Sorry its been a few days. Thursday I had gotten a flu shot and it made me sooooooooooooo tired I couldn't stay up long enough to do a post.... Friday I was too sad (will get there in a minute) and then here we are today with great news~~~~ Our little Jamison is finally home!!!
Jamison had been doing so well they had me get all of the discharge paperwork and instructions taken care of yesterday so he could go home today. I was on cloud 9! So Pat and I were going to keep it a secret and not tell his mom before hand, just act like we were going for a visit and surprise her with the baby when we got back. So to pull off the surprise I asked her to take Pat back to the hospital for his evening visit mentioning I was running late and had to pump. She left, I got everything together and when they returned they both told me he had a spell during his bottle.......... I was so upset!! The spells typically reset the clock to come home by at least 3 days (and was what the nurse was telling us). I honestly thought they were kidding because he had been doing so well.... I started crying and told her what the original plan was so no surprise for Grandma, but it turns out it was a very small spell and since he was coming home on a monitor when the Dr. did her rounds she said it would be safe and sent him on his way, I was back to being happy :)
I went to say goodbye to my little guy and started to tear up. I know Weston will be home soon but he was awake and just staring out from his isolette like "hey guys what about me, where are you going?" broke my heart to leave him behind. Juggling the time for both babies (with the hospital schedule) is going to be a bit challenging, the only benefit is now that I no longer have to rush to finish his visit so I can get to Jamison by his hands on time. Now I can really take my time and spoil him while I am there... like I did tonight :) Although I think he was giving his momma a tiny little baby guilt trip. I fed him and rocked him and rocked him and rocked him and he was wide awake like "oh no you don't I know as soon as I fall asleep you are outta here..." Poor guy. After an hour and a half I had to leave to get home and pump (and to be sure Jamison was safe with Daddy and Grandma hahahaha). I can't wait till he is home and we are finally all together.
Weston is doing better. After 3 days of losing weight and one day of being stable he has finally put some weight back on!! He was 4lbs 10 oz went down to 4lbs 7 oz and is now at 4lbs 8.5 oz so he is on the right track, yay Weston!! His temp has been better and most importantly, his brain ultrasound was normal thank the lord!!!
Tomorrow we have a home nurse coming to check on us but for now I am going to try and get some sleep although someone... not to mention any names... is not really cooperating :)
Thats awesome!!!!! YEAH JAMISON!!! Keep your momma and daddy up all night!! Hehe!! :D I just had to! :) Glad to hear little Weston is doing good. You know maybe he is just a little ladies man and likes all the attention from the nurses at the hospital! :P But he will be home soon and then he will want to keep you up all night too for all the nights you've missed out on! :D