Ok so I haven't even made it a week and I skipped a day. Oops! I feel like a teenager who forgot to do my homework... but really I have a good excuse. No REALLY I do :) We were super busy (and I was way to tired). We had our whole house loaded onto a moving truck yesterday so there was some last minute packing and cleaning. Thank the lord my wonderful mother in law had come by and was a huge help. With my ovaries being soooo swollen I could only do a little at a time before I needed to sit.
It was a little sad when they moved our bed I found a keepsake box from our last IVF, my hospital band, the "baby" pictures of our embryos and the little tiny petry dish... I still cant believe we are at this point again. Ugh! I got a new picture for the box today, one of all of my follicles.. they look like a bunch of grapes.
In the middle of all of the moving excitement we got the phone call that the house Pat and I put an offer in on in D.C. got accepted (we had been negotiating since Feb 1) So since we haven't seen it yet we had to get a visit scheduled for Pat to go do a walk-through and make sure we would like it (I know this is a bit backwards but we like to keep things interesting around here I guess).
Needless to say with the snowstorm getting him a ticket was a bit tricky as well.... I did say snow storm, along with a million and one news stations right??? Well my handsome, sweet, slightly stubborn but very smart (graduated with over a 4.0 average) husband, decided there was no need for a winter coat. Do you think he is possibly regretting that decision now? You Betcha!!! I got a call from him and it went something like this:
"Pat are you ok?"
"yes I am just shivering"
"did you get a rental car?"
"I have to go so I can put my hands back in my pockets"
I had to laugh only because I asked him 100 times this morning to please take a coat....Florida boy + snow= listen to your wife
On a great note my follicles are coming along nicely :
YesterdayFollies 1) 15 1)13 4)12 and 20 just under 12 mm total of 26
Lining 8.5 triple layer
Last cycle at this point I had:Follies 1)14 1) 13 and 7)12 9) just under 12mm total of 18
E2- 1518
Lining 8.2
Today:Follies 10) 12-16 mm & 20) just under 12mm total of 30!!!!! WOWSA BABY?!?!
E2- 3500!!!!
Lining 8.9 triple layer (my goal is 9 by trigger so this looks great)
Last cycle at this point I had:Follies1)16 3)15 5) 14 6)13 5) 12 total of 20
Lining 8.2
They are adding an extra day (same as last cycle) to help the little ones get bigger but they took away one of my meds because my E2 is so high today (not complaining that is one less needle I need to take) ....mostly because I have so many eggs producing it, but if you remember they like to keep that number below 4000 to avoid OHSS, the good news is they are very closely monitoring me....bad news I think I will for sure be well over 4,000 by tomorrow which means I will be VERY swollen in a few days, like big, really big... however bring on the stretchy skirts and yoga pants I am ready for it.
Tomorrow should be trigger day, cant believe its here already!! Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
PS go see the Valentine's Day movie-it was very cute