Oh my... someone upstairs must have read my last blog post and decided to save me from my torture!!! Not even 10 minutes after posting it the charge nurse came in to tell me I was being moved into a private room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is me doing the happy dance in my bed!!!
New room has a big picture window, a bench seat for Pat along with a recliner and a rocker so he can visit and be cozy... and I even have a fridge :) Heaven!!
I almost forgot to tell you... I have finally lost the battle.... I got my first stretch mark (well pregnancy related ones) on my boobie. I have been closely monitoring the situation, greasing up with cocoa butter (in three different forms, lotion, oil, and a 100% pure cocoa butter stick-had to cover all bases) and for the last few weeks have been playing the "stretch mark or fat wrinkle" game. I would spy a new red mark or line on hips thigh belly or boobies and I would circle it with a pen to see if it was still there the next day... fat wrinkles, you know caused by my clothes getting a little more snug.. disappear.. so far I have lucked out... all fat wrinkles.... today I mourned the loss of the fat wrinkle officially as I accepted my first (I am sure of many to come) stretch mark... battle wound of making my babies :) PS please don't judge my "game" I have ALOT of time on my hands!!!
As my dad said before "scars are like tattoos but with better stories"
Friday, July 30, 2010
Fun times.....
Hellllloooooooooo everyone!! As you can probably guess this girl is BORED!!
So on Thursday afternoons the other bedrest preggo ladies and I (if allowed by the Dr.s) get wheeled down to a little, I will call it "happy hour". Its like a social hour and they invite one of the nurses to do a talk/class. Yesterdays class was on the NICU and what we can expect to see and what happens to our babies while they are there. It was nice to get out of the room for a bit but while I was there I got pulled out to go to have a quick ultrasound.
They wanted to see if the boys were practicing their breathing and my little Weston was such a trooper.. they needed him to be active and of course he obliged, he loves to be busy... now little Jamison, poor kid. He was napping and she had to "wake him up" to get him to do his little exercises and she started to poke around on him... and Weston decided to help.. elbowed him in the chest and belly, little boy kept napping, a few more kicks from his brother.. hard kicks, poor little guys whole body would jolt, still snoozing.. finally after some more prodding from the tech he woke up and did his thing... and went right back to sleep :) The only thing that was a bit worrisome is that they are both head down now but Jamison is super low... so low you couldn't see his head or face... hope that little man doesn't get any crazy ideas...........
But I did make it back to chat with some of the other "moms" before we got sent back to our rooms which was a nice change from chatting with my roomie --- lord help me!!!
Now I am a chatty person by nature and I LOVE to talk to whoever but seriously.... seriously. I would like shoot myself. She is a young girl, sweet, 21 yrs old 30 weeks pregnant with boy/girl twins has had a pretty rough life so far (met with a social worker yesterday and went over her past)... but my lord she complains about everything!!!
I am hot
I am hungry
My fries are cold
I have heart burn
I still have heart burn
(talking to the tv) Oh man that looks good, or- that girl is so crazy take the money!!
My heart is beating fast
That hot chocolate is good--please repeat 10 times because I heard that at least that many
This pudding is to sweet
I want to freeze my candy bar do you think they will?
I have a lump in my bed
I want to order a grilled cheese
This along with calling the nurses 8 times for random things, all before lunch... So I guess its better then talking our dog all day but it does help to remind me patience is a virtue :)
As of today they have decreased my the angle to lay at from 45 degrees to 30, which you wouldn't think would be alot different but it is quite a bit flatter, they really want to keep the pressure of my girlie bits. The only other news is they added the compression socks for my feet to help prevent blood clots in my legs so nothing to exciting on this end :) One more day down and one more day closer to 28 weeks!!!
So on Thursday afternoons the other bedrest preggo ladies and I (if allowed by the Dr.s) get wheeled down to a little, I will call it "happy hour". Its like a social hour and they invite one of the nurses to do a talk/class. Yesterdays class was on the NICU and what we can expect to see and what happens to our babies while they are there. It was nice to get out of the room for a bit but while I was there I got pulled out to go to have a quick ultrasound.
They wanted to see if the boys were practicing their breathing and my little Weston was such a trooper.. they needed him to be active and of course he obliged, he loves to be busy... now little Jamison, poor kid. He was napping and she had to "wake him up" to get him to do his little exercises and she started to poke around on him... and Weston decided to help.. elbowed him in the chest and belly, little boy kept napping, a few more kicks from his brother.. hard kicks, poor little guys whole body would jolt, still snoozing.. finally after some more prodding from the tech he woke up and did his thing... and went right back to sleep :) The only thing that was a bit worrisome is that they are both head down now but Jamison is super low... so low you couldn't see his head or face... hope that little man doesn't get any crazy ideas...........
But I did make it back to chat with some of the other "moms" before we got sent back to our rooms which was a nice change from chatting with my roomie --- lord help me!!!
Now I am a chatty person by nature and I LOVE to talk to whoever but seriously.... seriously. I would like shoot myself. She is a young girl, sweet, 21 yrs old 30 weeks pregnant with boy/girl twins has had a pretty rough life so far (met with a social worker yesterday and went over her past)... but my lord she complains about everything!!!
I am hot
I am hungry
My fries are cold
I have heart burn
I still have heart burn
(talking to the tv) Oh man that looks good, or- that girl is so crazy take the money!!
My heart is beating fast
That hot chocolate is good--please repeat 10 times because I heard that at least that many
This pudding is to sweet
I want to freeze my candy bar do you think they will?
