So here is the deal... I went back and forth a bit n whether to post these or not... 3-d ultrasounds FREAK ME OUT!!!
They have always freaked me out, and some people actually pay EXTRA for these wonderful little treasures... One of my bestest friends Corinne was actually the first to show me a 3-d picture, it was of her adorable little girl... however after she had the picture taken she was so upset thinking her baby was going to have a big nose and not be cute, "are you sure it doesn't look like her nose is huge" and that same conversation happened over and over in the weeks before the baby came...... the picture was way off, when her daughter was born she was truly one cutest little newborns I have ever seen............. who also had one of the smallest noses I have ever seen. All of that worry for nothing :) P.S. I can say this now, but I was a little worried for her too LOL!!! (Love ya Corinne)
Sometimes when you see a 3-d, there is a big black spot in the picture that looks like part of the baby is missing......or these weird objects that are who knows what??? All in all these ultrasound pictures typically just don't match up to the picture in my head of cute cuddly infants that are on the way into the world.
So this brings me to Tuesday afternoon. I was chatting with my friend Heather and she happened to ask if I was going to go to one of those 3-d places to get a picture of the boys... so I gave her a brief version of the above story and how I didn't want to worry myself that my babies A) aren't going to be cute or B) they are missing black spots on their little bodies.
Wednesday afternoon---- I start off my apt before seeing the Dr. with the ultrasound girl (I love her) and she is measuring away and telling me how great they are doing.... then WHAM screen goes 3-d and she gets these wonderful up close shots of the boys..... I was like "Wow...... thank you...aren't they precious....." then went into the waiting room for the Dr...... 2 seconds later she came running back out saying "oh I almost forgot here are you pictures...." So glad she didn't forget to hand them to me hahahaha
Super nice of her to go the extra mile but I just kind of laughed.... I showed Pat and he asked me "are they shaped right?" and "is that what they are supposed to look like?"
I love my little Aliens LOL!!!
PS Tip if you have a hard time figuring out these pictures... Baby B is a bit easier, his little hand is up by his face, Baby A picture.... it is a profile, he is in the upper right side, you can see his little ear... I know it looks like a scary face on the bottom left corner but that is just some other.... thing... love 3-d hahahaha :)
i luv these.....and they are pretty cute:)