Friday, September 17, 2010

Monday- 9/13/10 32 weeks......

My guess is by now most of you already know that our boys decided to make an early appearance....I am sorry it has taken me awhile to update the blog and give you all the whole story but I will make up for it I promise. With the boys still in the hospital I will try my best to give at least some daily updates on them... although forgive me in advance if they are short :)

After my last post I had started having some round ligament pain on my left side, like a bad stretching sensation... it kind of came and went through most of the weekend and on Sunday night was a little worse so the nurse gave me some tylenol so I could get a little sleep.. (of course we checked there were no contractions at all this pain often starts at 32 weeks because the babies are going through a bit of a growth spurt). Monday morning I am feeling pretty great and in walks my favorite nurse.. K... I hadn't actually had her as my nurse for weeks at this point (we just mostly visited when she had other patients hahaha) so I was super excited that it would be a fun day... she leaves to go take vitals and I told her I would shower so I would be ready for them as well when she gets back.... I take a nice shower, take my typical Monday belly shot photo for the blog, I was after all, officially 32 weeks.... so I am standing in the bathroom phone in hand... it rings a FL # and just as I answer it I felt a huge gush of water run down my leg.... ( for the record it was my old Dr.'s office... poor girl I said, I think my water just broke and hung up on her)... This was 9:00 am.

I panic... two reasons 1) I am in complete shock and can not believe this just happened and 2) was mostly certain but not 100% certain that it was my water and was a bit petrified that maybe I just peed myself???? I heard lots of woman accidentally do and think its their water and I was mortified that maybe thats what happened and my nurse (and friend) K was going to realize think I was a freak or something... I call her on the phone and said "Kerri oh my God I think my water just broke... I am leaking..." she was there in 5 sec (I tried to hurry and brush my teeth so when she walked in she said "ok first go spit and second get in bed") the next few minutes was pretty unbelievable... all of the wonderful nurses I had being chatting and joking with for weeks were all business, my room was swarming with them cords flying monitors getting strapped on... then K says "you need to take off your pants.... still not 100% all of the fuss wasn't for nothing I was a little hesitant to whip out the goods and I was like "K, but its you.." of course I had to take them off anyway and just as I went to shimmy them down more gushing of fluid and from that point the fluid never stopped coming.. as you can probably tell... I didn't pee myself........... oh and K was very impressed I kept up the landscaping down there..... gotta love nurses :) They see it all...

I had not called Pat yet becuuse we weren't certain we would be delivering as they have ways to prolong a pregnancy even after the water breaks (the wonders of modern medicine). The boys were tolerating everything ok as their vitals were good but when Dr. Khoury (he runs the whole practice I have been seeing) came in and saw my history with my scarring and abdominal surgery he said it was safest for everyone if we delivered right then... he said it would be far to risky for me to have an emergency c-section later.. thanks goodness he did because about 5 minutes (and a few panicky calls to Pat and our family) later I got up to pee and both babies heart rate dropped to dangerously low levels which caused another panic, mostly from me but my poor K was freaking out a bit too.... luckily they were able to bring them back and get me downstairs... just as they were wheeling me down Pat got to the hospital... I can honestly say this was like a surreal dream... I couldn't believe it was happening, I was excited to meet the boys but so scarred because it was soooooo early... Pat was a rock, I am thinking it was shock but he kept me fairly calm.... even after I asked him 13487509580984 times if his mom was coming and if he called my dad. We are grown-ups and can handle almost anything by ourselves but I can whole hearted say all I wanted was our parents, it was really scary to feel like we were all on our own at one of the biggest events of our lives and with my history the more the Dr's were preparing for the more worried I became (when they started mentioning I was anemic and they were going to be sure to have plenty of blood on hand and the cancer Dr's were on call in case they run into problems with my bowels... yep I freaked again started shaking like a leaf).

I went back first to get my spinal... the Dr was FABULOUS!!! I was still waiting for the poke and my legs went nub... didn't even know it was in :) The Dr's started working on my belly and then Pat finally came in.. it was the happiest I have ever been to see him. Poor guy will probably kill me if he reads this, but I am pretty sure this was when everything hit him. When he walked into the room I could tell he had been crying, his eyes were glassy, swollen and red.. but he was back to being strong for me... until about 1 minute later and they held "Baby A" up and we heard the sweetest cry ever (yes I know everyone thinks that, but really it was the sweetest) and we both cried I just couldn't believe that was my son.... it took a few minutes for my liitle "Baby B" to come out as he was breech and unfortunately that cry didn't happen at first, of course we both panicked at the "why isn't he crying" and it really felt like an eternity but we finally heard a few squeaks and cries from him... we got a quick peek before they whisked them off to the NICU- Daddy along with them while they finished putting me back together... Oh and let me mention before going into surgery we were all pretty certain it had ben Weston's water that broke since he had the problems with having too much.... well when I was opened low and behold we learned it was actually Jamison who had broken his water...... so much for always being the easy baby :)

Baby A- Jamison Thomas Crockett 3lbs 11oz, 16 3/4 inches long, born at 12:05 pm Apgar score 8/8
Baby B- Weston Patrick Crockett 3lbs 7 oz, 15 1/2 inches long, born at 12:06 pm Apgar score 3/7

Overall recovery went well, minus a big battle with nausea/vomiting from the meds and all of the prodding but really overall it was great. Pat showed me some pictures and told me about them and how Weston has the Adams' chin... I couldn't wait to see them. Pat picked up his mom from the airport to bring her back to the hospital for a quick visit which is when we got the crappy news that because of Flu season and a MRSA scare the only people in the NICU were parents. I felt so bad that she wouldn't see them :( At around 10:00 that night Pat was finally able to wheel me down to see my babies... they were both so tiny with the wires and the Cpap machine it was a little overwhelming... I have always pictured scooping up my newborn to hug and love on them and to see my little babies so small and not even sure if I would be able to hold them was so different then I expected.... however the nurses were great and very sensitive to our new parent fears. The boys are in separate rooms, we went to Weston's first ( no favoritism it was closer) and I was able to hold my little Weston for the first time.. he was a peanut but had so many wires and the breathing help, we really couldn't see his little face.. and since he wasn't as stable they hadn't washed him up yet from birth so poor little guy was a bit of a mess.. When we got to Jamison's room I got to hold him the first time as well.. he also had the Cpap on his tiny face but had a bath and we could see his light blond hair and little features .... and it was over... they stole our hearts in seconds.....


  1. I'm crying as I read this. Thank you for sharing!!

  2. this is the most beautiful story...Im sitting her crying Amanda said, thanks for teling us.. bog said u hadnt updated since the naptime post until today.....liar....hahahah but ive been checking to see, I figured they had come....what a blessing
