Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday 9/27/10

Happy 2 week birthday little men :)

Today was my first all out hospital marathon day and I AM BEAT!!! I started on my way to the hospital at 10am, it usually takes 10-15 min but today with the rain it was 3oish... normally no biggie but I was hoping to grab a muffin (they have the best blueberry muffins I have ever had at the coffee stand) and pump before my 11:00 with Weston, I had it scheduled yesterday with the nurse so I could kangaroo with my peanut.

I am practically running (p.s. just so you all know this momma is back in her pre-preggo jeans, yes they are tight but still.... and high heels, oh how I have missed them hahaha) to get my muffin, they are out, just danishes left so I get nothing and head to pump.... realize I am starving.... I finish and the desk calls back to see if its for me to head into his room, while I am washing to my elbows (scrub in at each visit and in between each baby) his nurse pops out and says his neighbor is getting a picc line so I can't go back for about 15 min........... so I run back upstairs to grab a danish and decide instead on a nice healthy turkey sandwich (clearly labeled, turkey, cheese and lettuce)..... as I am paying the girl puts out a closed signed saying there is a family emergency.... I head back down to eat super fast and see the baby.... open up the sandwich to add some mustard and............ its not turkey.... or any other type of meat, or cheese... it was mystery something salad sandwich, gross and it smelled HORRIBLE... $5 down the tube, and they were closed so it wasn't even like I could switch... UGH!!!! This hospital loves messing with my food :) So I starved till 1:00.... the only bonus is I found out the cafeteria also sells those delicious muffins...........

Here was how the marathon went (minus the little bumps in the road)

10:30- pump
11:00 Weston
12:00 Jamison
1:00-2:00 pump, grab food, meet with the lactation people
2:00 Weston
3:00 Jamison
4:00-5:30 drive home, take care of the dog, pump and pick up Pat, drive back to hospital
5:30-6:00 Weston Daddy gets to spend some time
6:00-6:30 Jamison Daddy gets to spend some time
(Nurseries close for shift change 6:30-7:30)
Home-------and tired

Anyways back to the babies..... I got to see my little Weston without his oxygen!!! His face is so tiny but without all the tape I finally saw it.......... the Crockett Dimples!!! I have hoped that at least one baby would have them and he has the teensiest little dimple... I could eat him up! His fabulous nurse felt so bad about the late start she let me kangaroo 2 times with him today!! I LOVED IT!! He gets so cozy and snuggles right in, its the best.... He is also taking his bottle so well they increased the amount he is allowed to take other great news........ he is getting his picc line out tonight!!! I am so happy, in the next few days the are going to move him up with Jamison!!! I CAN NOT WAIT to see them side by side... although I may miss all of this running up and down between the 6th floor and the 2nd, it is great exercise... I think I am still carrying a baby in my butt, so far 27 lbs down 18 to go :)

Jamison is doing good... I personally think they are doing to much to soon for him :( They reduced his temp in the isolette to help wean him to a crib, him having to work to keep himself warm is alot for his little body and on top of that his is taking all of his bottles by mouth... he is so tired that he is having spells while he is eating which of course makes me worry so much about him... the poor baby is technically 34 weeks, most 34 weekers are barely taking a bottle.... for pete's sake he isn't even supposed to be born yet :( They were talking about possibly putting his feeding tube back in which I would hate to see, but I hate feeling him go limp in my hand and watch his little heart rate drop, way worse. He just needs some time to get stronger... he never really had spells until they started all of this...

Its really amazing how two tiny people can change your life so quickly, I can't believe just two weeks ago they were in my belly and now I can hold them both and see their little personalities coming out... I just LOVE them to pieces :)

1 comment:

  1. They LOVE you too Mama!!!!

    I am sorry about the sandwich and the other roadbumps along the way. Praising God with you for the wonderful milestones and improvements your boys are making!

    Happy 2 weeks Jamison and Weston.

    Soon dear heart, they will be home with you and hubby.

    Continued prayers for you all!

    Great news on the weight loss, not that you had to worry, you always look lovely :)