I have a lump in my bed
I want to order a grilled cheese
This along with calling the nurses 8 times for random things, all before lunch... So I guess its better then talking our dog all day but it does help to remind me patience is a virtue :)
As of today they have decreased my the angle to lay at from 45 degrees to 30, which you wouldn't think would be alot different but it is quite a bit flatter, they really want to keep the pressure of my girlie bits. The only other news is they added the compression socks for my feet to help prevent blood clots in my legs so nothing to exciting on this end :) One more day down and one more day closer to 28 weeks!!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Home sweet...Hospital!!!
Well if you could guess by the title.. things at the Dr's office didn't go so well today.....
It took all of about 5 seconds in the ultrasound room to see we had a problem. My favorite tech said "wow, you have gotten pretty short" and I could clearly see the "funneling" of my cervix... it looks just like the name sounds, the top has a wide opening and it funnels down smaller till its closed... the problem with funneling is that the amniotic sac starts to slip into the opening leaving a big risk for your water to break and end in pre-term labor.
A decent length measurement is somewhere in the high 3's. Last time I went in, it had gone down to about 2.5 and then today it was only 1.5.... so with the big change in length along with the funneling I was doomed... The tech then said "Well lets she what the Dr. is going to do with you...." and at that point I knew exactly where I was headed... The Dr. said had I not had the cerclage I would have already delivered the boys!! Thank goodness we have made it this far...
I asked if I could go home and get my things together... and the answer was a big fat "no, strait to the hospital you go"Of course my first call is to Pat, who completely thought I was kidding.. I was like no seriously... and I got the "ya sure" and he finally was starting to believe me and said "for how long?? just tonight??" and when I gave him the wonderful news of at least until 28-30 weeks but if it changes or get worse I will be here until the boys are born....... then he thought I was kidding again...... Poor guy..... Although I am sure he will be happy to not have to cook dinner and wait on me I know visiting the hospital on an almost daily basis isn't really his idea of a fun time :)
The Dr. also said at this point our magic number is 28 weeks... so 2 1/2 more and we will be in a much safer zone... I guess at that point the long term damage of being born prematurely is very minimal.
Now let me tell you how this admitting stuff works...
1) get all settled in the room (currently sharing but will be moved to a private one later)
2) meet all of the nurses- super nice- we are good to go there
3) they decide we need some blood drawn-- not too horrible I am ok with needles...
4) they then decide we need to start an IV-- ok I can deal I have GREAT IV veins, never a problem.......
5) first IV attempt--FAIL... ouch
6) second IV attempt-- FAIL... Ouch
7) third IV attempt-- FAIL... What the heck!! OUCH blood all over the blankets, seriously at this point I was ready to do it myself!!!!!!
8) forth IV attempt-- thank the lord-- its in!!!
9) shot of steroids in the butt for the babies lungs
10) my blood thinner shot
11) two type of antibiotics started to be sure there is nothing going on in there
12) Sweet nurses and Dr's come back to get "A Swab" key note "A"--- LIARS
13) Swab one in the whoo hoo-- all right??
14) Swab two in the whoo hoo--- Really???
15) Swab three in the whoo hoo--- This stinks!!
16) Swab four in the whoo hoo---Seriously???
17) Swab "on the outside" of the hinny--LIARS last time I checked THAT IS NOT the outside!!
18) finally done with that crap...........
So for now the schedule is one more shot of the steroids tomorrow to help develop their lungs, it helps prepare them to breath on their own if they do make an early debut. There little heartbeats are checked 3 times a day, monitoring for contractions, cervical dilation, and then a weekly growth scan.
Weston gave the nurses a hard time tonight... wouldn't stop moving around so they couldn't get his heart rate, they had to come back with a different machine and try again.. maybe he was trying to make up for the fact they hurt his momma!! Jamison was, as always, super cooperative :) I also have some very sweet 3-d pictures of both of their faces from earlier today. They have changed so much, their little cheeks have started filling out. I am not sure how I can get the pictures loaded from the hospital, but if I can I will. Here is my prediction, sweet Jamison seems like he will look more like me, and as very fitting, my busy boy will look alot like his daddy, I guess we'll see soon if I am right :) As excited as I am to meet these little guys I am praying they stay put for a few more weeks at least....
PS- up 5 more lbs, I guess the one I saved from last visit decided to come this time... 36 lbs and counting....
It took all of about 5 seconds in the ultrasound room to see we had a problem. My favorite tech said "wow, you have gotten pretty short" and I could clearly see the "funneling" of my cervix... it looks just like the name sounds, the top has a wide opening and it funnels down smaller till its closed... the problem with funneling is that the amniotic sac starts to slip into the opening leaving a big risk for your water to break and end in pre-term labor.
A decent length measurement is somewhere in the high 3's. Last time I went in, it had gone down to about 2.5 and then today it was only 1.5.... so with the big change in length along with the funneling I was doomed... The tech then said "Well lets she what the Dr. is going to do with you...." and at that point I knew exactly where I was headed... The Dr. said had I not had the cerclage I would have already delivered the boys!! Thank goodness we have made it this far...
I asked if I could go home and get my things together... and the answer was a big fat "no, strait to the hospital you go"Of course my first call is to Pat, who completely thought I was kidding.. I was like no seriously... and I got the "ya sure" and he finally was starting to believe me and said "for how long?? just tonight??" and when I gave him the wonderful news of at least until 28-30 weeks but if it changes or get worse I will be here until the boys are born....... then he thought I was kidding again...... Poor guy..... Although I am sure he will be happy to not have to cook dinner and wait on me I know visiting the hospital on an almost daily basis isn't really his idea of a fun time :)
The Dr. also said at this point our magic number is 28 weeks... so 2 1/2 more and we will be in a much safer zone... I guess at that point the long term damage of being born prematurely is very minimal.
