What a happy day!!! After the other day's post I was feeling fantastic... yesterday I was down again, but today I am back. This has been such an emotional roller coaster since the little ones have been born. Both boys had some bad spells yesterday and when they have bad days I do too.. although their spells were bad, the day wasn't all bad... we had the same nurse as we did on Monday (her name is Sue, she is a bit crazy and I LOVE HER she is very pro baby)
Jamison will fit into his car seat which is great and Weston was feeding so well (they did thicken his milk in hopes to help the reflux, fingers crossed it will work) his nurse asked if I wanted her to put him in his bed, I do it all the time so I said, no its ok I got it, she gave me a wink and said "Let me put him back I think he may accidentally pull out his tube". Of course I quickly handed him over :) Two seconds later she said "oops naughty baby, pulled his tube". She, like Patsy, knows the other nurses will use it if its there even though the baby can eat just fine (mostly its night nurses) so she "helped" him along.
Next they both had eye exams. Let me warn you, if you ever have a little baby and they need to have an eye exam, do yourself a favor and DO NOT WATCH. My boys rarely cry... and I mean rarely (I know that will change soon but for now they are the quiet ones in the nursery) but they were absolutely pitiful, even though it was just for a few minutes they cried as if you were torturing them.... poor kids :( The good news is they both passed with flying colors.
Todays visit was great.... well the boys were fair at best both having spells and neither eating real well (um... nobody is ever going to get to come home if they keep this up) but the great part was..... for the first time I had the boys side by side!!! I was so happy to finally get them together :) What I didn't know until today is the hospital rule is for risk of infection you can't hold them together (same parents so I don't get it but its the rule) so till today we have only been able to have one baby out at a time. It just happened to be that I was holding Weston when Jamison's physical therapist came to work with him so I asked that since she was holding him if we could just put them next to each other so I could see them and thank goodness I had my camera!!! Jamison was not really up for picture time so these aren't the best pictures of him and the little guy just slept through it.
Its funny because I have had so many people ask me to label the pictures or tell me the boys look alot alike, and they do look like brothers however in the side by sides there is for sure a big difference..... well it almost looks like Jamison could eat Weston :) In real life Jamison is so small, he is only 5lbs but next to his brother he looks huge. I will be curious if as Little Weston fills out some if they will look more and more alike??? I guess time will tell. If you look close in the video (its super short but I had to document their very first "meeting") you can see Weston's little dimple pop up in the end and Jamison stick out his tongue. They are such precious little babies :)
I just called tonight for my updates, their new weights, Jamison 5lbs 3oz Weston 4lbs 5oz, and then they told me both boys had spells, Jamison during his bottle (very typical) and Weston's was when he was sleeping, his heart rate dropped from 140's to into the 40's- extremely low... the lowest so far actually, and that is very scary. Part of me wonders if Pat or I had been there if it would have gotten that bad....... I really don't think so. What I have noticed is the nurses wait a while to check on the alarms, often times a baby can self correct so they don't need to intervene so they tend to be very casual about them, especially if the baby has had one earlier in the shift. If we were there of course we would have helped him ASAP so it wouldn't of had time to drop that low. Unfortunately we can't be there all the time :(
Here is an example from today... I of course always watch my babies but if another baby by me alarms I always make sure someone helps them. There was a little boy across from us who was going home tomorrow passed his car seat challenge and was all set. I am the only person in this area of the room, he alarms no one comes, just as I went to help him (touching them usually is enough to bring them out of it) he corrected himself, 15 minutes later he does it again, still no nurse came, my nurse comes by to check on me (not his nurse and you could probably guess neither Patsy or Sue was there today) and while she is there he does it again and I mention to her the other 2 alarms and I said "I hope his parents get to bring home a monitor, thats his 3rd spell in the last 20 minutes" she tells me they were all false alarms (mind you she hadn't looked at the report yet). Well I leave pick up Pat and get back and she tells me I was right he had another spell and was now not going home tomorrow. I would like to think they would have caught this anyway but I am glad I said something and just very thankful Pat and I are at a place that allows me to spend the majority of the day there... I can't wait for them to be home.... and I want to have heart monitors for them both.... hey you can never be to careful and with their antics, I think I need them :)
OMG!! I LOVE this update. They look so adorable TOGETHER. I hope you get to do this more. I'm sure it is good for all of you.
ReplyDeleteI've been waiting for an update, so glad you posted!
Your boys are beautiful!!! ::HUGS:: to all you guys!
ReplyDeleteI stayed for Brielles eye exam and I wish I wouldn't have. She screamed and just watching the test upset me. Brielle was on day five on getting to go home we were planning on going home that weekend and she had a really bad spell and we ended up staying another two weeks. I am glad the boys are doing good. I love the pictures of the two of them together.
ReplyDeleteWeston has the Adams chin
ReplyDeleteVery handsome boys. They look so cute together. It's crazy how big Jamison looks compared to Weston even though they are both technically really little.
ReplyDeleteYay for passing the eye exams.
I used to feel so bad for babies whose parents rarely came to visit. I know I spent as much time as I could in the NICU visiting Ciaran. I only missed one day and that was because I had to go home (1.5 hr away) to get some clean clothes and stuff. And even that one day that I didn't come, I made sure that my grandma went to visit him.
they get more handsome and more handsome...everyday...love!!!