Well we are at 16 weeks- 4 months wowsa!! Exciting! I would have posted sooner but thanks to my Aunt Cookie--- I have been VERY pre-occupied the last few days. I got a phone call from an upset friend that it was entirely unacceptable that it has been 7 days since my last post... I am sorry Miss Tammi I will try to do better :)
Our little men our now about 4.5-5 inches long (from head to bottom) and the size of avocado's. I have almost ten inches of baby in my belly hahaha
Tonight Pat and I took a walk with Maggie and all of the sudden the baby kicked so hard it shocked me, I almost feel over.. Pat was like "Are you ok??" and I busted out laughing... I just started feeling them instead of just the movement recently, yesterday and earlier today a few regular ones but this was like a huge kick... I loved it :) I put his hand there but the baby only did it once, just a few seconds earlier I know he would have been able too. He is looking forward to it.
So of course I also attached my belly shots from yesterday and tomorrow we have another Dr. apt at 1:40 pm and I will get to see our little babies again :) Fingers crossed they give me a few pictures so I can post them for you!
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