preggos. It will be nice to see some other ladies and get out of the room for a bit... not sure what today's topic is but thats ok I would listen to anything to get out of my room :)


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Quick Rant

Ok so we all know I have a tremendous amount of time on my hands lately which lends itself to ALOT of time watching t.v. and it has come to my attention there is apparently a need to play the "Whooping Cough" commercial 37,294,795,090,213,749,173,987,447 times a day.. all channels, ALL THE TIME!!!

Have you not had the pleasure of seeing it yet (insert thanks to God here) let me give you a quick recap.....

There is a mom, wrangling a baby to her chest, like in a bear hug desperate grasp... while they play a recording of said baby hacking, gasping, trying to breath and hacking some more.....

The people advertising would like more adults to get the vaccine for the disease (babies already get vaccinated against it, hence why I don't really "get" it)... because there is apparently an "epidemic" happening in California... there have been approximately 900 cases in the state that has a population of over 38 million.. my opinion only of course... but I hardly think that is an epidemic proportion.... most certainly not enough to take over EVERY vacant commercial slot on television.

This commercial is pitiful, poor baby can't breath and it makes every "mom" gene in my body cringe, like I want to rescue the poor thing.... so everytime it comes on I just flip the channel, wait 60 seconds and go back.... Take that advertisers!!!! Not only am I not going to watch it anymore, I am not getting one of your stupid vaccines either :)

Just to pep up my little rant I will tell you Jamison and I now have a little game, well when he is not sleeping... This child does NOT like when things are on my belly in his little area. Recently when they put the heart rate monitor on him, he kicks it... like "get this thing off me" so funny... which of course means I torture the poor little man. If I put a book there, he kicks it away, a cup he will kick that too... last night his daddy was pretty impressed. I put a can of sparkling water on his spot and he whacked it so hard it popped the can up... Pat was like "wow think of how hard he had to kick that thing to make it move like that, especially with him being in water".. yes he is a proud pappa, Jamison MUST get his big strong muscles from him :)


One week already!

26 weeks 2 days- (for you Aunt Cookie)

Can you believe I have already been in the hospital for a week??? Don't get me wrong it FEELS like a week but it makes me happy we are that much closer to a nice safe point for my little guys.

Last night they did a few checks on me, I guess these two are done weekly.

1) my weight--- I am thrilled to say I only gained 1/2 a pound last week.. don't worry I am sure it will catch up with me this week... my guess is its all of this hospital food.... don't get me going on that again :) Grand total so far 37.5... (I know that sounds like 1 1/2, that was bad math on my part, oops!! this is accurate)

2) pee-pee---they check to see if there is any protein in it... I guess it can be a sign of preeclampsia. Up until now I have not had any problems in this area... last night I had a slight change with trace amounts of protein. At this point we have no worries they said its very common to have low amounts, especially with twins but they will keep an eye on it along with my blood pressure (the other indicator for preeclampsia) but for now we are good to go there as well.

During the wonderful 6:30 am Dr. rounds this morning I talked to the resident about having my last tube removed (not tied, I want that baby gone) while they are in there doing my c-section, and she gave me a big fat green light :) Obviously we already know this tube is like a dead man walking but I figure I would rather not take any chances... even if its like one in two billion chance of getting pregnant on my own.. I don't want it to happen by surprise like when I am 49 years young... eek!!! She also mentioned they have been discussing my c-section and having a specialist help with all of my scar tissue which is great too... the more I can roll into this surgery the less I will have to worry about later, yay me!!!!

I know it may sound completely nuts to look forward to extra procedures, however, coming from someone who has had 7 abdominal surgeries, the more I can prevent from having to do later the better... they will already be in there so lets just Roto-Rooter the system and call it a day! Lets just say, I would REALLY like to avoid seeing the inside of a hospital for a LONG, LONG, LONG time!!


Monday, August 2, 2010

26 weeks!!!

Wow that number means even more to me this week then it did all the weeks before... we have another week under these boys belts thank goodness!!! The next two weeks are so important to their development so for now my focus will be to get through the next 14 days!

The sad part is no camera so no belly picture for this week... just picture last week and add a little width... TADA!! Thats what I look like now.

As for the boys the official size chart and fruit/vegetable comparison says they are the same as last week (weird I think ..but hey I am not the official expert on this part) So we have our two little eggplants, approximately 13.6-14.8 inches from crown to rump and they are weighing somewhere between 1.5 lbs and 2.2 lbs.

So in other news... talk about a BAD day and a half.... the only thing worse then being on hospital bedrest, is being on hospital bedrest and having your computer completely CRASH and BURN. The wonderful thing known as the internet, is my lifeline to the outside world and without it I was not a happy camper... just ask Pat :) I didn't realize my laptop needed a coffin until after he was already here for a visit yesterday and after unsuccessfully trying to revive it realized we were at a lost cause... and as promised he said he would bring our other laptop tonight which left me a long and boring day. So let me just give you an idea of how I spend my time here in the hospital..

6:30-7:00 Dr's make there rounds.. if you are sleeping they wake you up and in the 30 seconds after they want to know if you have any questions...for them... MUST think fast....

7:00-8:00 New nurse time... oh the excitement, who will it be, someone nice? someone I have had before? will they be funny or will the sweaty lady be back (for the record sweaty lady was super nice but apparently going through menopause, had to stop and wash her face twice to get through vital signs) This is when we get to hear baby heartbeats and check for contractions.

8:00-9:00 I listen for every noise "Is that the food cart?" "Is breakfast almost here?" "Will it be delicious?" Ok I settle for at least being mostly edible or even being what I order... if there is a "Supervisor Checked" stamp on your order... guarantee its wrong.....

9:00-12:00 A quick check in from the nurses followed by a few hours of the "is that the food cart?" game... oh the little things...

12:00-1:00 Lunch time BINGO baby... here is where I learned chicken is safe, turkey is safe however... stay away from brown meats... AKA as some of you remember from school lunches ... mystery meat. I had ordered a BBQ beef dish the other day that in all honesty resembled in exact texture and color, wet dog food... nope I didn't attempt to try to see if it tasted like dog food, honestly my gag reflex wouldn't allow it past my nose but what I can say is THAT IS NOT BBQ sauce.

1:00-3:00 Two fantastic back to back episodes of "You are not the father" on the Maury show.. Seriously after testing 10+ men, why do you woman run off the stage EVERY time.. are you really THAT surprised that this new guy is also not the father???

3:00 Is it time for Pat to visit?

3:30 Is it time for Pat to visit?

4:00 Is it time for Pat to visit?

4:30 Was that the food cart?

5:00 Is It time for Pat to visit?

In case you can't tell this is when the internet REALLY comes in handy.....

5:30 Yippeeee it was the food cart!!!! Dinner -fingers crossed, good news is the desserts are always yummy.

6:00 Awe my Pat comes to visit!!

7:00-8:00 New nurse time, repeat above...

8:00 Pat leaves.... I am sad :(

tick tock tick tock tick tock

10:00 all of my meds and my shot

tick tock tick tock

How many hours till breakfast?????

Seriously though my day revolves around when the food is coming, not that I am that hungry, its more the only element of surprise in my day... because in all honesty you just never know what you are going to get!!!
