Can you believe that a week ago today I was recovering and off to meet out little babies!!! Time really does fly.
I am so so so tired tonight so I will try to keep the post short and then add in lots of pictures.
Jamison is doing great. They have increased his feedings and have added two more bottles to the line up so he is now getting a little bit of bottle 4 times a day!! We will get him nice and chunky in no time :) He is also getting a little jaundice again but they are going to just watch it for a day since he is doing so great eating and going poopoo that he may be able to "fix" it on his own if not they will try the lights again but I am hoping it just gets better all on its own. The other thing new thing, he had a "spell" like his brother where his heart rate dropped (freaks you out I promise) but it was at a time here he was going #2 and they said that can happen from pushing even for full term babies so they weren't worried.
Weston graduated to nasal oxygen this afternoon!!! It was after I left today but I am really looking forward to seeing him without the big thing on his little head... although you will see in the pictures his nurse was kinf enough to let me get some pictures of his face when she was changing the little adapter today :) His poor nose gets swollen from the big ole machine. He was so kind as to give his momma her very first official poopoo diaper (guess the suppository worked) and then after we got him all settled in so I could hold him for a bit I felt an explosion, well I actually heard the explosion :) Needless to say he was doing great! I am hoping for some kangaroo time with this guy tomorrow since he will be able to really snuggle in without the cpap!
The Dr that is overseeing his care is wonderful she came by to see me and pulled up all of his chest x-rays and showed me the improvement and also said that it seemed like his heart was beginning to make the noise as if the valve is closing... I so pray that is the case. He seems to really be making some good strides to getting better. He is still having the "spells" and they started him on a caffeine treatment which helps stimulate them and keep it from happening... all I have to say is this.... I avoided caffeine the whole time I was pregnant to be sure he was healthy and now they are giving it strait to him???? Thats crap :)
As for me I am feeling great!! I am off my presrcibed pain killers from the c-section, got my staples out, the swelling of my feet went down and I have lost 24 lbs so far... not bad for a week although I am sure the next 20 may not be as easy. For this part I will be brave... I am going to do the "back in business" belly shots. I am curious to see how long it takes for my belly to go back so I figure I will photo document the next 4 weeks or so. I have to say I had just about the best compliment I could have got today... while waiting to get the staples out I was chatting with another twin mom who was getting ready to be admitted to the high risk pregnancy ward, where I was, so I was giving her lots of info.... she asked me "so how old are your babies?" and I answered "one week today" and she said... "oh wow you don't look like you just had babies a week ago" :) Yes I LOVE her hahahahaha Here are some pictures, they are a bit Weston heavy but only because we can finally see his face and of course I had to share the ones of him and Pat.
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