Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I am sure you all knew a post of this nature was coming :)

Pat and I have alot to be thankful for each year but of course this year we had some extra special blessings. Despite being born 8 weeks early our little boys are healthy and growing stronger each day.. despite all of my health issues and concerns I had no major complications.

We often talk about the kind of crappy timing of our move to D.C. If we had known we were about to become parents to twins, would Pat have put in for this job and leave all of our family and friends??? No he wouldn't have......... however, we got here, and by pure luck we happened to get into one of the most prestigious high risk OB practices. Not sure if I ever mentioned but they are ranked 24 in the entire nation. The "triplet mom" moved here from Hawaii specifically for this practice to care for her and deliver her babies.... another mom who was in the high risk floor with me traveled over an hour and a half for each appointment just for these Dr.'s becuase of the poor care she recieved from another practice with her first pregnancy (she delivered her baby at 24 weeks, who luckily lived but does have some developmental delays)... If we were still in FL I really don't think we would have had the same specialized care.... Would they thought to check my cervix every 2 weeks? Would they have put in a cerclage in time? Would I have gone on bedrest at 15 1/2 weeks? Would I have been hospitalized at 25 weeks?? I don't know but I am glad I had very conservative Dr's who did all of those things.. with all of that our babies still came 8 weeks early, had we skipped any of those steps I have know idea how early they would have come or if our outcome would have been the same. The one thing I do know is I am extremely thankful for my little babies (one is laying asleep on my chest as I type this... love them!!!).

Of course I am also thankful for all we have, a great family, fantastic extended family, friends, our health, roof over our head and enough food to eat....and not to mention how thankful I am for my hubby... we make a great team :)

Overall it was a great holiday. Thanksgiving is my favorite by far. No stress for what to buy for gifts, whether or not they will like it....its all about getting together with people you care about and enjoying good food...usually to much good food... its perfect!! I made my first full Thanksgiving feast... and other then serving it much later then I expected it was a success.... here was our menu-

stuffed mushroom appeitizer
sweet potato casserole (copycat recipe of Boston Market-delicious)
twice baked mashed potatoes
cranberry sauce
homemade apple pie (yes I sliced and peeled the apples)
homemade pumpkin pie

Needless to say I was in the kitchen the whole day (minus pit stops to feed and change the babies... daddy doesn't do poopies). Pat had invited a friend from work who is also new to the area so it was a small group. It was a great day........and we are still eating leftovers :)

Updates on babies.... Jamison is doing great.... closing in on 10 lbs and has become quite the mommas boy.... Weston is doing pretty good as well ... still a wee little peanut, my guess is 7.5 lbs or so.. but is filling out his cheeks. My poor neighbor was over last night holding him when he had a low heart rate spell... I tell her from accross the room (feeding Jamison) "pat his back" and she does... he is still alarming... I say "pat him harder" she does, he is still alarming I get there and rub his back nice and hard and he was back to normal... I felt bad... it makes me nervous and I am his mom I know she was a bit upset... I don't think she is going to want to hold him for awhile...........

The only good news is when I went to change him I noticed his lead had slipped pretty low making it hard to pick up his heart beat so it probably was a false alarm..... either way it scared us both.... can't wait for these boys to grow out of these little spells!!!

Yesterday we skipped the crowds for Black Friday (online shopping is sooooooooo much easier) and Pat turned our house into a winter wonderland :) We have a decent amount of Christmas decorations and in our our old house it looked pretty minimal since our house was pretty big.. in our new place it looks like Santas workshop :) I love it... and the only thing I love more then looking at the lights myself is seeing my two newborn babies stare at the lights of their very first Christmas tree..... awe... the wonders of childhood!!!

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