Thursday, August 5, 2010

A little excitement...

26weeks 3days

Early morning rounds this morning were 6:40 sharp. Talk to the Dr about yesterday's ultrasound (more on that in a second) and then I am wide awake so I figure a nice shower would be a great way to start the day........

The showers here have some pretty AMAZING water pressure, never seen anything like it, but its almost like getting a massage its that hard. So in typical fashion I toss on the water to get it to the right temp and proceed to get my things ready.....

Turn water on-

Boom, bang, crash- super high water pressure sends my shampoo bottle to floor

I ignore the thud - have my pants and undies about half way down my legs

Nurse bursts through the door shouting "are you ok??"

Me stopped dead in my tracks- remaining bent over- total deer in the head lights

Three more nurses fly into room- staring at me- me bare bottom- pants around thighs

I was like whoaaaa for goodness sakes it was just a shampoo bottle??? No need to send in the troops!!! Apparently, the shampoo somehow hit the alarm system in the shower on its way down....

Good news is if I ever need super fast service I now know exactly what to do to get plenty of nurses in a very short period of time... bad news is... four nurses who had never before seen my face have now seen WAY more of me then I feel particularly comfortable with..... :) Oh well... I am sure they have seen worse... Right????????

Ok, so for yesterday's ultrasound the ultrasound tech FREAKED ME OUT (remember when i said my regular tech is awesome, there is good reason-she doesn't do such things to crazy hormonal pregnant ladies)..... and then I continued to freak myself out by spending too much time on Google (if you ever want to see the absolutely worst case scenario of any situation google your heart out... if you'd rather not panic save yourself and skip this step).

They came and got me fairly early for the scan and of course I am always looking forward to seeing my boys so I am happily wheeled down.. on our trip she mentions its to check Weston's fluid levels because it was high last time, ok no problem. So she doing her thing and I ask if it was the same as last week and she said she wasn't sure... then she starts scanning his little heart, and scanning it, and scanning it..... and then she says "have they been monitoring his heart?" and I reply "well they check his heart rate but they don't put me on any monitors for it" and she says "hmmmm... ok lets get you back, we are all set" WHAT???? So I am freaking out like, should they be monitoring it?? Why did she look at it for so long??? Did she see something???? Which drops me back in front of the laptop to google causes for high fluid levels.... I can assure you that while no reasons for high levels were extremely horrible, non were pleasant... worst being heart defects. So I waited patiently for rounds this morning and asked the Dr. who assured me, baby is ok, they are just making sure there are no dramatic increases, so far there were no changes between last week and this week... now I feel sooooo much better. She also told me I was not crazy, all of the woman on this floor have to much time on their hands and they all over-google :)

Side note the other thing the ultrasound lady said which completely cracked me up because I knew if Pat were here he would have been like "Uh oh...." So when she was scanning Jamison's face she said "wow this is going to be a beautiful baby" and she got a good picture of his face... then she scanned Weston and said.............. nothing............ hahahaha I could see it was because he was pretty smushed and she really didn't get a good look at him but I had to tell Pat just because... well its fun to make him sweat a bit.. So I tell him what she said about Jamison and without missing a beat he said "well what about Weston? Is he not going to be cute? Was there something wrong?" :) Hey I have nothing else to do so I have to pick on Pat when I can

Today is Thursday! Social hour for the bedridden preggos. It will be nice to see some other ladies and get out of the room for a bit... not sure what today's topic is but thats ok I would listen to anything to get out of my room :)


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