29weeks 1day-
Oh what a day :) Yesterday the Ear Nose and Throat Dr. let me know that today would be the day for my tube... of course I was a bit nervous and having flashbacks of the horror show that occurred when my last tube went in, however this only lasted a short while. When my anesthesia Dr. came in to go over everything with me he told me the best news ever!!!! Since I am in my 3rd trimester it was A-Okay to get some sleepy time drugs!!! Sooooo much better. The nurses started me an IV at 11:00pm last night for my "scheduled" procedure at 12:00 today.
They came and got me at 11:30, and well I am sure you know how these "scheduled" things work, never on time, not that I was complaining it was nice to stare at new walls instead of the ones inside my room. We finally got in the O.R. at about 2:30pm. The boys were even assigned to their very own nurse! She came with us and monitored them from pre-op all the way through post-op, this was officially their very first babysitter :) As for me, I was awake and felt what was happening, but with that fantastic IV cocktail they gave me it was smooth sailing, a 100% improvement over the last time. Recovery was fantastic and I wheeled back in my room at about 4:00pm.
Side note- The nurses were great in the O.R. but I had 3 very different views that kind of made it funny (well 2 out of 3 were funny, 3rd eh, didn't like her as much)
Nurse 1- "Wow your belly is very small for twins"- yes I LOVED her :)
Nurse 2- after finding out Weston had extra fluid (sometimes monitors pick up movements I can't feel because of this) she said "oh no wonder your belly is sooooo big" I wanted to say "well your buddy over there said I was small for twins, so there!!" maybe along with sticking out my tongue, but I held myself back.... besides she was super sweet and I thought it was kinda funny since it was said about 60 seconds after the Nurse 1:)
Nurse 3- happens to be a new mom and is part of the anesthesia team... she waited till the Dr. left the room and asked "just curious why you would WANT to do this NOW and not wait till AFTER the babies are born?" In a bit of a tone that suggested that I was putting them at risk.... obviously this chick has not had ear issues... and maybe skipped a few anatomy classes in nursing school. It can cause permanent hearing loss to have fluid in your ear for a long period of time, can get infected, is extremely uncomfortable, the medication I was on isn't very healthy for the boys, and the PREGNANCY is what caused this to happen... and with 2 months left, could get significantly worse without being fixed... I was a bit stunned by her approach so unfortunately I didn't tell her what I really thought of her judgemental question, my only answer was "I have two months left..." Oh well...
Now for our Tuesday updates-
1) Peepee test showed trace proteins again, however the levels were pretty low so we are go to go here this week :)
2) I gained........ 0 lbs, nothing, so I am still rolling in right at 42lbs.... I am going to blame the lack of weight gain on this wonderful bout of nausea I have been battling the last few days... Oh ladies in case you didn't know (I had no idea) per my nurses, morning sickness can wait to appear until your 3rd trimester!!! Isn't that a great tidbit of info? Really?!?! This was the one pregnancy thing I was thinking I was going to avoid, no suck luck. So for now I am loving saltine crackers and ginger ale :)
Tomorrow is ultrasound day! A quick peak at my little men and measuring Weston's fluid. I will keep you posted!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
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Umm there hasnt been a update since Tuesday and today is Friday????? WTF????? :D Hope everything is ok!