Now let me tell you how this admitting stuff works...
1) get all settled in the room (currently sharing but will be moved to a private one later)
2) meet all of the nurses- super nice- we are good to go there
3) they decide we need some blood drawn-- not too horrible I am ok with needles...
4) they then decide we need to start an IV-- ok I can deal I have GREAT IV veins, never a problem.......
5) first IV attempt--FAIL... ouch
6) second IV attempt-- FAIL... Ouch
7) third IV attempt-- FAIL... What the heck!! OUCH blood all over the blankets, seriously at this point I was ready to do it myself!!!!!!
8) forth IV attempt-- thank the lord-- its in!!!
9) shot of steroids in the butt for the babies lungs
10) my blood thinner shot
11) two type of antibiotics started to be sure there is nothing going on in there
12) Sweet nurses and Dr's come back to get "A Swab" key note "A"--- LIARS
13) Swab one in the whoo hoo-- all right??
14) Swab two in the whoo hoo--- Really???
15) Swab three in the whoo hoo--- This stinks!!
16) Swab four in the whoo hoo---Seriously???
17) Swab "on the outside" of the hinny--LIARS last time I checked THAT IS NOT the outside!!
18) finally done with that crap...........
So for now the schedule is one more shot of the steroids tomorrow to help develop their lungs, it helps prepare them to breath on their own if they do make an early debut. There little heartbeats are checked 3 times a day, monitoring for contractions, cervical dilation, and then a weekly growth scan.
Weston gave the nurses a hard time tonight... wouldn't stop moving around so they couldn't get his heart rate, they had to come back with a different machine and try again.. maybe he was trying to make up for the fact they hurt his momma!! Jamison was, as always, super cooperative :) I also have some very sweet 3-d pictures of both of their faces from earlier today. They have changed so much, their little cheeks have started filling out. I am not sure how I can get the pictures loaded from the hospital, but if I can I will. Here is my prediction, sweet Jamison seems like he will look more like me, and as very fitting, my busy boy will look alot like his daddy, I guess we'll see soon if I am right :) As excited as I am to meet these little guys I am praying they stay put for a few more weeks at least....
PS- up 5 more lbs, I guess the one I saved from last visit decided to come this time... 36 lbs and counting....
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I learned the hard way.......
Ok... to all of the yet to be pregnant ladies let me save you some heartache.... WHATEVER you do...
DO NOT LOOK AT YOUR PRE-PREGNANCY PICTURES until after you have returned to pre-pregnancy size.
My computer was running so slow today I decided to get rid of old junk stored on it to try and free up some space, figuring that would get this computer running with a little pep. I eventually mosey over to my picture files knowing I have tons of oldies from things I have sold on Craigslist, old craft projects, just random odds and ends I don't need anymore.
I like to reminisce, look through old pictures and remember the warm and fuzzy feelings when they were taken or the fun things we were doing.... and there I was looking at myself when I had cheekbones, one chin and a flat tummy.... ok so at that point I was feeling a little sorry for myself and my 30 pound weight gain......... and then I came across our most recent cruise pictures taken late last year.... I was in a bikini.... I won't lie, I fought back a few tears...
I think most of this is due to the fear of reading the scale tomorrow at my appointment. I know weight gain is part of carrying babies... more so with twins... but I am one to enjoy exercising and I have always just pictured myself walking and exercising through my pregnancy with a nice normal weight gain keeping everything easy to pop back after the baby(babies) came. So this 5 months of inactive, sitting here, having a huge spread in the old behind was not what I had in mind. I know I will work this off when I am done baking my babies... but I also know it took months for my body to get this way so I know it will take a few months to get back to where I was before.
Most people will say that I shouldn't worry about this stuff and that it doesn't matter... but I have always had issues with my body image and my weight and having dealt with that pretty much my whole life, not being in control of this has been a big adjustment. I eat well and do the best I can for the boys and I am on target for what the Dr's want so over all we are doing awesome... I just can't look at any more of those pictures.. until I look like that again :)
I will give more updates after my appointment tomorrow!!
DO NOT LOOK AT YOUR PRE-PREGNANCY PICTURES until after you have returned to pre-pregnancy size.
My computer was running so slow today I decided to get rid of old junk stored on it to try and free up some space, figuring that would get this computer running with a little pep. I eventually mosey over to my picture files knowing I have tons of oldies from things I have sold on Craigslist, old craft projects, just random odds and ends I don't need anymore.
I like to reminisce, look through old pictures and remember the warm and fuzzy feelings when they were taken or the fun things we were doing.... and there I was looking at myself when I had cheekbones, one chin and a flat tummy.... ok so at that point I was feeling a little sorry for myself and my 30 pound weight gain......... and then I came across our most recent cruise pictures taken late last year.... I was in a bikini.... I won't lie, I fought back a few tears...
I think most of this is due to the fear of reading the scale tomorrow at my appointment. I know weight gain is part of carrying babies... more so with twins... but I am one to enjoy exercising and I have always just pictured myself walking and exercising through my pregnancy with a nice normal weight gain keeping everything easy to pop back after the baby(babies) came. So this 5 months of inactive, sitting here, having a huge spread in the old behind was not what I had in mind. I know I will work this off when I am done baking my babies... but I also know it took months for my body to get this way so I know it will take a few months to get back to where I was before.
