Friday, September 17, 2010

Wednesday 9/15/10

Jamison- He was doing so well they decided to try to give him a tiny bit of bottle unfortunately he wasn't able to figure out the suck/swallow/breathing out but the good news is this was a huge step for them to even attempt with him, usually they wait till 34 weeks so this was great. He was still on the lights for his jaundice but was doing really well. Pat and I went down for our visit and the nurses said since he was doing so well we could do some skin to skin time (also known as kangaroo time) !!! I was so happy I would be able to hold him close (plus they say it helps you milk supply and I was working so hard at that I would try anything to help). What I didn't know was that I needed a button up shirt so I could lay him on my chest.. but it was ok I had a tank top on and we wiggled him right on in for a modified kangaroo hold :)... he was doing awesome. He was also eating more, taking mostly my breastmilk but a tiny bit of formula as well :) Grow baby grow!!!!

Weston- Was pretty stable through the night and day so Daddy was finally able to hold his tiny little Weston. It was extremely hard for Pat, he is so small and frail and he has so much on him it makes if easy to fear hurting him, between the Cpap machine the glasses to protect his eyes from the lights, the heart monitor, the oxygen monitor the respiration monitor, his IV (arm taped to a board to keep it strait) feeding tube and a little can type thing that helps kep to much air from getting in his belly.... its really hard to see it on such a tiny little person. Pat hates to see him suffer (as do I of course) and being a man he would love nothing more then to "fix" him. He is on a double dose of lights for his jaundice so he is getting it from both angles and is still on the Cpap to help him breath (still struggling, his little chest gets so concaved when he breaths it looks like it hurts him although they tell us it doesn't, but he is getting tiny bits of breastmilk and formula through his feeding tube.

This was my last night in the hospital so I took advantage and decided to add one late night visit in (NICU is 24-7) and I called down to the nurses to get the best time so I could help with the most of their care... if you time it right they let you take the temps, change the diaper and sometimes hold them so I was thrilled when I was able to squeak in some really good quality time with both babies... I got to do all of that with Jamison and then again all of it with Weston :) It is harder then I can possibly explain to see one baby thrive so well while one baby fights so much just to breath.

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