Friday already :) Today I will try to keep it short... no really I will try :) I figure pictures speak louder then words so its time to put some new ones up, well those and a short video of our little guy.
Speaking of "little" turns out Jamison's weight they gave e was off yesterday, they had used the wrong scale, he is actually 4lbs 3 oz!!! He has gained 1/2 lb!! Thats alot for a tiny person :) He had a really good day. We started his visit with his first real bath. He loved getting his face washed, loved getting his hair washed, and hated everything else... I have to say that this time with him was the first time I really got to feel like a mom, I finally saw my baby with no wires, no leads, no machines just Jamison and it was just a very special feeling. Having them in the hospital just robs you a bit of the bonding and closeness new parents usually have with their babies, but today I felt it and it melted my heart... I just can't wait to have more quality time with him. We did try a little nursing and his bottle but after all of that he was pooped.... out like a light. However, speaking of poop he blasted his poor nurse today, she said it shot off like a cannon so often today he had gone through his all of his extra clothes... by noon.... he gets that from his daddy :)
The little guy is back under the jaundice lights because his levels are back up :( So we didn't get to hold him today. He had a nice nurse today that moved his feeding tube into his nose out from his mouth to help him learn how to take his bottle a bit better and she said he did really well with it, so good that soon they will let us give it to him.... I have to say it makes me so sad to miss out on these little milestones, being his mom it just doesn't feel right to not be the one that is really caring for him. Now that we are so much more hands on with Jamison it makes me feel so guilty I don't yet have this time with Weston. I know it will all be over soon and we will all be together but it is hard not being able to touch and hold and care for him the way I would like to... he is in good hands and I know that I just wish they were mine :( The Dr has increased his feedings and unfortunately his little belly got distended, they said this could be from more food or from not going potty enough so Weston got suppository #2, it helped get things moving but it hasn't helped with his belly being swollen so they are measuring it to be sure its not getting worse and just keeping a close eye, just hoping that is goes down some by tomorrow... fingers crossed I can hold my baby tomorrow... I miss my peanut :(
The only thing that stinks is they have moved Weston's hands on times to every 3 hours, same ones as Jamison's so it makes it super hard to keep it fair and spend equal time with both babies, we have requested they work on moving them apart by an hour like it was (still every 3 hours but not the exact same times) and so far they have moved 30 min, not enough time to spend with them (although I don't think there is ever enough time) so I am going to try to push for an hour.. .. wish me luck :)
Sweet sister,
ReplyDeleteIt is a precious video. You can truly see the fighter in him! He is most definitely strong. Prayers are continuing for you all to be reunited a s a family. Congratulations on the wonderful news of Jamison's weight \o/ Praise the LORD!
I wanted to encourage you. As hard as it is to hear from the nurses about what sweet Weston has accomplished in a day, know that soon, God will have you all together. Your boys will be with you for a lifetime. I believe God's hands are working through those nurses so you can bring home your babies. Praying for you as you leave without them dear heart.
Blessings and love,
Jamison and Weston are blessed to call you Mother.
September 25, 2010 2:33 PM
They are sooooo cute..I would love to be closer to take pics of them!!! Right now he is your little glow worm...And yes your right soon you will get to all be together but that isnt soon enough..I wish I was there to hug you!!!
ReplyDeleteI got referred here by Amanda. I just wanted to stop by and give e-hugs. It's not easy being a NICU mom at all. But you give it all you got and leave the rest to God. They look like they are doing great. The NG tube was the last tube to go before our little one was able to come home. So it's great that it got switched from OG to NG. :) Good luck with breastfeeding. It's hard work, but it can be very rewarding.
ReplyDeleteYou have beautiful boys.