So if you notice from the pictures the boys were not to thrilled with this whole sitting up in a chair business at first... if you look really close you can see a tear running down Jamison's little cheek... yes real tears. It makes me so sad when he break out the real tears, then he is not just "crying" he is REALLY "crying". I am telling you he already knows how to get his momma to cater to his every need :) But... you can tell after the initial shock of "what is this crappy thing??" they are now loving their little chair. Jamison just sits there and coos or blows rasberries (you know that puttering noise with his toungue, like bubbles almost) so cute!! Weston just likes the new view I think :) He just checks everything out.
Please note the last picture... that is from this morning (although it could have been taken ANY morning) Each day they "wake up" somewhere between 6-7 am screaming their little heads off (well Jamison screams, Weston whimpers) and the craziest thing happens..... if I lay them back in my bed (temporary bed, I am sleeping on the guest bed in their room for now so Pat can sleep, once they sleep through the night I will move back in our room) they INSTANTLY are sleeping again. What can I say..... they love being with their momma and I love seeing their chubby little cheeks first thing in the morning but I know I have to kick this little habit in the butt... just not yet :)
We did have a "first" the other day... was it a first tooth... no.......was it a first was it a first -------- (insert anything you can think of that would be exciting)... nope.... it was our very first poop explosion. My little Weston... aka Sir-poops-alot..... exploded.... up his back, through 2 layers of clothes and all over the belt for his monitor!! It was a huge mess, I had to call daddy in for help holding him up so I could take everything off him... you can probably guess... daddy was not much help since he was pretending to gag every 5 seconds :) For as much as he likes to talk about his own poop (or even Maggie's landminds) you would think baby poop would be a walk in the park!!!
Well then there is me... I have 6 pounds left (39 down) to get back to my pre preggo weight... not to bad... except I have been at 6 pounds for a few weeks.... I blame it on Thanksgiving :) so I have now started the official operation body back... also known as O.B.B. Up till now I have not been doing anything to help with weight loss (stress of running to and from hospital was a diet enough) but its time to work it..... Monday I started my new exercise program (Jillian Michaels-I don't like you very much right now I am soooooooo sore) we'll see how it goes. I would love to be able to start 2011 without a New Years ressolution to lose weight. Fingers crossed!!!