Most people will say that I shouldn't worry about this stuff and that it doesn't matter... but I have always had issues with my body image and my weight and having dealt with that pretty much my whole life, not being in control of this has been a big adjustment. I eat well and do the best I can for the boys and I am on target for what the Dr's want so over all we are doing awesome... I just can't look at any more of those pictures.. until I look like that again :)
I will give more updates after my appointment tomorrow!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
25 Weeks!!

Its Monday folks!! My favorite day of the week, the countdown ticker clicks by and my babies are officially one week older... feels kind of weird actually, I was so looking forward to 24 weeks that its just crazy I have now past it :) 60% of twins are born by 35 weeks which seems sooooo soon!!! Can you believe we will be meeting our little men in just weeks???
I always try to picture their little faces and wonder what they look like.. I hope they inherit their daddys dimples and long eye lashes among some of his other great qualities :)
So as of today our munchkins are now approximately the size of eggplants!! The average length from crown to rump is between 13.6 and 14.8 inches the average weights between 1.5 and 2.2 lbs.
If you look at todays belly picture you may notice the angle on the camera is no longer vertical but is now horizontal... this was not a mistake... unfortunately I now need the wide angle to get the whole thing in there... lets just hope I don't grow out of the wide angle... that may make me cry.........
Speaking of this big ole belly, today was the end of an era... I am an avid leg shaver, I like to keep those bad boys nice and smooth, this has been becoming more and more of a challenge since bending over this huge lump of baby in the shower stall is no simple task. Today I tried, tried again and I simply can not reach anymore.... so I dried off and grabbed my razor and waltzed over to sit my behind on the side our garden tub.... success !! So looks like that will be my new spot until my bump disappears :)
Ooooooh I also am putting up the picture of the mommy deer and her baby, they stopped by for a second visit and I was able to snap a quick picture.. if you look close you can see the babies adorable white spots!!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Awe ...a very special day...
Its the anniversary of when Pat & I started dating!!! Four years ago we had our very first date.... For those of you who already know our "story" feel free to skip this post :)
After a little push from my dear friend Tammi, I had signed up for Match.com. After a few days of receiving crazy emails from some crazy people, I started browsing through the profiles myself and came across CountryPat... He had a profile picture that stood out from all of the rest........ It was him, cowboy hat, sunglasses, beer in hand, and in true Pat fashion, no shirt ...with the biggest smile ever. I loved that it was different but I had no idea that picture was SOOOOOO PAT until later.... His profile was funny and charming and I just had to contact him... of course still wanting to be "chased" like most woman do, I sent him a quick wink to let him know I was interested and hoped he liked my profile enough to send me an email.... as you can tell from how things have worked out... he did :)
After emailing back and forth for a few weeks we had one quick phone call to set up our first real date. We were meeting at a local restaurant right on the beach called Frenchy's.... and for once I was EARLY... so I am setting in my car talking to my brother on the phone passing some time and I see this guy... looking very similar to CountryPat, I will call him the "impostor". Impostor Pat was like the typical online dating story where someone goes in thinking they are going to meet one person and then finds out the profile picture just was 10 years old, the person is 10 inches shorter, 100 lbs heaver, maybe even of someone else, or just all around just not what you were expecting...... I told my brother "oh boy, this is going to be a quick date I'll call you in 30 minutes when its over..." So I am still assuming that was the guy, I start walking up to meet him, and there on the porch to the restaurant I see the real CountyPat who might I add was absolutely adorable. He pushed up the sleeves to his shirt (now I know he does this when he is nervous) and gave me the big ole Pat smile......... and I was pretty smitten from the start (sorry Impostor Pat, but you had nothing on the real deal) We had a great first date, talked and talked and he left to go watch Family Guy (thats a whole different story) and I got a parking ticket :)
We have been happily together ever since. I have been truly blessed with a fantastic husband who is as much devoted to me as I am to him, and of course through our relationship and marriage I have inherited an amazing family. I have the best mother in law any one could ask for, two beautiful and sweet sister in laws, 2 great brother in laws, 3 handsome nephew's and 2 adorable nieces.... not to mention the awesome extended family, who have all welcomed me into their lives and family with open arms. Jamison and Weston are so lucky to have you all!!!
Happy Anniversary Pat!! The last 4 years have been the best of my life and I can only assume they will get even better as we start on the amazing journey ahead of us :)
After a little push from my dear friend Tammi, I had signed up for Match.com. After a few days of receiving crazy emails from some crazy people, I started browsing through the profiles myself and came across CountryPat... He had a profile picture that stood out from all of the rest........ It was him, cowboy hat, sunglasses, beer in hand, and in true Pat fashion, no shirt ...with the biggest smile ever. I loved that it was different but I had no idea that picture was SOOOOOO PAT until later.... His profile was funny and charming and I just had to contact him... of course still wanting to be "chased" like most woman do, I sent him a quick wink to let him know I was interested and hoped he liked my profile enough to send me an email.... as you can tell from how things have worked out... he did :)
After emailing back and forth for a few weeks we had one quick phone call to set up our first real date. We were meeting at a local restaurant right on the beach called Frenchy's.... and for once I was EARLY... so I am setting in my car talking to my brother on the phone passing some time and I see this guy... looking very similar to CountryPat, I will call him the "impostor". Impostor Pat was like the typical online dating story where someone goes in thinking they are going to meet one person and then finds out the profile picture just was 10 years old, the person is 10 inches shorter, 100 lbs heaver, maybe even of someone else, or just all around just not what you were expecting...... I told my brother "oh boy, this is going to be a quick date I'll call you in 30 minutes when its over..." So I am still assuming that was the guy, I start walking up to meet him, and there on the porch to the restaurant I see the real CountyPat who might I add was absolutely adorable. He pushed up the sleeves to his shirt (now I know he does this when he is nervous) and gave me the big ole Pat smile......... and I was pretty smitten from the start (sorry Impostor Pat, but you had nothing on the real deal) We had a great first date, talked and talked and he left to go watch Family Guy (thats a whole different story) and I got a parking ticket :)
We have been happily together ever since. I have been truly blessed with a fantastic husband who is as much devoted to me as I am to him, and of course through our relationship and marriage I have inherited an amazing family. I have the best mother in law any one could ask for, two beautiful and sweet sister in laws, 2 great brother in laws, 3 handsome nephew's and 2 adorable nieces.... not to mention the awesome extended family, who have all welcomed me into their lives and family with open arms. Jamison and Weston are so lucky to have you all!!!
