20 weeks!! Not only is it another weeks I am no longer in the teens!!! I am officially a twenty-something hahahaha For more weeks and we will be viable!!! Crazy thought that in less then a month god forbid if I went into labor our boys will be able to live outside my belly :) That will be a day of celebration for sure.
Of course I want many more weeks after that but I have been setting myself small goals to get through all of the bedrest so its not so overwhelming... first will be 24 weeks, when we get there my next goal will be 28 weeks and then 32 and finally 36---- Baby time!!!! It helps I swear :)
So the boys today are now approx 10.5 oz (of course my little men are already bigger but these are the standards for this gestation) 6.5 inches from head to rump, 10 inches from head to heel of their tiny feet about the size of a cantaloupe.
My little cantaloupes have been soooooo active lately I love it. Unfortunately Pat has yet to feel them... they will be kicking away and as soon as he puts his hand on my belly... they stop. Hopefully soon he can feel them.
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