Wow can't believe one more week until we are officially in the safe zone! Even crazier that even if we make it to full term for a twin pregnancy I am now in the single digits for weeks left!! Can you believe that in under 9 short weeks one way or another we will finally be meeting these little boys.
For this week we are at approximately 14.5 inches long, 2 pounds each and the size of a cauliflower head :) As you can see I actually figured out a way to get an updated belly shot.... still no head, between the hospital bed head and minimal to no makeup... promise it is a sight no one wants to see or will miss at all.
I have officially lost the war.... and the "fat wrinkle" game... I have stretch marks.... they have migrated down from my boobs to my belly... so far only on the left side (thank you Weston for the extra fluid in your area) but I am sure those bad boys will be sprouting roots all over the place soon. For the record before anyone tells me to use cocoa butter....THAT IS A LOAD OF CRAP!!! Since the day I found out I was pregnant, even before learning we had twins on board, I have had more grease and oil on my belly, thighs and boobs then a side of bacon. I even decided to face this attack from all angles. I used my 100% cocoa butter stick, cocoa butter lotion and a cocoa butter oil minimum of 2-3 times per day.... So I am now on board with the must be genetics camp... but hey I fought a good fight before I surrendered. Honestly I was hoping the genetics Gods would spare me stretch marks since they have ever so graciously gave me cellulite-o-plenty.... and as much as I would love to say THAT was pregnancy related... its not... although with the added 37.5 lbs there is for sure some added dimples in my butt (no not the cute kind either).
You know how they say a girl will marry a man like her father? For the most part that is true with my Pat. He is sweet and kind and will bend over backwards to help other people... however in knowing what to say to make you feel BETTER.. ummm not so much.
Example: To get the above belly picture from my cell onto this website I needed to have it intercepted by my dad and sent back to me (long story, involves a cheap cell phone, and a not so happy Valentine's day gift- but thats whole different topic LOL) So when my dad opened the picture he called and told me that I was alot smaller then he was expecting for being 27 weeks with twins..... of course that made me feel pretty good.... Later Pat calls (unfortunately he is in Texas until Friday, boys ARE NOT allowed to be born until after their daddy comes home) and I pass along this tidbit to him, hey don't judge, yes I know this is a boring conversation however I don't have alot to talk about here in the hospital so I went with it.... anyways, so he responds with "ya well you have soooo much further to go I am sure you will get way bigger" Thanks babe, so sweet!!
This can only be topped by our conversation the other night.... I am laying in bed and he is kind of starring at me from the side.. hmmmm ...
"what are you looking at?"
"your glasses"
"because they are digging into the side of your head"
"I don't remember them being like that"
"because they probably didn't"
"what do you mean?"
"Pat seriously?? I have gained almost 40 lbs, apparently now its moved upwards and I have a fat head"
"Thanks babe!!!!"
Yes I promise this is one area they are different in... if you remember from before my dad made a comment about me carrying the boys in my butt... and while he did make a comment, he knows to back it up by many compliments and usually a special treat :) That is what living with my mom for 37 years will do to ya... Happy wife = happy life right???
Well I guess we have lots of years ahead for my dad to bestow his wisdom.
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