Happy Anniversary Pat!! The last 4 years have been the best of my life and I can only assume they will get even better as we start on the amazing journey ahead of us :)
Monday, July 19, 2010
24 weeks!! 24 weeks!! 24 weeks!!

Oh my!!!! I have been waiting for this first.... of many milestones to come!!! As of today, if the boys were born they would be able to survive outside of their mommas belly!!! Obviously we are planning on keeping them inside for many more weeks to fatten them up and give them the best chance at a healthy life as possible, but it is such a comfort to know we have made it this far :) Viability baby!! Jamison and Weston are here!!!
As of today they are about the size of an ear of corn.. with an average weight between 12.07 oz and 20.8 oz.. of course my little porky boys are a bit bigger which I am more then happy about!!
So I am cloud 9 as I get up shower, toss my hair back into a french braid.. today is going to be a great day....and then I start down the stairs.... about half way down I am wacked in the face with a pretty wretched smell... horrible... vomit inducing and unfortunately one that was ALL TO FAMILIAR..... DOG POOP!!!!
OMG I was none to thrilled with the fact that I was home alone and Maggie poo'd a pile the size of an average persons head along with a few smaller piles all next to it... about 1/2 on the throw rug by the door and 1/2 on the floor... thank goodness for wood floors because the LAST thing I need or want to do right now is be on the floor scrubbing, disinfecting and trying not to loose my breakfast.... Maggie has never had this kind of accident in the house before minus when she has been sick and since Pat has been in charge of shopping he has been bad about changing her food pretty often, with the fantastic texture of the incident today... I am certain she wasn't feeling well. So as unhappy as I was with the situation I know she didn't mean to do it, she was right at the door so I suppose she did her best. I disinfected the mess on the floor however Pat can deal with the big mess on the rug, its outside waiting for him... after all she is HIS dog :)
The ONLY saving grace to the mess is it brought me to the door in time to see one of the sweetest things ever... a momma deer and her very little baby chowing down just outside the door. The baby deer looked just like Bambi with little tiny spots all over and even though I was standing only about 10 feet away they just pretended I wasn't there and went about there business. It was adorable, and just what I needed to get through my mess.
I don't have any idea why but I have a pretty strong stomach for all things baby, boogers, spit up explosive diapers, getting peed on.... no problem... dog poo and drool I just can't do it!! Totally grosses me out. I tell Pat all the time Maggie, as sweet as she is, will be an only dog... forever..... I may change my mind down the road, but for now.... I don't think so :)
Happy Viability Day Folks!!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Today was soooo nice out. Well HOT but nice so Pat and I decided to go to our community pool... now before I get in trouble for obviously leaving the couch please note: 1) Pat drove us there and dropped my at the gate so I merely had to walk to the lounge chair and 2) I did not swim (can't with my cerclage) I laid on the lounge chair and read my book just like I would be doing on my couch :) However just the slight change in scenery along with some sunshine did wonders for my mood......... if you would ask Pat he would probably tell you has not been all that pleasant lately......
This was only our second trip to the pool since living here and last time I wore shorts and a tank because I wasn't swimming and my maternity swim suit I thought was HUGE.... I was like "well I won't be using this thing at all, there is no way I will ever fit in it"... As you can probably guess where I am going with this..... fit great today... UGH!! The only thing better was when Pat took a look at me in it and said "remember when you said that it was never going to fit............." yes Dear. I DO remember..... but I proudly rocked my mu mu suit, my huge butt and belly at the pool :)
In other news I had my first physical therapy appointment on Friday... for sure not what I was expecting but it was good I guess. We did a few back exercises (completely safe ones for my condition), some electricity pad treatment, and some light massage... sent home with homework that Pat is to rub my problem area 2 times a day for a minimum of 5 minutes... now that is my kind of homework :) Best part of the appointment... my Dr told me "well you are in really good shape" hahahaha!!! I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants and of course I said "I have gained 31 pounds...." and she went on to tell me that with twins I am doing excellent!!! Now that was worth my $25 copay for sure!!! I go back Thursday and I think I will be there once a week till the babies come... she also is going to set me up a little electricity machine for me to use at home so I am hoping with all of this I can start to have some sort of relief with the back pain.
Now back to my moodiness.. I have had quite the pity party for myself this week... and of course being the only person around, Pat was invited.... well him and a few weeping calls to my Daddy.... I think it was a combo of everything... completely bored out of my mind on bedrest, totally hormonal, realizing I still have about 12 weeks left sitting here staring at the wall, and then realizing OMG that is 3 months!!!!, being super sore, and more then anything super sad missing my friends and family in FL... I think I cried for pretty much two days strait. Its not that I dislike VA its that I can't get out and meet people or see or do anything, I am usually on the go all the time and a big people person so not having any friends or family here to just stop by, it is ROUGH and I was a wee bit lonely.... Pat works really long days and goes to bed early so as happy as I am to see him when he does get here, we usually only see each other about 2 hours before he goes to bed, and in that time we eat dinner, he does poopoo duty for Maggie and takes a shower, its just not alot of time when he is the only person I see... but I will make it... and when the pregnancy part is over, I will have plenty of time to be super busy.... with my boys!!! I always try to tell myself... its not that bad, we have so much to be thankful for, it could be much worse... but it is still not always easy.
