One more down!!! Yippeeeee!!!! Three more to go and we will be past viability, amazing! So as of today our little one are now the size of a banana. Approximately 10.5 inches long and 12.7 ounces each.
I have to say I can for sure tell the boys are getting bigger because their kicks most certainly are. Pat has still yet to feel them move :( Yesterday I told him they were kicking so he puts his hand there and of course... they stop... he moves his hand... and of course they start again... big ones, enough that I could see and feel them from the outside.. So I open the door to get Pat to try again and... his hands are full of bags of Maggie poo.... he went to try and I was like "um no thanks ... lets wait till you wash those hands". They were pretty quiet for the rest of the evening until of course bed time. Pat was already asleep and they were having a party in my belly, a jig on my bladder, a little break dance on my ribs and tap dancing on my girlie bits (um boys I love your kicks however mommy would really appreciate if you skipped that last area) Oh well maybe tonight we can try again, I can't wait till he can finally feel them :)
I found a fabulous photographer to do maternity pictures for us and I am super excited for them so last night I was trying on some of the clothes I wanted to wear (um... to be sure they still fit, and for the record my jeans do, even though I think I actually heard them squeal when I put them on) Since I was in my sports bra I checked out my belly and decided it wasn't looking too bad right now so if I was ever going to take a full "belly" picture now is the time... no stretch marks (yet I am sure there will be some in my future) and its big but not abnormally crazy large yet so I have added it to the line up of normal Monday photos.... at least for this week :)
Pat had given me a little love tap on my ONE butt cheek this weekend... it made my entire butt and thighs jiggle hahahaha. I am going to have ALOT of squats and lunges in my future.....
Since you all know by now I am an open book and tell all, I will give some more TMI.... I have really been hoping that I am able to nurse the babies, better for them, better for me, and with the price of formula, better for our wallets :) So I am happy to report my "girls" are already leaking hahaha I NEVER expected that this early and I don't think I ever thought it would make me happy to say that... however I am kind of excited because it looks like my "parts" are functioning :) You figure with as large as they have gotten at least I can put these bad boys to some good use!!!
Apt Wednesday I will keep you posted!
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