Sunday, February 7, 2010

IVF #2 Post 1

Wow... if you asked me if I ever thought I would be doing a second in vetro fertilization a few years back the answer would have been a quick "nope". But at the same time I probably would have said I wouldn't be doing a first either. Nevertheless we are here, two in a half years, three surgeries and on our second IVF cycle, all in hopes of having our first (unless we get blessed with twins) baby.

As we started our first IVF back in October 2009, we were given an almost 80 % chance of success so needless to say we were pretty devastated when the pregnancy test was negative. As some of you may know I had been sending out regular emails giving everyone the play by play on our eggs and embryos...well the follow up phone calls and emails after the negative test were heart wrenching for me so I thought having a blog would be a great way for our friends and family to check in on our progress.

We are very lucky in the fact that I make lots of eggs and Pat has fantastic swimmers (its all those pesky parts in between that give us trouble). Since everything was pretty textbook perfect last time I am going to try to run stats comparing this cycle to our last, fingers crossed we will have as many embryos to work with. Last time the lining on my uterus was a bit thin which my Reproductive Endocrinologist (I will call him my RE) thinks is the reason it didn't work out for us. We have tweaked my medications and boy oh boy added something I NEVER thought I would be prescribed.....VIAGRA to my protocol. Instead of the uh, um, well.... you know side effects men get, women get nicer linings of their girlie bits. Still though cant really say that word out-loud without blushing...

Today marks our 4th day of stimulating shots... typical cycle is 10 days, then you get a trigger shot to get the eggs ready to be harvested, then eggs out on the 12th day, so far they are estimating my retrieval on Valentine's Day :) Although last time I went one extra day if that happens again they will take them out on the 15th. Its crazy that we are already almost half way there. It is going by so fast. Not sure why, maybe its because I know what to expect this time. I am having a bit less swelling so far (knock on wood that I don't jinks myself). Back in October my sweet husband had to travel for work during this process so I tried to warn him I was very swollen so he could brace himself when he saw me.... yep he did not head the warning... he walked in went to give me a hug and said "oh my god what happened to you" needless to say LOTS of tears followed... pretty sure he wont say that again hahahaha.

I will be trying to update on a daily basis :)



  1. This is fabulous Heather! What a GREAT way to keep all your friends and family up-to-date without having to retell your story countless times to all those eager to hear the latest news. Really love the way you write's just like you speak so it's filled with cute um's, ah's, inflections, and giggles. Look forward to hearing the next update! You both are in our prayers and Ronan sends special kisses to his beloved "Miss Heather!"

  2. Heather (aka Missy...)
    Yes, infertility is surely not for the weak of heart. I know what a tough and painful path your are taking and I am praying that this time you get your little one(s) that you are so ready for! You were born to be a Mama!

    Love your blog and you know I'll be following your journey!

    And glad to hear about Pat's, um...swimmers. If I'm blushing next time I see you, well I guess you'll know why!

  3. I'm so excited to hear about everything this time. I know how difficult this is, you know I love you and can't wait for news!!

  4. Ashley- made me laugh when I read that I write the way I speak...when my dad found out I was doing a blog he said "this is perfect we all know how much you like to talk" hehehe Miss you guys please give my little Ronnie hugs!

    Jennifer- Its great to hear from you! Thank you for the prayers they will be greatly appreciated. If you look away when you see Pat I will know why :)

    Amanda- thanks for checking in! Please give Allison some hugs from me :)
