Wow 18 weeks!!! I am 1/2 until they will give me a C-section!!! I can not believe I am half way to meeting my babies!!!! How exciting.... although it still seems like a very long time before they are here we are really trucking along :)
The boys are now the size of Sweet Potatoes, approx 5.5-6 inches from crown to bottom and weigh approx 6-7 oz :) I was looking at this weeks belly picture... still doesn't seem like their is much of a change between the last few weeks, so I will be curious to see my weight gain at tomorrow's apt. From what I hear there will be some weeks I gain lots of weight and others just a little bit... I guess I will know tomorrow, maybe it went to my butt instead hahahaha
And the other great news I got today.... MY DADDY IS COMING TO VISIT!!!!!! Yippeeeeee!!! He is coming on Monday of next week and staying until Thursday :) It will be so nice to have some company during the day and ... not going to lie... I miss him, Pat does too so we are both looking forward to the visit :) Best part... next week is my 20 week level 2 scan (with my favorite ultrasound tech) and Pat wasn't going to be able to make it. This is the final big hump in pregnancy, they check the babies full make up, all of the organs, their brain and their growth and my Daddy will get to come and watch, he loves all of the high tech stuff so I am sure he will really enjoy seeing his grandsons on screen and moving all around, especially since the ultra sounds have gotten so detailed since my mom was pregnant :)
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