Oh my!!!! I have been waiting for this first.... of many milestones to come!!! As of today, if the boys were born they would be able to survive outside of their mommas belly!!! Obviously we are planning on keeping them inside for many more weeks to fatten them up and give them the best chance at a healthy life as possible, but it is such a comfort to know we have made it this far :) Viability baby!! Jamison and Weston are here!!!
As of today they are about the size of an ear of corn.. with an average weight between 12.07 oz and 20.8 oz.. of course my little porky boys are a bit bigger which I am more then happy about!!
So I am cloud 9 as I get up shower, toss my hair back into a french braid.. today is going to be a great day....and then I start down the stairs.... about half way down I am wacked in the face with a pretty wretched smell... horrible... vomit inducing and unfortunately one that was ALL TO FAMILIAR..... DOG POOP!!!!
OMG I was none to thrilled with the fact that I was home alone and Maggie poo'd a pile the size of an average persons head along with a few smaller piles all next to it... about 1/2 on the throw rug by the door and 1/2 on the floor... thank goodness for wood floors because the LAST thing I need or want to do right now is be on the floor scrubbing, disinfecting and trying not to loose my breakfast.... Maggie has never had this kind of accident in the house before minus when she has been sick and since Pat has been in charge of shopping he has been bad about changing her food pretty often, with the fantastic texture of the incident today... I am certain she wasn't feeling well. So as unhappy as I was with the situation I know she didn't mean to do it, she was right at the door so I suppose she did her best. I disinfected the mess on the floor however Pat can deal with the big mess on the rug, its outside waiting for him... after all she is HIS dog :)
The ONLY saving grace to the mess is it brought me to the door in time to see one of the sweetest things ever... a momma deer and her very little baby chowing down just outside the door. The baby deer looked just like Bambi with little tiny spots all over and even though I was standing only about 10 feet away they just pretended I wasn't there and went about there business. It was adorable, and just what I needed to get through my mess.
I don't have any idea why but I have a pretty strong stomach for all things baby, boogers, spit up explosive diapers, getting peed on.... no problem... dog poo and drool I just can't do it!! Totally grosses me out. I tell Pat all the time Maggie, as sweet as she is, will be an only dog... forever..... I may change my mind down the road, but for now.... I don't think so :)
Happy Viability Day Folks!!
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