However.......speaking of the boys........ TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY!!! Viability baby!!! Big milestone!!!
This was only our second trip to the pool since living here and last time I wore shorts and a tank because I wasn't swimming and my maternity swim suit I thought was HUGE.... I was like "well I won't be using this thing at all, there is no way I will ever fit in it"... As you can probably guess where I am going with this..... fit great today... UGH!! The only thing better was when Pat took a look at me in it and said "remember when you said that it was never going to fit............." yes Dear. I DO remember..... but I proudly rocked my mu mu suit, my huge butt and belly at the pool :)
In other news I had my first physical therapy appointment on Friday... for sure not what I was expecting but it was good I guess. We did a few back exercises (completely safe ones for my condition), some electricity pad treatment, and some light massage... sent home with homework that Pat is to rub my problem area 2 times a day for a minimum of 5 minutes... now that is my kind of homework :) Best part of the appointment... my Dr told me "well you are in really good shape" hahahaha!!! I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants and of course I said "I have gained 31 pounds...." and she went on to tell me that with twins I am doing excellent!!! Now that was worth my $25 copay for sure!!! I go back Thursday and I think I will be there once a week till the babies come... she also is going to set me up a little electricity machine for me to use at home so I am hoping with all of this I can start to have some sort of relief with the back pain.
Now back to my moodiness.. I have had quite the pity party for myself this week... and of course being the only person around, Pat was invited.... well him and a few weeping calls to my Daddy.... I think it was a combo of everything... completely bored out of my mind on bedrest, totally hormonal, realizing I still have about 12 weeks left sitting here staring at the wall, and then realizing OMG that is 3 months!!!!, being super sore, and more then anything super sad missing my friends and family in FL... I think I cried for pretty much two days strait. Its not that I dislike VA its that I can't get out and meet people or see or do anything, I am usually on the go all the time and a big people person so not having any friends or family here to just stop by, it is ROUGH and I was a wee bit lonely.... Pat works really long days and goes to bed early so as happy as I am to see him when he does get here, we usually only see each other about 2 hours before he goes to bed, and in that time we eat dinner, he does poopoo duty for Maggie and takes a shower, its just not alot of time when he is the only person I see... but I will make it... and when the pregnancy part is over, I will have plenty of time to be super busy.... with my boys!!! I always try to tell myself... its not that bad, we have so much to be thankful for, it could be much worse... but it is still not always easy.
However.......speaking of the boys........ TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY!!! Viability baby!!! Big milestone!!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Baby Updates :)
We had our visit to the Dr today and they measured the boys... my little over achievers are measuring 24 weeks already and are weighing in nicely, Jamison 1lb 5oz and Weston 1lb 6oz... and like a good little boy Weston cooperated and I have a nice picture of his little face.. now his brother on the other hand wouldn't show his face... I can not wait to meet them! In the weight department.. I didn't fair too bad myself, they would like my weight gain to be between 1 1/2 pounds and 2 pounds a week, I rang in at a total of 3 in two weeks, right on target. Yay me!! grand total so far 31lbs... I have approx 13 weeks left so if I stay on track I will be right where they want me :) The only "negative" from today's apt was my cervix... thank goodness we stitched that bad boy up because it has gone down to approximately 2.5 cm again and had a tiny little funneling (like slightly open) at the top... so I have to be extra careful.. oh yes and she wants me to start physical therapy for my back... not sure how bed rest and physical therapy works but I guess I will find out :)
When my sister in law Denice was pregnant with my niece I used to think it was the coolest thing ever when the baby would slide her foot or hand across Denice's belly.. I loved it... well tonight my little Weston did it for me and I have to tell you feeling it from this end was even cooler... He kicked and then slide his foot across my belly, maybe 3 inches... LOVED IT!!! I begged him to do it again so Pat could feel but it was a one shot deal, although we still have lots of time for daddy to catch a good one.
Well folks if you would like to see our maternity pictures you can copy and paste this link into your browser:
It was alot of fun... although it has been a little different getting used to seeing myself so much heavier.. not complaining its for a great cause but it really is weird seeing myself pregnant... which is exactly why we wanted to have them done so I can always remember this time in our lives...
When my sister in law Denice was pregnant with my niece I used to think it was the coolest thing ever when the baby would slide her foot or hand across Denice's belly.. I loved it... well tonight my little Weston did it for me and I have to tell you feeling it from this end was even cooler... He kicked and then slide his foot across my belly, maybe 3 inches... LOVED IT!!! I begged him to do it again so Pat could feel but it was a one shot deal, although we still have lots of time for daddy to catch a good one.
Well folks if you would like to see our maternity pictures you can copy and paste this link into your browser:
It was alot of fun... although it has been a little different getting used to seeing myself so much heavier.. not complaining its for a great cause but it really is weird seeing myself pregnant... which is exactly why we wanted to have them done so I can always remember this time in our lives...
Monday, July 12, 2010
23 weeks!!!

