Can you believe I am 15 weeks already? I sure can't. On one hand its like I was just beginning all of this yesterday and on the other... I have a long way to go before I get to hold my babies...Still somewhat in awe of the fact that there are TWO hahaha. It hits me in waves as well, TWO babies holly cow... I will see a lady struggling to carry a heavy infant car seat on one arm and a diaper bag on the other... and just kind of laugh at the thought of adding one more car seat to the mix. At least with two Pat and I aren't out numbered :) I figure with my daycare babies I managed to feed three at a time, love three at a time and get three in and out of a car... two should be a breeze LOL Ya Right! these boys won't be going home at the end of the day to give me the night off :)
Well Jamison and Weston are now approximately 4 inches from head to rump, about the size of an apple..... I sometimes wonder if they are just apples why on earth is my belly all ready the size of a honeydew melon?? Ok maybe closer to a watermelon...
I had my first stranger ask if I was expecting :) I was soooo excited! I am for sure in the preggo belly stage instead of the chubby belly stage... because you know someone wouldn't ask unless they were pretty darn certain the answer was "yes". Although Pat would argue its because I rub it all the time... Its already a habit, it sticks out- so I rub it :) It took me a LONG time to have this belly and I am embracing it all the way!
New belly pictures tomorrow...
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