You all know this is my favorite day of the week.... the clicker ticks over and its officially one more week down and one closer to meeting the babies!!! So excited... and of course this is our big ultrasound week... a great milestone!!!
Today the boys are now the size of a mango (back to fruit, for some reason that sounds cuter then veggies LOL) Approximately 8 1/2 ounces and 6 inches long from crown to rump each... hmmmm 8 1/2 per baby thats less then 2 pounds of baby in my belly where did the other 18 lbs go??? hahahaha I will worry about that after they are born :)
I have a funny feeling that eating light will not be on the menu this week since my Dad will be here... he has been wanting a Philly Cheese Steak from the place around the corner... As soon as he heard it was one of the best around I think he started planning his trip :) Then on Wednesday if my Dr. gives me a free pass to go out to eat (I have been sooooooo good about staying off my feet so I am hoping he gives me the OK) We are going to hit Red Lobster for lunch... yummmmm nothing beats their cheddar biscuits.... Pat has been making great dinners... but its been almost a month since eating out and I am REALLY REALLY looking forward to it!!! Awe the excitement food brings to a pregnant lady :)
PS- I noted the belly placement in the weeks picture, its getting close to taking up the whole frame... oh boy!! I think I am going to start having Pat take them again so he can get further away... each week he will have to add a step back :)
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