OMG one more week till viability!!! What a huge milestone that will be... then I will set my next goal 28 weeks! After this week everyday these babies are inside will be a blessing :) Well until 36 weeks then I am sure I will be ready for an eviction notice...
So of course we have our regular Monday updates, babies are now about 11 inches from crown to rump, they are calling this stage a large mango??? Although I have to admit I have never seen an 11 inch mango.. but thats what the pros say so I will go with it :) They are both over a pound now... of course Wednesday I will have my growth scan so I will be able to tell you exactly how big they are.... which means I get a sneak peak at my little ones.. I love my ultrasounds!!! Maybe we can catch a Weston at nap time and we can get a picture of his little face.. slim chance since he is always so busy but a momma can hope :)
Yesterday was our maternity shoot.... Our photographer was so nice, her hubby and Pat did lots of chatting so we had alot of fun... She took over 400 pictures!!! So far I have seen 9 and I have to say when I look at myself in real life I don't feel like I am THAT big but pictures don't lie and OMG I guess I am huge hahahaha. One small fatality.... we were in the tall grass and I went to sit on a rock and Marianne our wonderful picture taker was joking she didn't want to get bit by a bug, 10 seconds later I leaned back on the rock and sure enough got stung by a bee on my finger... Pat always gives me a hard time for being so accident prone so of course he was like "go figure" LOL I keep all kinds of crazy stuff in my car so I sent him to get the insect bite/sting spray and of course it was all dried up :( thats ok a little throbbing never hurt anyone right?
Here is one from the shoot I will post more when I get them.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Our Mural

This weekend Pat has been working hard on the nursery. So Far we have the mural up on the wall and he is about half way into one crib.... and all the way into one six pack....All of this baby stuff is hard work for him, at least that is what he says :)
Tomorrow we are having our maternity photo shoot. Its a little early for them because I know I have a LONG way to go in the belly department before the babies come. However the photographer mentioned how her friend waited till 7 months along with twins to get hers done and her hubby could no longer reach around her belly.... fun times ahead hahaha so we decided now is best and with twins it seems like its best to expect the unexpected, so better to be early then to miss your opportunity I guess.
The boys have been so active lately... Little Jamison I think is trying to make up for lost time because he has been kicking away, and of course his brother never stops moving. I am getting my running shoes ready now because I have a feeling they will keep me on the go for sure.
Monday, July 5, 2010
22 weeks!!!

Yipppeeee cross one more week off the baby factory :) We are at 22 weeks! Only 2 more weeks till viability.... I can't wait :)
As of today each baby is weighing approximately one pound and is about the length of a summer squash, 11 inches!! Getting bigger........... awe my little munchkins.
Just for fun I added a picture of our little friend :) We have these adorable little dear in our backyard almost everyday... Pat and I love seeing them.... Maggie on the other hand, not so much. I don't know what she wants to do with them but they make her crazy. She just cries and cries when there is one out side.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Another trip to the ER
UGH!!!! So I promise.. I really try not to complain, really I do.... but SERIOUSLY this pregnancy stuff is totally kicking my BUTT....
So the last week, maybe two I have been having some upper back pain, all on the left side of my spine. I can deal with it... and then it gets worse, much worse where it seriously hurts too breath. I have heard all of these things about pregnant ladies ribs getting dislocated and I was thinking maybe that was what was going on because of the location of the pain. I would try to stretch, lay flat, sit in all different directions or walking.. now walking helps but of course being on bedrest walking all day is somewhat out of the question.. So I decided I would start at the chiropractor.
That was a disaster in a half. The poor guy gets there.... on a Saturday... because he came in just to see me... well he just moved offices this past Thursday and his key doesn't work :( So he sends us away for thirty minutes to try and work on getting in... 30 minutes later calls and still can't get the door open so we go home till he calls. 2 hours later we are back. He starts going over my medical history which is a chore in itself because on top of the regular stuff he goes into my previous back/neck issues which have been pretty extensive as well. We get through all of that and the guy gives me an adjustment and some other little weird treatments, but he wasn't really sure he found the source of the pain ... I get home and relax on the couch and then the mother of all pain shows up.. OH MY GOD I couldn't breath it hurt so bad... awful. So I make a call to my OB and low and behold she send me to the ER to be sure I am not also having contractions.... I guess you can have those and not know it....Who knew???
So my Dr said go to the ER, get checked in, the will send us to labor and delivery and then we will return back to the ER. I tell the ladies at the desk what I was told to do and they tell me I have to go right up to labor and delivery because I am over 20 weeks... ok fine... so I am waiting for Pat to finish parking the car and this lady goes "oh honey are you in labor?" I told her no I was just there for pain and of course she asks when I am due, because obviously she thinks its any minute.... After I give her the answer I quickly tell her there are two babies in there and she lets me off the hook...
For the record I now tell people I am due in October for one that is when they are doing my c-section and for two because I can stand the OMG looks on their faces when I tell them Nov because I guess I am a total moose....
So then I have the nice orderly guy bring me a wheel chair to get to the other side of the hospital and of course he has my info since he works there and he says "wow I can't believe you are only 21-22 weeks and are sticking out and showing that much already" Do all men have no sensors on this one??? Thanks for the chit chat big guy.. but I am over hearing I am huge and would really like to just get to the other side of the hospital please!!!
We get settled into Labor and delivery and have the absolute nicest nurse I have ever met and on top of that she was really funny. She was telling us stories on how she loved the 4th of July and all the other "fun" holidays because so many women come in to have their babies with REALLY drunk husbands. Her personal views was that the moms bring them there on purpose to get even :) So the babies check out fantastic.. even though little Weston gave her a hard time and was moving so much she couldn't get an accurate read on his heart rate. They strap the contraction monitor on and I wasn't contracting but she said I was having "irritations" every 20 seconds which are no biggie so down to the ER we go...
