Thursday, January 20, 2011

Busy busy...

UGH!!! It has been a crazy few days!! Not sure if you all remember the post back in November about the flood in our house... well it still stinks! We finally had everything taken care of with the insurance lady and so we had the repair man come out to start on Monday and as he opened the ceiling 2 things became very apparent....

1) WAY bigger problem then expected (as in the 2nd floor is sinking)
2) Boys and I have to get out of the house

I had planned on taking the babies to FL to visit everyone anyway but this moved our expected date up.... So even though the dining room and kitchen were covered in plastic life was still o.k. here as we have "baby camp" set up in the living room so the boys and I still had our regular play area unaffected..... wellllllllllll not so much. We had also had a small leak of a hose bib in the living room wall that was repaired back in Nov but we were waiting on having the drywall repaired until the rest of the damage from the flood were underway (figured one mess instead of two) thank God we did. When the guys went to open it today to do the repair the entire wall was moldy.. very thankful that the babies never got sick from this especially since this is the room we are in most of the time and more so that we hadn't closed the wall right away because this most likely would have gone undetected.... now the crappy part though is this room is off limits for awhile now too. Yep Boys and I are locked upstairs ALL DAY. They are not too happy about this. My babies are big schedule type babies.... not on the schedule & not having our regular playtime makes for 2 very cranky kids..... on top this fun stuff I needed to go to the OBGYN today... Oh... did I have a baby sitter.... NOPE... so yes that means me and 2 cranky babies (since they are hating life off their schedule) in the little tiny exam room... picture this...

Me, naked waist down, attempting to hold the paper napkin they call a "sheet" around my butt with one hand Weston in the other while rocking the stroller with my foot when the door opens.. nope they didn't knock first... so a few unsuspecting people got a wonderful view of my goodies... only to be followed up with the next picture...........

Me, laying down, feet in the stirrups, shushing the babies and one handed (could only use one since I really couldn't "move" if you know what I mean) rolling the stroller back and forth trying to get them to sleep all while getting violated by the Dr............ FUN TIMES!!!!

Oh but the really fun part was the 19489128197 million people that stopped us in the waiting room to talk to me about the boys.... not the usual questions like "are they natural?" these were about the little guy. Weston is red... often... he has crappy sensitive and dry skin. I lotioned him before we left the house so he wasn't shedding everywhere and he always gets a little red afterwards and stays that way for awhile (no he is not allergic to the lotion). So I got

"Oh that one is red......"
"Why is he so red?"
"Will he grow out of THAT?"

and then they were followed up by the next set because he also LOVES to scratch his face....

"Oh he scratched his eye... and his cheek...."
"In my country babies wear gloves so that doesn't happen..."
"Do you trim his nails"

Seriously people??? For one I don't care what happens in "your country" since you live here... this is now "your country". Yes they sell gloves but he has very tiny wrists and they won't stay on... yes sometimes I use socks instead but I also don't like to torture the poor baby.. I trim his nails ALL THE TIME they are like talons and he likes to stick he hands in his face, grab his binkie, rub his eyes.. scratches happen.. if thats the worst thing he has going on he is A-Ok in my book......

Yesterday we had his appointment with the G.I, doctor which went well but was overall not very enlightening but it was entertaining I guess........

"OBVIOUSLY he is eating fine....."-- This must be the polite way of saying my baby is chunky, I LOVE chunky babies :)

Next up was the "I know more then you" do nurse....

"he has cradle cap..."-wow thanks I hadn't noticed
"I know we have tried everything...."
"you have to use baby oil.." -because of course I hadn't thought of that
" we tried it....."
"you have to do it more then once a day" -Really??? No way....
"I do and I have tried just about everything else you could think of....."
"WELL you have to actually scrub it...."-what do you say to this crap??
"OH Really? I will do that next time" Whatever lady!!! I just had to make it stop hahahaha

This morning we are off to have the boys evaluated by the physical therapist. Our home nurse came out this week(she is the developmental screening nurse) and while both boys are doing great she wanted to get them the follow up. Weston has a tightness in both shoulders but.... it could just be because he is so chubby its hard to get to it :) After this apt I am meeting up with my moms group (one baby not the twins group) for lunch, first time attempting to eat out with them by myself....we'll see how that goes. I will keep you all posted on our adventures!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Note to self....

