I can't believe it... one down two more to go :) I have been feeling great and still growing a nice belly. When I first got pregnant I kept worrying about pants and how I am going to have a hard time fitting in them, I figured with top styles nowadays I would be able to get by for a long while with my regular clothes...............well I was wrong. I am still wearing all of my old jeans/pants (ok so I extend the waist but they still fit) but I am really having a rough time with shirts. They are becoming to short and or tight so I look chubby instead of pregnant.... oh well I knew it would happen just figured I would have more time... So I had to do some online shopping today, poor me I know :)
This is an exciting week I have my blood test tomorrow (it gives you your chances of fetal development problems in numbers for example: downs syndrome 1 in 900) and then Friday they do the nuchal ultrasound which is in much better definition and they double check all of the development, best part is clearer pictures for me to obsess over.
Speaking of obsessing............. so you all know I am dying to find out if I am on team pink, team blue or one of each. I have been doing a bunch of research on early gender pictures etc and guess what I learned.... at 10-11 weeks a both boys and girls parts look identical... the little girls have bulges that are shaped EXACTLY like a little boy, they call it a "nub".......hmmmmmmmmmmm now I am not as sure as before that my little Baby A is really a boy from the last ultrasound picture. Patience is a virtue hahaha. However I have also learned that at our upcoming nuchal test if you get a side picture of the baby it will show the "nub" you can determine the sex by the angle of the "nub" if it points north, blue bundle if it is parallel/strait in line with the spine or points south, pink bundle. So now my next challenge will be in two parts 1) to bribe my ultrasound tech to try to get some of these pictures (maybe they can even give me a guestimate of what they think) and for my little ones to cooperate and show their goods hahaha. This isn't 100% but its pretty accurate from what I have found.....we will see :)
I think its the impending bed rest. I just want to be really prepared with the nursery before 24 weeks so the sooner I know the better.... ok ok and I am just super excited :)
I had a great weekend... let me start by saying my dearest husband really got some major points as the best husband ever. He was gone all week in Salt Lake City Utah conducting some training classes so that leaves me to watch t.v till all kinds of crazy hours. 1:00 AM Tuesday I was watching TLC's the Little Chocolatiers... they are AMAZING they do all kinds of crazy things with chocolate, they made a life sized 4 ft fireplace all with different flavors and colors of chocolate then followed it up with a life sized pool table all edible! Everything is hand dipped and hand made. So I am dying watching this totally craving chocolate so I google them and guess where they are............... Salt Lake City Utah!!!! I sent Pat a S.O.S with address map and phone number to the place so he can bring me home a taste, I told him his babies REALLY NEEDED it. I was so excited until the next day when I found out that the store was over 20 miles away from where he was and he had no vehicle... but I was impressed he tried, he called them to check hours/delivery etc but he just wasn't going to be able to make it happen with his schedule. So Friday night he gets home and low and behold he brought me a box of the most delicious glorious velvety chocolate I have ever had!!! He skipped lunch on Thursday borrowed someones car and made a trip that took him over an hour just to bring me my candy!!! It was soooooooo good and now they are soooooooooooo gone :) Worth every calorie!
Friday night we went out with our new neighbor to go to a karaoke place with her and her friends, it was really fun but I think I am getting old we were out way past my bedtime.... Saturday we stayed very low key worked on the house and took a nap :) I recently signed up with a group that kind of matches you by due dates and location with other preggo ladies, so you can do things together now and have play dates after the babies come...they keep them fairly small at 6-10 people, I figured it would be a fun way to meet new people here. In chatting with the lady who runs everything she mentioned another soon to be twin momma (not in my group) and she put me in touch with her... today we met up at a bagel shop and she was super nice and great to chat with, we are going to try get together soon with our hubbys :) Wednesday evening I will be meeting my new group, that should be fun as well. Slowly but surely we are getting settled in up here :)
Although I miss my family and FL friends big time.................