Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dr Apt Update :)

Well I woke up today feeling soooo much better. The pain wasn't gone but was significantly improved... this helped big time in waiting for my apt.

I have to tell you before I get to what the Dr. said.... I met this lady in the waiting room.... Lord knows I can't keep me mouth shut I talk to everybody (even the ones that probably prefer I don't haha) Poor girl was HUGE... so I casually ask "oh how far along are you?" and her answer "27 weeks"!!!! I am telling you she looked so uncomfortable I could have swore it was more of an any day now then lots more weeks.... so here is me to myself thinking "OMG" so next question "Awe do you know what you are having" and her answer "twin girls... and a boy" A triplet mama never saw one in real life before :) Then we were chatting like BFF's :) She actually struggled to get pregnant as well and on her 2nd IVF they put two eggs in, one split, so she has identical girls and a singleton boy. She told me she was expecting twins from her blood levels so when they did her ultrasound and had the surprise #3 she was shocked she said "wait a minute I saw those embryos, I watched them go in, there were two" But she of course is excited (and very uncomfortable) now.

So for me... I had another ultrasound today... I know luckiest pregnant girl ever, in two days I got to see my babies on three different ultrasounds. They are fabulous, and yet again confirmed to be boys hahaha. This just cracks me up. I have met so many woman who say their Dr won't even peak until 20 weeks and my last two techs (first one of course I asked) offered up the goods with the old "soooo do you want to know what you are having?" wand ready and eager to tell me. I think it must be fun for them to guess and see. But I can say I have now seen their goods from every angle and for sure all boy.... and they must take after their daddy because they are not shy about showing it off :)

They also checked my cervix to see if it needed to be stitched and so far that looks great as well (I go back for another ultrasound and check in 2 weeks). So as far as the pain... this part kind of stinks..... It was indeed from my adhesion's and scar tissue from my surgeries in the past. Some of my parts have areas that are stuck together so as the babies move and press on them I will have this happen, the bigger they get, the more often. So in all honesty I knew going into this pregnancy that it may be difficult from this problem, but I guess I just didn't realize it would start this soon... my Dr. said she was surprised it was beginning already as well. I guess to look at the bright side now that I have felt it, when it happens again I won't be nearly as scared. Of course for me, just knowing the babies are ok and its just pain effecting me only.... I can deal and get through it :) Although I have a funny feeling it may be a long 5 months (looking to deliver Oct 18, 2010) is another funny side note from last night.... over the speaker at the hospital comes "Alert we have a code pink, one day old African American male last seen in the B hallway with an African American woman, 5.3, 130 lbs, blue jeans and a purple bag" OMG!!! A baby snatcher! So I of course freak, Pat runs out to help.... panic in the hallways........... two minutes later "this is just a drill" The nurses were ticked because they totally freaked out all the patients, they said they normally say in the beginning it was a drill, it was the first time ever they didn't, and went on to describe what the person was wearing etc. so they were all believing it too... Thank the lord it was just a test!!!

Thank you all for the well wishes, it means alot to both Pat and I :)



  1. Oh Heather, I am so relieve to hear that you 3 are okay. When I saw the entry yesterday I wanted to call but restrained myself...just in case. I know you must have felt such relief to see those babies content and playing away in there! I remember that feeling all too well when we had my scare at 29 weeks. I know what you hard as it is you just have to find that "happy place" and bear through the discomfort (in your case grave pain) as best you can. I told myself that my body did not belong to me right now, and I know you're feeling the same way. Here's praying that the pain episodes are infrequent and short-lived. Hang in there kiddo! Though 5 months seems like a long wait...the reward (and in your case plural) is sooooo worth it! Just you wait! You're in our thoughts and prayers! xoxo Ashley

  2. So glad all is well. Although it stinks you have to deal with the pain for the whole pregnancy! The time will go so fast and when the boys are here...well I imagine that pain will fade from memory.'ll be too darned tired for the next year or so to remember it!