This is where they thoroughly freak us out. After going over my history and symptoms they are concerned I have a pulmonary embolism. 8 hours in the hospital, 2 different IV sites, chest Xray, CAT Scan (yes I had no idea these were ok during pregnancy either but they said basically they are safe enough...) EKG because my heart rate was high and test for liver function........ FUN TIMES.. but everything checked out ok. They said its a muscle strain caused from the bedrest...
That is the great news, the babies and I are healthy... I guess the not so great news is that this is just something I will deal with until the babies are born...14 more weeks (as of tomorrow)!!! I am lucky that the pain that is super severe (where I can't breath pain) only happens 4-5 times a day the rest of the time I can tolerate it ok.
I have so many friends and people tell me to enjoy this special time of my life, that pregnancy is beautiful and wonderful .... while it may be those things... I just count down the days till its over...... maybe if my body was a bit more cooperative... I would be loving this part of baby making more :)
All I can say is I will love and spoil the my boys... and then tell them they are crazy if they ever ask for a little brother or little sister :)
So the last week, maybe two I have been having some upper back pain, all on the left side of my spine. I can deal with it... and then it gets worse, much worse where it seriously hurts too breath. I have heard all of these things about pregnant ladies ribs getting dislocated and I was thinking maybe that was what was going on because of the location of the pain. I would try to stretch, lay flat, sit in all different directions or walking.. now walking helps but of course being on bedrest walking all day is somewhat out of the question.. So I decided I would start at the chiropractor.
That was a disaster in a half. The poor guy gets there.... on a Saturday... because he came in just to see me... well he just moved offices this past Thursday and his key doesn't work :( So he sends us away for thirty minutes to try and work on getting in... 30 minutes later calls and still can't get the door open so we go home till he calls. 2 hours later we are back. He starts going over my medical history which is a chore in itself because on top of the regular stuff he goes into my previous back/neck issues which have been pretty extensive as well. We get through all of that and the guy gives me an adjustment and some other little weird treatments, but he wasn't really sure he found the source of the pain ... I get home and relax on the couch and then the mother of all pain shows up.. OH MY GOD I couldn't breath it hurt so bad... awful. So I make a call to my OB and low and behold she send me to the ER to be sure I am not also having contractions.... I guess you can have those and not know it....Who knew???
So my Dr said go to the ER, get checked in, the will send us to labor and delivery and then we will return back to the ER. I tell the ladies at the desk what I was told to do and they tell me I have to go right up to labor and delivery because I am over 20 weeks... ok fine... so I am waiting for Pat to finish parking the car and this lady goes "oh honey are you in labor?" I told her no I was just there for pain and of course she asks when I am due, because obviously she thinks its any minute.... After I give her the answer I quickly tell her there are two babies in there and she lets me off the hook...
For the record I now tell people I am due in October for one that is when they are doing my c-section and for two because I can stand the OMG looks on their faces when I tell them Nov because I guess I am a total moose....
So then I have the nice orderly guy bring me a wheel chair to get to the other side of the hospital and of course he has my info since he works there and he says "wow I can't believe you are only 21-22 weeks and are sticking out and showing that much already" Do all men have no sensors on this one??? Thanks for the chit chat big guy.. but I am over hearing I am huge and would really like to just get to the other side of the hospital please!!!
We get settled into Labor and delivery and have the absolute nicest nurse I have ever met and on top of that she was really funny. She was telling us stories on how she loved the 4th of July and all the other "fun" holidays because so many women come in to have their babies with REALLY drunk husbands. Her personal views was that the moms bring them there on purpose to get even :) So the babies check out fantastic.. even though little Weston gave her a hard time and was moving so much she couldn't get an accurate read on his heart rate. They strap the contraction monitor on and I wasn't contracting but she said I was having "irritations" every 20 seconds which are no biggie so down to the ER we go...
This is where they thoroughly freak us out. After going over my history and symptoms they are concerned I have a pulmonary embolism. 8 hours in the hospital, 2 different IV sites, chest Xray, CAT Scan (yes I had no idea these were ok during pregnancy either but they said basically they are safe enough...) EKG because my heart rate was high and test for liver function........ FUN TIMES.. but everything checked out ok. They said its a muscle strain caused from the bedrest...
That is the great news, the babies and I are healthy... I guess the not so great news is that this is just something I will deal with until the babies are born...14 more weeks (as of tomorrow)!!! I am lucky that the pain that is super severe (where I can't breath pain) only happens 4-5 times a day the rest of the time I can tolerate it ok.
I have so many friends and people tell me to enjoy this special time of my life, that pregnancy is beautiful and wonderful .... while it may be those things... I just count down the days till its over...... maybe if my body was a bit more cooperative... I would be loving this part of baby making more :)
All I can say is I will love and spoil the my boys... and then tell them they are crazy if they ever ask for a little brother or little sister :)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Bed rest project :)

Well I have been missing my little craft projects lately. I love doing crafts but I am not supposed to be sitting up all the way and it is hard to come up with things to do at a 45 degree angle .... But I decided I needed something... so here is what I did :)
The boys names!! For their nursery.... I have a plastic tv tray I loaded up with my supplies and got to work. I think I am going to add the ribbon so they can hang nicely... although Pat thinks ribbons are for girls.... I guess we'll see who wins that battle hahahaha
Obviously they aren't perfect but I think they aren't too bad for my first try. Although I may have a biased opinion :)
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