Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Friday Folks!!

31weeks 4days-

Its Friday... I love Fridays. You would think when you are doing nothing everyday that weekends aren't too exciting, however..... weekends mean Patman comes to visit for 6+ hours a day instead of 1 1/2 to 2 hours.... he may not think this is fabulous, but I sure do :) We usually watch a movie or two and play some online games... and he asks to take a nap... and I keep him awake... don't judge.. its boring in this joint he is a great source of endless entertainment.... which stops when he is sleeping :)

Anyone who knows me would probably say I am pretty girlie. If its pink, I love it, if it sparkles, I love it even more and don't get me started on ruffles and flowers... yep I am about as girlie as they come. So last night I had one of the super friendly night nurses. She was getting everything ready to monitor the babies heart rate... this is when I pull up my shirt and adjust my pants and undies to expose my enormous greased up belly.... and she says "oh wait you have glitter on your belly?" and proceeds to pick off said glitter.. only to discover its a bright blue sparkly rhinestone.... and she looks at it kind of funny and says " um.... its a rhinestone?? You having a party in your pants?" Now I probably could have come up with something witty had I not been on the spot so instead I had to opt for the truth.......

"I like to bedazzle my panties" hahahahaha How embarrassing... this girl has to have pretty underpants and since I have refused to wear maternity undies I am sporting my bedazzled goods... not that anyone would notice or care.... until tonight when one of the loose ones decided to plaster itself to my belly :)

Getting back to me being super girlie, of course this includes all things makeup related, love the stuff... I put it on every other day at least... since I can't really do my hair here a little makeup comes a long way in making me feel like I am not a total beast.... In my normal routine I do this in the morning after a quick shower.... sometimes the Dr.'s pop in because this is around the time the 2nd set of rounds are happening. Yesterday my favorite nurse K (we will refer to her as K so I don't embarrass her in future posts... since I have an over sharing problem LOL) was on but she wasn't my nurse so she had popped by to chat while I was doing my makeup.... Knock at the door, its the Dr. doing rounds... this Dr. is a bit stuffy but overall super nice... so I said...

"oh you caught me doing my makeup".... he responds with...
"when you are done you should probably put some on K" ..... Totally strait faced and then he turns and he leaves...

This was hysterical... as he left K turned to me and was like... "did he really just say that??" I thought this was pretty funny, its always funny when it happens to someone else... right??? Well until today....

I got up early, makeup done, breakfast eaten, just reading my book when same Dr. pops by and says "oh are you taking a day off from doing your makeup today?" Ummmmm NO I am already done...and lord knows I wear enough that you can see it far far away.... so I respond with "nope I finished it up early today"... and he looks at me... asks a few questions on how I am feeling and then on his way out the door says... "ok now you can do your makeup...." Seriously dude??? I am going to assume he is single............. no smart man with a woman in his life would say things this stupid... unless he would like to be shot :)


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