Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Its Tuesday!

30weeks 1day

Well its my favorite day I love to hate :)

Today's peepee check- no changes, just trace proteins just like last week

Today's weight check- 3lbs!!! Gesh I knew last week was too good to be true but come on.... I have been sick half the week so food has been pretty sparse and still 3lbs??? Ringing in at a grand total of 45lbs...... still have 5 more to go for my goal. Hmmm 7 weeks left.... oh well, fingers crossed if they check the babies weights tomorrow they are MUCH MUCH bigger :)

Today is also the last day my mother in law and "Aunt" Debbie are here. It has been so nice having them and I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate all of the help. It is really hard not being able to "nest", wash and fold the boys little tiny clothes, organize their blankets and booties, put together all of the baby gear like the swing and bouncy seats.... and just really get my hands on all of the baby stuff... its like the final steps you take before bringing your new little bundle (or bundles) home...but I couldn't have had two better people helping out. Our babies beds are clean, clothes are ready, diaper bag packed, and changing stations stocked :) I am sad to see them go but I know it will be just a few short weeks before Pats mom is back to see her newest grandbabies!!!

You know who else happened to notice the "nesting" stuff and that our lives are really about to change forever.... Pat :) He obviously has known for a long time that we are soon going to have two little boys coming into our family but I think with seeing the little baby trinkets all over the house it has really began to set in that he will soon be a daddy. He was holding their coming home outfit the other day and he just couldn't get over how small it was... "I can fit the whole thing in my hand" It just makes me so happy. I get to bond with these little guys all of the time and I know its harder for men to really grasp whats about to happen but it is so sweet to see him really starting to get ready for his new additions. Just the other day I was on my way to the ladies room and I caught him starring at my belly........... of course this is where he would normally insert some crazy Peter Griffin comment but instead he just looked and said "its so weird to think that you have two babies in there". Sometimes even I find it hard to believe I have 2 in my belly..... its truly amazing!!!

Before signing off tonight I ask that each of you say a little prayer for a dear friend. Pat and I have been blessed beyond words to finally have our miracles, IVF worked for us and we were so lucky it happened on our second attempt. IVF is a great procedure and has brought so many infertile couples their long awaited family... but as I know first hand is not a cure and it doesn't always work the first time, and sometimes not the second and for some families its their last attempt, their last hope and it fails. The loss you feel after a failed cycle is almost unbearable and for my friend, its is sadly not the first time she had to feel that hurt. Its so heartbreaking to know all she has been through throughout the 15 years she has tried to conceive, its hard to find the right words... please if you pray, include her and her husband at this very difficult time in their lives... Thank you.............


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