Sooooo you can see I am a day late in my posting.... it was on purpose. I have been so so so so tired from the midnight pumping sessions and all of the running around to and from the hospital and can also admit sometimes its hard rehashing the day when its been fair at best... these spells... I can't stand to watch them anymore......... So for my tardiness in posting I will throw in a couple new pictures.. check out Westons' Crockett dimple and Jamison's chunky little cheeks :)
The boys are both still acting up with their spells. I talked to the Dr. both by phone and during rounds about Weston's reflux and he said he wanted to give it some more time before doing one of two things, medicine or thickening his milk to try to help keep it down, basically saying that he doesn't like to give the babies medicine (which I respect and understand, however I do not want my baby in pain) and there isn't a whole lot of proof that either treatment really helps and that eventually the baby will grow out of it... Well today he had a couple really bad spells, once in Pat's arms and once in the bed, the one in the bed was a long one and took alot of stimulation to bring him back out... both just after feedings. When we talked to his nurse this evening she mentioned yet another really bad one just after eating as well and she was going to ask the Dr. to write orders for something to help him. I know I will see his Dr again tomorrow and I am going to really insist if he wants to wait. The baby loves to eat and enjoys his food, unfortunately his body doesn't......... (oh and little man is coming in right at 4lbs)
Little Jamison is getting so big (just past 5lbs) and all the nurses keep asking if he is ready to come home :( He keeps having trouble with spells during his feedings and with those happening, its going to be awhile. I have gone back and forth with both nipples on his bottles and now I am thinking he just had a good day that one time with a Nuk nipple because it doesn't seem to matter which one he uses anymore... Last night the little bugger had a spell in the middle of the night for no reason at all, it was a first for him. He is typically pretty predictable so I was really surprised that happened, I just hope it was a one time deal, the ones that happen out of the blue are much more dangerous then the ones we can expect during a feeding.
Oh yes... remember the other day I mentioned the nurse didn't even try to give Jamison a bottle after his bath the other night and just decided to put it in the feeding tube? Well our nurse Patsy was NOT happy about that at all when I told her.... she was quite ticked actually. She said "this baby doesn't need that tube, he eats just fine...." and proceeded to explain just what I had expected, that when they are full and they are busy sometimes the night nurses will do that to save time... so what did she do to be sure it didn't happen again??? She took it out. hahahahaha She told me if she came in and the tube was back she would throw a fit :) I love nurse Patsy!!! Now fingers crossed Jamison does her proud and doesn't need it back.
Anyways with both boys having these spells we have no idea when either will be coming home :( They said anytime after 35 weeks (which is tomorrow) with no issues but each spell is a set back so who knows... its been 21 days and I have no idea when we will finally have them home, and yes that means I may have had (yet another) a sad "spell" of my own tonight. When we got there today for Weston's time, Jamison heard our voices and started crying getting upset as if we were ignoring him and as much as I wanted to pick him up and love on him for a second to make him feel better we can't... it wasn't HIS TIME yet... babies don't understand that crap he needed to feel secure and we really weren't allowed to do that for him. I want them home (of course I want them healthy I just want that sooner then later), I don't want to have to ask permission to hug and comfort my sons....
As for our other "baby", Maggie......... that dog is ridiculous. Some tough guard dog she is. Yesterday I went to clip her nails, she sat nice and still... after the third toe I went to readjust my grip, she slipped away and played dead under a chair, there was no moving her, no budging she was done... Just before this nail fiasco we had taken her for a walk... Since Pat insists she is just the smartest, sweetest dog ever (and I soooooooooooo don't agree, sweet yes, smart... um not so much) he keeps trying to walk her with out her gentle leader on, which is the thingy we use to help keep her from pulling us all over the place (ask my mom, it is NOT pretty when you don't use it... think pavement... on your face), he wants her to be "normal". Everything was going fine for the most part until some yo-yo and his two dogs come by. Maggie starts pulling and leaping trying to get to the dogs to say hello, Pats getting yanked every which way till Sunday... you would think this guy would keep walking since OBVIOUSLY we were having issues... ummmm nope, he stands there with his two dogs and tries to pet her, bringing his dogs closer which makes her more crazy.... Well Pat, Mr. I don't need the gentle leader was so busy trying to be sure his beer didn't spill he missed the fact that the dog completely took me out and I went tumbling to the ground.... he was to busy laughing to help me up till I kindly (ok maybe not kindly... maybe more like yelling) reminded him I had a c-section barely 3 weeks ago and needed some help getting up... don't worry he never lost a single drip of his precious beer.......... The yo-yo still not realizing there may be a problem just stood there..... I am still not certain if I am more upset that our dog is slightly crazy or at my "sweet" husband for thinking the whole thing was HILARIOUS......
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