Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tic Tock Tic Tock

The wait has got to be the hardest part of IVF..... I have 8 days left until my BETA (blood pregnancy test) and it is realllllllllllllly dragging along, which is pretty amazing considering I have been busy.

Pat leaves early tomorrow morning for Washington DC. So I will be on my own for the results.... not REALLY on my own because of course I still have my family and friends here but it just wont be the same as either celebrating with him or crying on his shoulder... (celebrating, celebrating, celebrating-positive thinking) But he will be the first call I make....

Of course there is the whole home pregnancy test debate. You can get an answer right away and not have to wait nearly as long, probably accurate by Sunday. That would give a pregnancy enough time to produce the hormones to show positive.. but the RE gives you a date for a reason--- I am sure its not just to torture us? Right????

The problem with taking the home test really is more mental... if its positive you then worry if its accurate, if its strong and not just a chemical pregnancy (which wouldnt show till BETA) and if its negative.... you end up sad, heartbroken and then comes denial--- big time denial-- "Its just too early" and you torture yourself again and again re-testing. I know this stinks because I did it last time. I am really really wanting to wait till next Friday, but boy oh boy do those sticks yell out come pee on me--- I will tell you---" . Then there is the fact that I just don't know if I can make it through seeing yet another negative test, I have had probably close to a hundred of those in the last three years just waiting for one positive.... crossing my fingers that I have enough self control to hold out till March 5th :)

As for symptoms so far, there aren't to many because it is still really early and I am still on hormone injections that can do all kinds of weird things to your body... but I have had lots of little cramps so I am really hoping thats a good sign of the baby (babies) getting cozy in there... We will see..... hmmmmmm March 5th.....


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