Stop sounding like an idiot when taking videos of the babies................

As promised....

Pictures of the boys enjoying their new excersaucer. The design on this one is great because the toys are super close so their bitty little arms can reach everything (please note video of Weston).... and the best part is it turns into an activity table after the boys start walking so it will be around for a long time :)

Since I had a video of Weston I had added one of Jamison playing with his new rattle (I try to keep things fair around here hahaha) My parents got them rattles like I had when I was a baby and the little guys seem to really like them. I think its the size, fits their hands perfect.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dr Apt :)

My boys are getting soooooo soooooo big!!! We went to our 4 month apt today and the boys did great!!! Jamison is weighing in at 12lbs 2 oz and Weston 11lbs 1oz!! Weston is really catching up. He has been consistently about 1 1/2 lbs less then his brother and now its only a pound! They have even started making it onto the charts for percentiles of their actual age instead of adjusted!! Well... both babies for their head size hahahaha Big noggins, must be all the brains, of course my babies are destined to be geniuses!!! LOL Jamison is also hitting it on height (he is a bit longer then Weston) Couldn't be any better. The Dr. was very impressed with how they are doing, so much that they are now getting to come off premiee formula with the added calories and onto regular baby formula and even ok'd to start solids!!! Makes me one proud momma!

They have really been good to me lately as well, going to bed at about 9:00pm then I give them a "dream feed" (its where you feed them without really waking them up) at 10-10:30 and they are sleeping until 6-7:30am!!! I give them their breakfast bottle and then they doze off again till about 8:30! I am VERY lucky :) On top of that Jamison has been starting the full belly laughs oh my goodness I LOVE IT, I could just eat him up!!! He has been doing a few giggles here and there but these big laughs started for the first time at my moms group on Tuesday.. not my twin group it was the group I met when I was pregnant. With bedrest and the NICU and crappy weather (I miss FL!!! ) it was the first time I got to meet up with them.... it was fun'ish- lets just say they are not the twin moms.... who like coffee and happy hour hahahaha they are more the clothe diapering, breastfeeding, formula is the devil kind.... (yes I am all for breastfeeding but I also think whatever makes a happy mom makes for a healthy baby). Weston has become my super happy smiley little thing.... seriously its adorable. I love first thing in the morning when I go to pick them up and Weston gives me the "hello mommy" smile and then little Jamison opens his eyes and giggles he is so happy to see me... they melt my heart!!!

On another note I made the best pork chops yesterday! We have soooo many pork chops in the house (they were on sale) and I didn't feel like same old grilled chops (that and its freaking cold outside! no one wants to stand in the snow to grill) I went online looking for recipes and couldn't find anything I had ingredients for so I made my own..... and they were delicious!! I mixed 1/2 pack of onion soup/onion dip mix with cream cheese and a bit of Parmesan cheese, sliced open the chops, stuffed this inside, used a toothpick to hold closed. Then on top I mixed some mashed potato flakes(I am on a wheat free kick so this is my sub for breadcrumbs, nice and crunchy) with some garlic powder, salt and pepper just sprinkled over them. Baked at 365 for thirty min but just before it was done I put some shredded mozzarella on top to melt. YUMMYYYYY so moist and tender and for sure not boring. You could even sub in low fat cream cheese and low fat mozzarella. I am always looking for easy good recipes so I figured I would pass it along. Pat loved them and I will for sure be making them again :)

Happy Thursday folks... babies new excersaucer (thanks Grandma) just got delivered so I am off to put it together. I am sure there will be pictures to follow!!! I have and old one from my daycare upstairs that they like (entertains them with just enough time to do my hair) but this one is the mac daddy so I am sure they will love it!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Smiles all around today!!

