Its Sunday.... tomorrow the boys are 2 weeks old!!! Time really does fly.
We started off with Mr. Weston today, Pat got to give him a bottle for the first time... he was pretty excited and the baby did well. Unfortunately he had 3 "spells" after.... honestly I will never get used to them and I don't think they will ever be less scary.... come on little man you are giving your momma gray hair we have to work on this :( Otherwise we had a nice visit. I went back this afternoon and he was doing awesome, hadn't had any more spells and he took his whole bottle for me... he is a love bug. I wish I had my camera with me, I forgot it when I went back and he was rubbing the back of his little head with his hand, adorable! They took him off of the jaundice lights and his Dr. said they are going to try to have him off of the IV by midweek!!! That means the picc line will come out, that will be a great day! Even better because this is one step closer to having him move into the same nursery as Jamison. I can not wait to see and hold my babies together!!
Jamison is doing pretty well with his feedings all in the bottle and once a day he is nursing. He did have a few "spells" today during his breakfast, he just got tuckered out. The nurses warned me that this may increase now that his feeding tube is gone (if they get to bad they will replace the tube... hoping that doesn't happen) but he came out of them rather quickly. Daddy snuck in some kangaroo time which they both loved of course, and I made it back for a late afternoon visit. Little man didn't have any more spells with his bottles until tonight and she said he just had a small one.. the stronger he gets the less these will happen...
Oh and for todays weigh in..... Weston 3lbs 10oz Jamison 4lbs 5 oz!! I can't believe how much they have grown already!
As promised here are a few pictures of Jamison's whole face :) And just for fun a new hiccup video.. they get pretty loud in the end.
Awwwwww! That is precious!!! I want to call him Little Pat cause he looks JUST like his DADDY!!!!! I wish we could be there to give you guys hugs! Hailee would be loving the boys!