Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sorry... its been awhile....

As my wonderful sister-in-law Kelly pointed out... far too long since I have posted on my blog. Well here is the truth........... I was afraid of posting......... yep afraid...... of other pregnant women coming after me......

The deal is this.... the only update I have in the baby department is that I feel.............. wonderful.......... really. This was almost precisely why I made a trip to the E.R. last week. No pregnant woman, especially with twins should feel as good as I have been feeling.... almost makes me nervous hahaha. I get tired and nap daily but other then that I am running at 110% I have had absolutely no morning sickness or nausea..... the shots (I will get to that in a second) have given me no side effects (lots of girls have problems with....well..... going #2... big time with this medication) my boobies have gotten bigger (I am thinking Pat likes this) but they are not sore what-so-ever, my nails are looking fabulous, and I am not any more hungry then normal . I am thinking I am in line to have one of the most enjoyable pregnancies ever :) I know some of you are thinking I may be speaking to soon but I am coming up on 10 weeks, close to being out of my first trimester, and couldn't be happier!!!!

As for those pesky shots...... by tomorrow night I will be done!!!!! Yippeeeeee!!! I will be moving on to a different type of progesterone supplement until week twelve and then DONE!! I can start functioning like a regular pregnant lady :) That will be a nice switch!!!

Last week I was just.... hanging around.... bored. This week I am going to work on a schedule and start some new crafty projects to keep myself busy. I think I have some great ideas but sometimes the ideas are much better then their final project :)

Count down till Friday, my new DR apt. I should be able to hear their heartbeats instead of just seeing them... so exciting. Pat unfortunately cant make it to this one but I am going to try to get a video.... we'll see... if I do I will of course share it here with all of you!


1 comment:

  1. I agree with Kelly, I kept checking in every day expecting and WANTING to hear new things and updates....and there was nothing. Keep the updates coming Missy!
