Tuesday, February 9, 2010

IVF #2 Post 3

The numbers are in....... folks I am feeling pretty lucky :) For all of the non-IVF'ers , there are just a few things our Dr. looks for at this time, here is a breakdown so when I update as we go along you will know exactly how things are going:

1. Follicle size- this tells them when the eggs are most likely be mature enough to retrieve, they like to see at least 1-20 mm and 2-16 mm or bigger before they will give you the trigger shot (trigger is HCG- the pregnancy hormone, it gets eggs nice and loose for the Dr, like when you ovulate naturally) A day after trigger they harvest the eggs.

2. Estrogen level aka E2- Tells them approx how many eggs that are growing are likely to be mature as well. They like to see this number between 2000-4000 on trigger day... since I am pretty good egg producer my E2 on trigger day is usually very close to 4000... over 4000 can cause Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)-- this is a naughty little fellow we want to avoid. I have had OHSS once before and I can assure you I don't want it to happen again. In Oct I was very proactive with this and I will be again this time. The other rule of thumb is 200 per mature egg. So if we are looking at 4000 I should have close to 20 mature eggs. In Oct I had 3900 E2 and retrieved 21 eggs- all mature.. so for me this is a good estimate

3. The lining of your uterus- My RE (those who remember what this means get an A++) likes you to be 9-12, triple stripe makes it even better. This give the little embryos a great place to attach and grow, the better the lining the better my chance of having a successful IVF cycle. Last time my final lining was 8.8... close call. The higher your E2 typically the thicker your lining.

Here is the true deal... all of this together should make sense...
Nice sized follicles = high E2 = nice lining etc.

Which is where the concern was with my Oct IVF, E2 was at the very high end, lots of eggs, but my lining was just below average ... Now that I explained all this fun stuff..........drumroll please

E2 Today 573 Oct 390

Lining Today 6.6 Oct 5.9

Follicle size Today- under 12mm Oct- under 12mm (very standard at this time)

Exciting!!! Its nice to see the Viagra is doing its job, I am really hoping that my by the time for the embryo transfer I will be at 9mm or thicker. Its good to have goals right? The best is the ultrasound tech told me it looked really great :) yippeeeeee!!!! I go back on Thursday morning for another scan and bloodwork, Thursday afternoon pre-op with a new Dr.... did I forgot to mention my regular RE is having emergency neck surgery??? No worries as long as I get pregnant it doesn't matter who does it, Mickey Mouse, Ronald McDonald, Brittney Spears?


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