Usually as soon as I get the camera out both boys stop smiling completely.. I put it away and they break out the smiles again (stinkers!!!) but not today.... today they were all about smiling for momma.... You can see Weston was all cuddled up in his snuggly wrap for naptime when he decided it was time to play... and of course since it was so adorable I let him stay up just a wee bit longer :) Jamison talks and coo's so much he won't sit still long enough for a picture.... don't get me started on trying to give him a bottle. We have officially had to start a new rule- no eye contact- during his meal times. Lord help you if he sees you looking at him when he is trying to drink his bottle. He gets so excited, starts smiling and kicking his feet, its impossible............ impossible but very adorable :)

Sidenote- I have heard from a few people that unofficially you can use the baby Bumbo seats in the bath......Seriously let me save you all from some screaming and big time stress..... do not try to put Bumbo seats in the bath tub...... they float............. its like bobbing for babies and the babies were not loving that game. They were teetering left and right and freaked out and it wasn't like you could just pop one out and grab the other for fear they may flip over in the 2 seconds it would take. Yes I did note to myself they were kind of floating before I put the babies in there... BUT I did think their chunky butts would weigh it down.... not so much!!! Oh well I had good intentions. They LOVE their Bumbos so I figured it would be fun for them since they both like to kick their feet in the water. Oh well soon enough they will be sitting up all by themselves :)

Oh..... can't forget to mention as the babies were screaming their heads off and I was attempting to get them dressed after their terrifying Bumbo bath you would think that possibly Pat may have stepped in to help??? He did step in... and watched as I was dressing Weston (both hands full) and said "Jamison is peeing on you"......... did he attempt to cover the firehose of pee??? Nope just sat and watched........... Thanks captain obvious I would never have noticed the hot steamy wet spot all over my left arm and down my leg......MEN!!!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Anna Charlotte

When the boys were in the NICU I stayed on a pretty tight schedule at the hospital with visiting them and pumping in the pumping room.... this schedule was much like many of the other NICU moms. After running into the same ladies over and over I became friends with a few.

They tried to keep the pumping room very serene and quiet so there are lots of no cell phone signs and "quiet please" throughout the room. One morning I was the only person in there so I was chatting on my cell phone when I heard someone else come in. I am a big rule follower (although alot of other people broke the no cell phone rules all the time) so quickly I got off the phone when I hear from the other side of the curtain "no worries I use my phone all the time...". Through the curtain I "met" Kristy. We chatted about the nurses, our babies surprise early births and some of the struggles our babies were dealing with. Her daughter Anna Charlotte was born at 29 weeks at another hospital and was transferred to Fairfax since they were better suited to care for the smaller premiees. She told me the hardest part was watching the ambulance fly by her with the lights and sirens and knowing they had her tiny little baby inside.

We saw eachother often, getting updates on eachothers babies. She celebrated with me when Jamison came home and congratulated me when Weston did as well. We exchanged phone numbers and email addresses to keep in touch and hope to get together for playdates when our babies were all home. Anna was born a few weeks after the boys and was a few weeks earlier so her NICU stay was going to be a bit longer.

Since I have been home we have exchanged emails checking in back and forth. She had a rough start in the beginning with multiple brain bleeds but was doing well, thriving and getting stronger everyday. Just before Christmas she told me Anna Charlotte was expected to be joining her family at home for the holidays. Last night I emailed her to see how they were doing............ I got the most devastating email back.....

Little Anna Charlotte passed away on December 23rd, just two days before she was to come home. She had came down with a sudden and aggressive case of NEC (no one knows what causes this disease but premiees are at high risk, NEC causes parts of the bowels to die, sometimes they can remove the effected area but unfortunately in 25% of cases its fatal).

I am so heartbroken for Kristy and her family. I can't imagine watching your precious baby suffer for so long in the NICU and to finally have overcome all obstacles and be so excited to have a date to bring your baby home and then to have a such a heartbreaking loss.....

Because of the NICU rules I never met this little baby, but I can assure you I will never forget her. She went through more in her short life then many will know in a lifetime and was taken from her family all to soon, but I know, as all things, God has a greater plan.

I am always grateful and thankful of how blessed our family is to have the boys come through their early birth, doing so well but times like this truly remind you how precious life is. Please keep Kristy and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Our Outing...

Was exhausting........... no, the babies behaved perfectly its all of the other stuff that makes me soooooooo tired. Our twin moms meetup was scheduled at 10am. My babies are pretty late sleepers, usually 8:30-9:30 so 10am is tough but doable.... Boys got up at 8:30 in fantastic moods and super cooperative... so are you asking your self why I am complaining??? Getting them loaded into the car and then out 5 minutes later when we get where we are going is a workout!!!

