Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baby Updates :)

We had our visit to the Dr today and they measured the boys... my little over achievers are measuring 24 weeks already and are weighing in nicely, Jamison 1lb 5oz and Weston 1lb 6oz... and like a good little boy Weston cooperated and I have a nice picture of his little face.. now his brother on the other hand wouldn't show his face... I can not wait to meet them! In the weight department.. I didn't fair too bad myself, they would like my weight gain to be between 1 1/2 pounds and 2 pounds a week, I rang in at a total of 3 in two weeks, right on target. Yay me!! grand total so far 31lbs... I have approx 13 weeks left so if I stay on track I will be right where they want me :) The only "negative" from today's apt was my cervix... thank goodness we stitched that bad boy up because it has gone down to approximately 2.5 cm again and had a tiny little funneling (like slightly open) at the top... so I have to be extra careful.. oh yes and she wants me to start physical therapy for my back... not sure how bed rest and physical therapy works but I guess I will find out :)

When my sister in law Denice was pregnant with my niece I used to think it was the coolest thing ever when the baby would slide her foot or hand across Denice's belly.. I loved it... well tonight my little Weston did it for me and I have to tell you feeling it from this end was even cooler... He kicked and then slide his foot across my belly, maybe 3 inches... LOVED IT!!! I begged him to do it again so Pat could feel but it was a one shot deal, although we still have lots of time for daddy to catch a good one.

Well folks if you would like to see our maternity pictures you can copy and paste this link into your browser:

It was alot of fun... although it has been a little different getting used to seeing myself so much heavier.. not complaining its for a great cause but it really is weird seeing myself pregnant... which is exactly why we wanted to have them done so I can always remember this time in our lives...


1 comment:

  1. Awwww Heather, I'm so happy for you and Pat. This pregnancy is a beautiful blessing and you are a wonderful expecting couple. I'm happy to hear the babies weight and yours are going well. You look BEAUTIFUL!! (you 'Lari White look-a-like' you! lol)

    Big Hugs,

