Usually as soon as I get the camera out both boys stop smiling completely.. I put it away and they break out the smiles again (stinkers!!!) but not today.... today they were all about smiling for momma.... You can see Weston was all cuddled up in his snuggly wrap for naptime when he decided it was time to play... and of course since it was so adorable I let him stay up just a wee bit longer :) Jamison talks and coo's so much he won't sit still long enough for a picture.... don't get me started on trying to give him a bottle. We have officially had to start a new rule- no eye contact- during his meal times. Lord help you if he sees you looking at him when he is trying to drink his bottle. He gets so excited, starts smiling and kicking his feet, its impossible............ impossible but very adorable :)
Sidenote- I have heard from a few people that unofficially you can use the baby Bumbo seats in the bath......Seriously let me save you all from some screaming and big time stress..... do not try to put Bumbo seats in the bath tub...... they float............. its like bobbing for babies and the babies were not loving that game. They were teetering left and right and freaked out and it wasn't like you could just pop one out and grab the other for fear they may flip over in the 2 seconds it would take. Yes I did note to myself they were kind of floating before I put the babies in there... BUT I did think their chunky butts would weigh it down.... not so much!!! Oh well I had good intentions. They LOVE their Bumbos so I figured it would be fun for them since they both like to kick their feet in the water. Oh well soon enough they will be sitting up all by themselves :)
Oh..... can't forget to mention as the babies were screaming their heads off and I was attempting to get them dressed after their terrifying Bumbo bath you would think that possibly Pat may have stepped in to help??? He did step in... and watched as I was dressing Weston (both hands full) and said "Jamison is peeing on you"......... did he attempt to cover the firehose of pee??? Nope just sat and watched........... Thanks captain obvious I would never have noticed the hot steamy wet spot all over my left arm and down my leg......MEN!!!!!
They sure are happy babies! I had to laugh out loud because I can see you struggling to get the boys dressed and Pat just standing in the doorway stating the obvious! You two are soooo funny!