Let me explain the set up to our house....... we live in a condo/townhome set up (apparently by someone who LOVES stairs because we have TONS) and our parking spot and garage is on ground level but to get inside the house you either need to go through the garage and down a flight of stairs or to the front door you have to walk on the sidewalk and down a flight of steps (its a weird setup). Because I obviously can't just bring one up and leave one sitting by themselves while I go back to get the other, I have to make it all in one trip.

Another sidenote I have a bad tendency for being late.... all the time........... bad bad I know. So as always I am rushing to get out of the house and running up and down the inside stairs because when your rushed thats always what happens, cell phone was up there, then realized directions were up there. Finally ready and have to pick up a full load..... for one trip......

2 babies approx- 24 lbs
2 carseats approx- 12 lbs
diaper bag (its huge) approx- 10 lbs
2 heart monitors approx- 10 lbs

I skipped the purse and tossed my wallet in my diaper bag then hit the stairs.... there are 24 encase you were wondering :) By the time I hit my car I am out of breath and sweating to death..... in 20 degree weather............ with no coat. Its insane, but at least my arms are getting nice and toned :) And besides it sure did make me feel like I EARNED my Mocha Latte (its was delicious!!!).

Of course after getting there it was worth it. This group of ladies is awesome (usually there is a dud in every group... so far no duds) and we did tons of chatting.... and now for the best part...

The outing must have really worn out the babies because............... THEY SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!! I was sooooooooooooooo happy!!!!! It was kind of funny, they went to bed at about 8:30, I woke them up to feed them at 10:00pm (this isn't typical but we got thrown off schedule because of our little playdate so I needed to squeeze one in). Like an idiot I played on the computer way too late so I didn't go to bed until about 2:00am and it felt like I had just closed my eyes and I heard Weston start whimpering I was like "Oh man not already..." and glanced at my watch and it was 6:ooam!!! I couldn't believe they slept from 10pm till 6am! they are so good to their mommy :) After they ate they went back to sleep until 8:30 for Weston and 9:00 for Jamison!!! I could get used to this!!! Fingers crossed folks that this wasn't a fluke and we will have a repeat tonight! I will keep you all posted!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

More Pictures :)

Couldn't fit all into one post so here are just a few more :) Look at the big boy standing up! He can do it holding only one hand too!!!

Picture time

More pictures and some cute little baby bottoms!!


Well this post was supposed to have been done last night..... but I found some new features on the blog site. I can now track comments, see how many people viewed the posts, what search engine they used and all kinds of cool things. I was flipping through the new features and began reading some of my very first posts... it was like re-living the whole IVF process. I was so hopeful and worried that it would work in those posts and now I am typing this while my two beautiful babies sleep. Its truly amazing what a year can bring........ speaking of a year....... I was asked recently when I was planned on ending my blog.

Up until that point honestly I hadn't really thought about it. Truly this blog has been a great time passer when I was on bedrest, a news source for updates of my pregnancy & our days in the NICU (thank God those are over) for our friends and family and mostly a great support for me. It was fun and almost therapeutic to write about my feelings and all the things (both good and bad) that were happening and we received a ton of support from our family and friends that were following us along... I am grateful for each of my readers....thank you for taking time to read my (often silly) little tidbits.... but all good things do come to an end. I have decided on the one year anniversary of the blog I will make my final post..... it will be a little sad but I am excited to move forward from our trying to conceive days to our family of four days. I want to spend each day just enjoying the babies (they are only this small for such a short time). I am going to print all of these posts for the boys....... oh yes I know they are boys and will probably not be at all interested in all this girlie stuff... but... and here is the BIG BUT......... when they are teenagers and decide to throw a tantrum or tell me I don't care about them or something equally teenager-ish.... I will pull it out and make them sit and read... every post.....they will see how much I wanted to be a mom and loved them long before they were ever born, and more so how much crap I went through to get them into this world!!! So until then (February 5th) I will try to be a posting machine!!!!

Quick baby update!! Little Jamison (well my chunky little monkey) must have heard me talking about him yesterday because my Aunt and I were chatting and I mentioned how well he is doing. Pretty much caught up in developmental milestones to a baby at his actual age, even ahead in some things (example a regular 3 1/2 month old instead of his adjusted age of almost two months) but he hadn't rolled over yet. About 20 minutes later I was upstairs talking to Pat, he was on his tummy and all of the sudden up on his side and over he went :) I guess he was like "take that mom I can do it just didn't want to". It was adorable and I was so happy that even with Pat working alot he was able to be there to see both babies roll over for the first time :) Congrats to my baby, you are growing up too fast!!!

