Awe my hubby had a half day at work today :) So nice to have him get some good time in with the boys instead of being rushed... even better he has off the next two days (plus the weekend) to get in some nice visits.... oh and just to toot his horn a little... Yesterday when he got off work and looked at me he said "your makeup looks nice today, is it different?" Maybe this means he is a great investigator... or maybe his wife has trained him well but either way I was shocked that he noticed in under 2 minutes, I changed my foundation hahahahaha What a guy :)
My morning visit with the boys was pretty crappy... for different reasons. Jamison- nurses stunk Weston- poor little man (I will get to him in a sec)... at least the second trip back with Pat went better.
So I get to Jamison's bed a few minutes early for our 12:00pm feeding/hands on time. Typically someone comes to check my band (make sure I am not a baby snatcher LOL) nothing- 12:05 no one comes over still... there is a gaggle of nurses yacking about dogs going to weddings and stupid stuff right next to where I am standing... 12:10 still nothing. Poor baby is so alert and chewing on his hands because he is hungry, dirty diaper on the counter so I am not sure if its from his hands on or what... 12:15 ish leader of the wedding discussion (still 2 feet from where I am standing) says, "oh ya I was supposed to feed your baby for Kristen"!!!! Really?!?!? You hadn't noticed me standing here for almost 20 minutes??? I know her name and I knew she wasn't his assigned nurse so I hadn't questioned her when I was standing there, I guess I should have. Eventually his regular nurse comes by and I asked her how his morning bottle went... he said "oh I was busy so I just put it in his feeding tube".... Wow, so what your saying is you didn't even give the poor baby a chance when he is supposed to be learning and weaning off the tube?? UGH!!!! I was ticked, then she shows me his chart for the day and says something along the lines of " see I am a little behind", there was not one mark of pen on that paper and she had been his nurse for over 5 hours, you know they can't remember exact temps for all the babies hours after taking them or any of the other pieces of info- I was a little surprised she even showed me that like hey look I haven't really paid attention to your baby all day oops....but I was much better when I learned he OFFICIALLY GRADUATED to the intermediate nursery :) Say goodbye to those nurses kiddo you are moving on up!!! This one is actually right accross from the room I was in on the high risk pregnancy floor so I got to see some of my old nurses and of course they got to check out the baby :) This nursery is so much more hands on for us. Pat feed the baby his whole bottle and we are now allowed to put him in and take him out of his bed without a nurse... we get to start giving him actual baths in a little plastic basin and she was kind enough to let me know "we can start putting him right to your breast"... Ummmm still a little nervous about this breast feeding stuff. Not sure why, but the giant nipple clamp/torture device/breast pump is much less scary then my little 3 lb baby hanging off the ole tata's. My guess is that I am a bit nervous my gigantic boobs may smother the poor thing.. his head= an orange, my boobs= 2 cantaloupes... you do the math.......... I will keep you posted on how this transpires....
Now for my little guy. I get to Weston (for the record I have been very happy with the nurses in his room) and she is all ready for me :) I go to start the "hands on" with his temp, I unbundle him from his two blankets, he felt a wee bit colder then normal but I don't think anything of it... put his thermometer under his arm (its always done there), time it and pull it out to get the reading and .............. nothing...... it doesn't even register because he is too cold. His nurse tries and same thing.... he had just gotten back from his echo for his heart and they said sometimes the gel they use can cause the baby to get a chill and for some reason he just had a hard time warming himself up (my guess is he needs a lot more fat on his tiny little frame-not a problem I have ever had ) so unfortunately I couldn't hold him, we had to keep him in his isolette to try and warm him up :( But while I was there his nurse let me know they were going to start introducing the bottle with just a tiny bit of milk to see how his sucking goes and how he does with the amount, kind of to be sure he could keep it down. She kept him inside his bed so he stayed warm and tried so I could watch his first bottle (of course I got pictures )It was cute to see him try to figure it out and his nurse was very patient with him. With a little gagging he figured it all out and got it all down, even better, he tolerated everything great, no spit ups at all. When we got back for his second visit he was bundled like a little Eskimo, turns out just as she got his temp up one of the Dr's came by for a look and unbundled him to do the exam and never rebundled so his temp had dropped back to unreadable :( Luckily he had got it back up and held steady so we were both able to hold him... he is such a sweet baby and tolerates all of this stuff so well. Daddy even changed his diaper today which was a big #2 and he just got down to business and actually did the whole thing by himself, well, we had a small casualty when Weston's little peepee went off like a fire hose and he peed all over his shirt and the blankets in his bed, but overall this was Daddy's first big success in the diaper dept :) I guess we can say he graduated today too :) We did get the results back from his echo late this evening and they said there are no changes, so the valve hasn't closed yet. I am not certain if they will be starting him on medication for it or not but I am sure I will find out tomorrow... one good thing I noticed from his notes on the day is he went the whole shift without any "spells". Thank goodness!!! I really hope that is the beginning of the end of those :)
It was great to celebrate the success of Jamison, they were all impressed he was able to get out of the NICU in just 9 days, pretty amazing for how young he is but it still breaks my heart Weston has to fight so hard just for the simple things. I know he will get there I just wish there was more I could do for him :(
Oh.... yes......... the triplet mom.... in case anyone is interested she delivered today... just under 33 weeks she had 3 babies over 5 lbs each!!!!!! Holy cow! No wonder she was so big! especially with all of the extra fluid they each had... pretty amazing. I am sure I will be seeing her around, her Baby C is one of Weston's new roomies.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
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Yay! Glad to hear the good news. The breastfeeding thing is usually weird for just about everyone. The best suggestion I got early on was, this might be TMI for some, is to squish your boob with your hand, almost making it flat at the nipple. The nurse that told me that said to make it a "boob sandwich" for the baby. Good luck!