Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday updates!

28weeks 1day-

Its Tuesday, oh how I love and hate this day all at the same time... love it because we get our protein test back and hate it because I see that horribly high number on the scale... OUCH!!!

However we had good news on both ends today, negative for all proteins and we had a 2 pound weight gain, grand total up to 42 lbs (holy cow we are getting awfully close to my 50 lb goal). Since they want 1-2 lbs a week this isn't too shabby, fingers crossed though next week is only 1 :)

So for my next update let me start by saying.... if it sounds crazy or only effects a few people, its probably going to happen to me.... this is also why my husband likes to say I married him for his insurance!!!

About 2 1/2 years ago I had got an ear infection...if your didn't think adults could get those you are not alone because I didn't think they did either, well until I got one. I was on antibiotics and meds from one end to the other, (shout out to all you ladies who know what I am talking about, gotta love the fantastic side effects of antibiotics for our lady parts) and it continued for months. The only upside was when Pat said something I didn't like I could just pretend I didn't hear him :) But in all seriousness it was a killer, totally felt like I was underwater and the shooting pain in my ear wasn't much fun either, so eventually I got sent to a Ear Nose and Throat Dr (yep I was the only adult in the waiting room but I did enjoy playing with the legos while I waited, much more fun then reading the Time mag you find at the grown up Dr). So after just a few minutes he decided I needed a Tube put in just like the wee little ones do. He gave me two options 1) I could schedule a day and be put to sleep to have the procedure "this is the way we do it for all of the children" or 2) they could do it right there and then and it would take just a few minutes "this is what we usually do for adults". So me being sooooo tough I said sure lets just do this now..... WORST MISTAKE EVER!!! It was a horrible experience. I have had my fair share of medical procedures and can honestly say this was tied for top two (other one being a procedure on my girlie bits with no pain meds... thats another story...), honestly would rather have another open stomach surgery then to have to do that again.

Why am I telling you this story??? Well because its starting again...... I have been having a hard time hearing out of my ear the last few days and have to tilt my head all the way to the side to make it better. Most likely its caused from the fact I have not been able to breath out of my nose since I have been pregnant (remember I was one of the lucky 20% with pregnancy sinusitis) so the fluid in there is just not working the way it should. So today another Ear Nose and Throat Dr came in for a visit and sure enough there is fluid back there (in my left, the right ear still has a tube, ps this should have fell out on its own a year ago, of course its still there, however in this case I am thankful because it is the reason I can at least hear out of that one). The bummer is because I am pregnant I can't take the typical meds. He put in some recommendations for my OB's who will tell me tomorrow what I will be able to take.... and guess what... if it doesn't work.... they will wheel me down to the O.R. and put a Tube in, and since I am pregnant the only option this time is to be AWAKE... so at this point all I can say is... TO HE-L WITH THAT!!!! Pleas keep your fingers crossed that whatever plan they are going to come up with works because I really, no REALLY....... don't want to have that procedure while I am awake again for as long as I live!!!!!

Tomorrow is ultrasound day to check on little Weston's fluid, I will keep you posted!!


PS -Pats mom and "Aunt" Debbie got in today!!! I am sure the nurses were about DONE with me telling them how excited I was for their visit. They both got a little kick from the babies too so it looks like we were all happy to see them :)

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