And onto even better news....... the babies only woke up once last night!!! Holy moly we are getting soooooo close to having them sleeping through the night!!! They went to bed at 9:30pm woke up at 3:00 for a bottle and then slept until 8:00am for Jamison 8:30 for Weston!!! fingers crossed we are on to something here :)

TGIF tomorrow!! Love weekends with daddy!!! Well that and looking forward to meeting up with the twin mommas group for coffee in the morning... I am sure the little cafe we are going to will LOVE seeing us coming with all our crying babies hahaha

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011

I can't believe another year has past. 2010 brought me my two little miracle babies and 2011 will be an amazing year enjoying them and being a family!!!

We had a great Christmas enjoying time with our family and of course I loved being able to introduce the boys to everyone. The first few days were pretty quiet minus a quick trip to the E.R. with Weston. He had some very large swollen glands on the back of his neck. Because its typically a sign of infection we had to take him in... luckily that ended up being nothing but while we were there and the Dr. was listening to his heart he started asking me a bunch of questions about the heart monitor.... turns out while he was listening Weston had a brady spell, monitor records everything but only alarms after 20 seconds, it was just under so it never went off... he said to me "Ma'mm the bradycardia is much more a concern to you then his lymph nodes ever will be"- Gesh thanks Doc!!! He had two other quick spells while we were in N.C but nothing too serious. They also had a nice visit from their Great Aunt and Great Uncle and then on Christmas the rest of the family made it to N.C. I say "made it" because it was quite the snow filled day (one car in the ditch needing a tow, 5 kids walking uphill in the snow-crazy-we ended with a total of 6-7 inches and snowed in for a few days).

Jamison tried to steal the show smiling and cooing to everyone and poor little Weston was just not himself. He had bad gas pains the first day the whole gang was there (thank you Aunt Kristin for finding a Walgreens open on Christmas Day!) and then just pretty much stayed fussy for the rest of the visit. I felt bad because he really didn't get to show much of his sweet little personality, he just wasn't himself. I wasn't sure if it was still from an upset tummy or if he was just overstimulated having so many people around and stuff going on... now after being home I am leaning towards the latter. He is a very alert little man and it must have been just too much because since we have been home he is pretty much back to his normal self, smiling and cooing... thank goodness!!! But even though he was a stinker he had lots of love and hugs from everyone... Grandma and his Aunts especially!!!

He has also started spitting up alot more then normal in the last few days, nothing has changed as far as what he is eating or how much so it was kind of odd that this just started. I was beginning to think that his thickener just isn't enough for him anymore so with a call and blessing from his pediatrician we have now moved on to thickening his milk with baby cereal. So far it seems to be helping.... the problem is jut trying to get the nipple of his bottle right. The cereal won't go through the normal whole so you have to make it bigger..... the challenge has been finding the right size whole to put into it to keep from too much or too little coming out... so far out of 6 nipples we have 1 that works :( We'll get there!!!

I have been soooooooo looking forward to the boys follow up apt with the pulmonary Dr. on Monday... yep not so much!!! We get home and have a letter in the mail saying the apt has been canceled because the Dr. won't be in???? How does that happen when you have an apt scheduled for more then 6 weeks? And it a huge facility with lots of other Dr's so you mean to tell me there is no one that can see these patients for her??? Oh and the best part was the letter said "we have tried to contact you by phone..." Um... no you didn't! I have my phone on me 24/7, my number is the only one listed, there have been no calls, no missed calls no voice mail- nothing!!! So fingers crossed they don't try to schedule us out another 6 weeks. I am fairly certain Jamison will come off and his skin is so sensitive to the material I really don't want him to be on this longer then needed... besides getting rid of one set of cords and plugs will be super helpful in making my mommyhood just a wee bit simpler. I have to call first thing tomorrow and see what they say.

Tuesday will bring us a new washing machine since our machine that was newly purchased in April, broke for the second time.... thankfully I caught it before it caused another $7000 in damage!! After a bit of a fit from me they agreed to just send out a new one... Lord help me if that one breaks too--- watch out GE!!!

Well I think we are just about up to date now! Hope you all had a fantastic new year!