Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Random thoughts....

Ok so here I am 12 weeks post baby and I thought I was way beyond the "why didn't anyone warn me....." stage but just like in all of the infomercials... "BUT wait there is more...." no I don't get free shipping or an extra knife for free............ instead I get my wonderful girlie visitor for the first time........ (TMI warning) Can you say holy Niagra Falls Batman??? Come on ladies, where was my warning??? Just an "oh by the way your first one may be a bit different" would have probably clued me in but I got notta. I actually started to think there was a problem, like I was loosing an organ or something....... so I made a few calls and.....turns out TOTALLY normal...... hmmmmmmmm so as this may be to much info for some, this as my warning to my soon to be momma friends, be prepared :)

Then we have Miss Maggie..... its freezing here in the DC area and I may not have mentioned it yet but the hubby is gone for the week (yep just me and the kiddos-I am so lucky they are such good babies) which means I have dog duty. If you don't know Maggie you wouldn't realize how neurotic she is about everything.... she needs an audience to go poop. Can't just let her do her business outside like a normal dog, oh no.... she wants company. Seriously if you turn away or leave, game over, the whole process starts again. She will be mid-poo and she keeps turning her head to be sure you are still there. Its crazy.... Anyways... for some stinking reason she has now decided that no blade of grass is good enough for her to deposit her landmind. She sniffs and circles and cirlces... thinks about going only to then decide, nope not good enough... and start the process over. God forbid if the wind blows or a leaf crackles..........Its rediculous!! So here is me... bundled up waiting for her to do her business, normally a 5 minute ordeal has become 20 minutes.........and I REALLY miss FL. I would never need two coats and gloves to take the dog out there thats for sure!!!!!

And then we have the boys....they are so good to me!!!! They are consistently napping twice a day for 2 hours (next up we will be working on sleeping through the night) and I am LOVING IT!! I got all caught up with laundry gave myself a pedicure and have already wrapped the Christmas gifts that were here (still have more on the way, I love online shopping). On a sad note........ I had to pack up some of their newborn clothes :( My babies are growing up already and their chunky little behinds were just getting too snug... not gonna lie I cried a little. These are going to be my only babies and it makes me sad that it just goes SOOOOOOO fast.

Tomorrow the twin moms group is hitting a "stroller happy hour". Now I know that may sound crazy, let a bunch of moms come and get sloshed and drive their babies home.... but I am sure thats not what its like.... Right???? I guess I will find out tomorrow. I am not much of a drinker but I am going along for the visit. With Pat being away seeing some other grown-ups will be nice. I will let you know how it goes :)


  1. Are you still pumping or are the strictly on formula?? The reason I ask is because a lot of mommies get their wonderful AF when they stop nursing. Hailee was 8 months before I got mine. Some get it right away after having babies, some longer, some not until they finish breastfeeding. If you are still pumping has your supply gone down?? That may have triggered AF too. :(

  2. Oh and be prepared for it to be irregular. I got mine first one in November and didnt get it again until January! It is just starting now for it to become "regular" again. By that I mean under 35 days but it is never the same. Last month 25 days, the month before 27 and the month before that 29. I think I even had a 20 day cycle a few months back. Sucks!
