So we had our level 2 anatomy scan yesterday... and it was .... FANTASTIC!!!! The boys got an A+. The Dr. told us they look "beautiful" and are nice and big.. the average baby at this point is about 8.0-8.5 oz and both babies are 11 oz each!!! My dad loved it. When they began the scan she was looking at the inside of the brain and he said "is that the inside of the brain?" and she answered yes... he said "now that is COOL!!!" and hopped up to get nice and close so he could get a good look. Of course he said these scans have come a long way since my brothers and I were born. We got to see their hearts, blood flow to their cord and bladder, their little kidneys and the length of the bones... in typical fashion Jamison was super cooperative and little Weston was kicking away :) I love them!!!!!
So my favorite ultrasound tech gave us lots of pictures..... all in 3-D hahahahaha my little aliens still look like aliens but these are pretty cute... they can actually touch each other now... I guess the membrane between is only as thick as plastic wrap :) My favorite of these is where Jamison is "kissing" Westons little head. The ones of just their face are marked A and B, Jamison is A Weston B.... She told me Jamison will probably have my nose.... poor kid LOL
For now, I will be going to the Dr. every two weeks... alternating for type of apt, next one will be a cervix check (via ultrasound) and non-stress test... this test checks to see if you are at risk for labor within 2 weeks (pretty amazing they can check for that) then two weeks after they do the full measuring of the baby the the next two weeks is switches back... I guess my little ones are a bit high maintenance like their momma :)
In other news.... I did get my Red Lobster..... YUMMMMM Maybe that is why when they weighed in with a grand total of 24 lbs!!!! OMG Oh well I guess I met my goal of 24 lbs by 24 weeks since made it at 20... maybe I am just an over achiever :)
Awwww look at you Heather! You look so good! :D
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about your weight. Enjoy this and you're doing great!
Your boys are so precious <3