It went great!!! This one was the short visit quick cervix check (by ultrasound), my weight and then a meet with the Dr.
My cervix is holding steady at 3.2mm which they were really happy with and then my favorite tech gave me a quick peak at my boys... and a few pictures :) Love her!!!
Jamison, my sweet little boy was practicing "swallowing", I guess that is how they learn to breath. If you look at his pictures you can kind of see his mouth a little open in one :) It was very cute.
Weston, my little wild man.... well as you can see by the blur of his face, he was all over the place....and he is fast!!! It was like he was boxing in there. If you look at his pictures you can see his little arm up in one and down in the other... I think he may really give me a run for my money :)
Then was the dreaded scale........... 28 lbs!!! Holly cow!! They are not worried and think I am right on target by MY GOODNESS does it sound rough. My belly is sticking out pretty far (obviously I guess since I am packing extra poundage) so I asked if I was abnormally large for this point in my gestation and she said no that it is because I am short (I know hard to believe with my big hair and high heels, I can usually pull a good 5'7, but when they are gone I shrink back to a pint sized 5'2) but more so, I am short waited so they babies have no where to go but out.... I guess it will be like a torpedo :)
So I have about 15 weeks left and they wanted me to gain 50 lbs, minus the 28 I have 22 left... not bad I guess 1.5 lbs a week... so if I continue like I have, I should be right where they want me to be at delivery and have 2 nice and healthy babies!!! Can't wait to meet them!!!
I had a lady ask me today when my baby was due... when I told her October she had that surprised look on her face so I made sure to follow up with "but I have two in here" hahaha. It was nice though. Being so far away from all of our friends and family and not getting to leave my couch makes for very rare occasions that I really get to gush over the babies so it kind of made my day :)
Looking forward to this 3 day weekend with my hubby... and even better we are having some friends in from FL!! Should be a great visit, Mike and Pat have been friends since grade school!!!
We have also been working on the nursery (when I say we... I mean Pat does and I watch, I make a great cheerleader) so hopefully I can post some pictures of the progress soon :)
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